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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

Name: ____________________________ Yr. & Course: ___________________ Subject Code: ___________

Topic Assigned: ___________________________________________________________________________


Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement

(10 points) (7 points) (5 points) (3 points)
The reporter shows The reporter shows
The reporter shows The reporter shows
excellent mastery of ample mastery of the
very good mastery of little to no mastery of
the topic reported and topic reported and
Mastery on the the topic reported and the topic reported and
answers very answers less
Report answers confidently answers almost
confidently and confidently and
and correctly the correctly all the
correctly the questions correctly the
questions asked. questions raised.
asked. questions asked.
The reporter
The reporter excellently
satisfactorily reported The reporter reported The reporter reported
reported all the related
the related and the given topic with the given topic with
and necessary
necessary information few details and few details and no
information and details
and details to be related information; related or additional
to be covered about the
covered about the also, incorporated information; also
given topic; also,
Content of the given topic; also, little amount of incorporated no
incorporated very
Report incorporated ample additional information additional information
ample amount of
amount of additional from varied sources from varied sources
additional information
information from varied with not so proper with no proper
from varied sources
sources with proper referencing and due referencing and due
with proper referencing
referencing and due credit was somehow credit was not given to
and due credit was
credit was given to the given to the author/s. the author/s.
given to the author/s.
The reporter used
The reporter used The reporter used
English as medium of The reporter somehow
English as medium of English as medium of
delivery with excellent used English as
delivery with very clear delivery with clear
Delivery and enunciation and very medium of delivery of
delivery and coherence delivery of ideas. The
Voice Quality clear delivery of ideas. ideas. The voice is not
of ideas. The voice is voice is modulated
The voice is well- well-modulated and
well-modulated and can and can be heard
modulated and can be can be heard barely.
be heard clearly. moderately.
heard very clear.
The reporter utilized The reporter utilized The reporter utilized
The reporter utilized
very properly the the prepared the prepared
Utilization and properly the prepared
prepared appropriate appropriate and appropriate and
Preparation of appropriate and related
and related related instructional related instructional
Instructional instructional material/s
instructional material/s material/s to material/s to
Materials to supplement class
to supplement class supplement class supplement class
discussion. discussion somehow. discussion improperly.
The reporter was able
to interact and The reporter was able The reporter
The reporter was not
excellently get the to interact and get the somehow was able to
able to interact and get
Interaction and attention and interests attention and interests interact and get the
the attention and
Effectiveness of the audience thus, of the audience thus, attention and
interests of the
showing much showing effectiveness interests of the
audience effectively.
effectiveness in in reporting. audience.


Evaluated by: GRACE E. ANDOYO, LPT Date of Report: ___________________________

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