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My couches have an antique floral look with cherry oak around them.

My tables
are all cherry oak with marble tops along with the entertainment system. During
the day,my living room is so bright that I can say that's my favorite thing about
this room. It has six big windows and one small one. There is also the heater,
which makes noise like people during a meeting when they're supposed to keep
quiet. As I sit here , the fan is the only thing I can hear besides the cars through
the main street of Fitchburg, which is only down at the end of this street.

My five seater couches have an antique floral look with cherry oak around them
and a straight back which gives the maximum support.My round tables with solid
block legs are all cherry oak with marble tops along with the hi- tech
entertainment system. During the day, rays of light sneak in through my little
window and play along the walls of my living room I am magically transported to
the warm and blissful surroundings of a beach in Hawaii so I can say that's my
favorite thing about this room. It has six big French windows and one small one.
There is also the heater, which juts its head out of the wall and puffs out warm air
that makes the room a welcoming retreat. However, the percussive shrieking of
the fan sounds like people constantly interrupting during a meeting when they're
supposed to keep quiet. As I sit here penning down my thoughts, the fan is the
only thing I can hear besides the cars whizzing through the main street of
Fitchburg, which is only down at the end of this street.

What is your image of a busy street? Think of the sounds, smells, and sights!

Imagine you read an article in a newspaper title “A problem called tourism” . You decided to write a letter to the editor sharing
your views on tourism. In your letter include the following points

-why you feel tourism is beneficial

-what are the problems of tourism
-how the problems of tourism can be resolved

Make sure you use the sample of the letter on music to use the structure including sentence beginning, supporting statements
and other techniques.


Tourism generates income (explain how)

Tourism allow awareness and exchange of culture

Tourists spoil the area (littering, pollution)

Tourist are not aware of local customs and traditions and it may hurt the sentiments of the locals

Creating awareness (local guide, banners, leaflets issued at airports, stations, entrance of tourist spots)
Fines and installation of more cctv cameras, more vigilant officers to monitor any activity which may be detrimental to the place

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your article titled A Problem called tourism which was published in the Sunday Times dated 5th July
2021 and I would like to put forth my views.

I would like to assert that tourism definitely has a lot of advantages. To begin with……(para 2)

Disadvanges - para 3

Solutions para 4

Concluding line

Sign off

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