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Self-correction worksheet

• Fatal mistakes

1. Erreurs sur les verbes irréguliers

2. Les adjectifs sont invariables et ne prennent jamais de 's' au pluriel.

3. Place des adjectifs (a policy very expensive → a very expensive policy)

4. WHO (pronom relatif mis pour un nom animé) ≠ WHICH (pronom relatif mis pour un nom

5. Orthographe de WHICH (wich)

6. Orthographe + singulier/pluriel de ces noms courants :

• man → men
• woman → women
• child → children

7. Fautes de conjugaison singulier/pluriel : IS / ARE ; WAS / WERE ; HAS / HAVE ; DOES / DO

8. Oubli du 's' à la 3ème personne du singulier au Présent simple

9. Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, theMselves, oneself

10. Confusion it's (= it is / it has) ≠ its (= son / le sien, la sienne)

11. 1 person → 2 or more people ('people' ne prenant jamais de 's')

12. POUR (faire qqch) = TO + BV (to do sthg) or FOR + -ING (for doing sthg)

13. The U.S. ; The U.K. ; The E.U. (+ SINGULIER)

14. Comparatives : the same… AS but more/less… THAN

15. Confusion between THAT ≠ THAN (« than » is used with comparatives only)

16. Confusion between comparatives (richer than ; more expensive than…) and superlatives (the
richest ; the most expensive)

17. « It permits to go into space ». 'Permettre' can be translated into :

• to allow SB to do sthg → I allowed him to go to the cinema.
• to enable SB to do sthg → This grant enabled him to study at Harvard.
• to make sthg possible → Scientific advances have made it possible to go into space.

18. EVERY / EACH + singulier (every country in the world ; each day of the week)
ALL + pluriel (all the animals in the farm)

19. ON + jour de la semaine ; IN + mois / saison (On Friday ; in January ; in summer)

Mais toujours LAST + ∅ s'il est déjà passé (Last Friday ; last January ; last summer)
19. Erreurs de prépositions très courantes :
• it depends ON…
• responsible FOR…
• interested IN…

20. Confusion entre les terminaisons -ING et -ED :

I'm interested in Mathematics ≠ This article is interesting

21. FOR + durée Vs DURING + période :

She worked for three years in a bank ≠ Pupils don't work during the summer holidays

22. An article FROM The Economist

An extract FROM a book
A novel BY Hemingway ; a movie BY Alfred Hitchcock ; a painting BY Rembrandt

23. Before / After + V-ING

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