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-Who writte letters?

-Who won`t talk in the meeting?

-Who don`t brought the

Wh questions
Who/Whom: quien.
Wh + verb (rule) + complement
e.g.: Quien come pizza?
- Who eats pizza? He eats pizza
Quien abre la puerta?
- Who opens the door?
- Miguel and Juan open the door
- Miguel opens the door
Quienes comen pizza?
- Who eat pizza? They eat pizza
Quien comio pizza? / Quienes
comieron pizza?
- Who ate pizza?
Quien vuela la cometa?
Who flies the kite?
- Alejandra flies the kite
- Alejandra and her nephew fly
the kite
Who flew the kite?
Quien/quienes volaban la cometa?
Quien volara la cometa?
- Who will fly the kite?

I open the door

I don’t open the door
Who doesn’t open the door?(I,
he, she, it)
I don’t open the door
- Quien no abre la puerta?(we,
you, they)
Who don’t open the door?
- Quienes no abren la puerta?
He opens the door

I opened the door

I ate pizza
Who didn’t eat pizza?
- Quien no comio pizza?
- Quienes no comieron pizza?
I will eat pizza
Who won’t eat pizza?
I won’t eat pizza
- Quien no comera pizza?
- Quienes no comeran pizza?

To be / verbs
Am, is, are / Do, does
Was, were / did
Will be / will

Who lives in france? Sing.

Who live in france? Plur.
Who is in france? Sing.
Who are in france? Plur.
Who doesn’t live in france? Sing.
Who don’t live in france? Plur.
Who isn’t in france? Sing.
Who aren’t in france? Plur.
Who ate pizza? Sing./plur.
Who was in france? Sing.
Who wasn’t in france? Sing.
Who were in france? Plur.
Who weren’t in france? Plur.
Who didn’t eat pizza? Sing./plur.

Who will eat pizza? Sing. Plur.

Who won’t eat pizza? Sing. Plur.
who will be in france? Sing. Plur.
Who won’t be in france? Sing.

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