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San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija




Group 3

De Castro, Charles Jeric *

David, Pascua

Franco, Jericho

Guerrero, Giljhon

Endonila, Shaira Mae

Esmabe, Marielle Juliane

Eugenio, Carmela

Martin, Jerselle Fajardo


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of

well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the

normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a

contribution to his or her community” The term learning styles is generally used to refer

to how learners gather, sift through, understand, organize, come to conclusions about, and

“store” information for advance use (Chick, 2010). According to Sharma, Bhutani, &

Mangal (2016), a learner's mental health is critical for effective learning and good
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

personality development. A learner's mental health and learning style are related in a

reciprocal way.

According to Galderisi, et al,. (2015), the definition of mental health is clearly

influenced by the culture that defines it. However, as also advocated by Vaillant (11),

mutual sense ought to overcome and certain elements that have a universal significance

for mental health might be identified. For example, in spite of cultural modifications in

eating habits, the acknowledgement of the significance of vitamins and the four basic

food groups is universal. Keefe (1979) explains learning styles as the “composite of

characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable

indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning


Learning can be slowed down by students’ mental health (VanderLind, 2017).

There are many studies conducted related to learning styles, mental health and academic

achievement but no research exist on the effect of learners’ mental health to learning

style. However, there are exist studies between learning style and mental health that

should be explore in detail to give links for further understanding on how mental health

impacts learning style of a student.

To determine if the mental health status of the students brought by the pandemic

has an impact or relationship to their learning styles.

Theoretical Framework
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

This study aims to determine if the pandemic's influence on students' mental

health has any impact on learning styles of Public secondary students in Zaragoza

National High School.

According to Cherry (2020), Kolb's learning styles theory is one of the most well-

known and commonly used theories on learning styles. According to Kolb, learning

entails the formation of abstract concepts that can be used in a variety of contexts. New

experiences, according to Kolb's idea, offer the drive for the emergence of new concepts

(McLeod, 2017). David Kolb’s learning styles theory (1984) state that every person’s

learning styles emerge due to ones genetics, life experiences and the demands of our

current environment. In this theory, learning includes the achievement of abstract concept

that can be applied flexibly in a range of situations in this case the impulse for the growth

of new ideas is provided by new experiences. Explains how different people naturally

choose different learning styles. A person's chosen style is influenced by a variety of

variables. For example, the individual's social surroundings, educational experiences, or

underlying cognitive structure (McLeod, 2017). According to Healey & Jenkins (2000),

the theory provides a method for organizing a session or an entire course utilizing a

learning cycle. The various stages of the cycle are connected with various learning styles.

Individuals have different preferred learning styles, and acknowledging this is the first

step in boosting students' awareness of the varied techniques available.

Kolb's learning theory (1984) defines four unique learning styles based on a four-

stage learning cycle. Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through four

stages: 1.) having a concrete experience where the learner is actively experiencing an

activity (do), 2.) observation of and reflection on that experience where the learner is
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

consciously reflecting back on that experience (observe), 3.) the formation of abstract

concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) where the learner is being presented

with/or trying to conceptualized a theory or model of what is (to be) observed (think) and

4.) used to test a hypothesis in future situations, resulting in new experiences where the

learner is trying to plan how to test a model or theory or plan for a forthcoming

experience (plan).

This proves that learning styles of the students will be more effective if these

principles are implemented.

Conceptual Framework

In this era, mental health is one of the very important to an individual because

mental illness is quickly becoming one of the most prevalent public health problems

worldwide. Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being. It

affects how an individual think, feel and act. Since we are now in a midst of pandemic

students experienced mental and emotional challenges such as depression and anxiety.

Due to constrains of classroom, learning in this indeterminate time course of pandemic

online learning has to come to the forefront to partly resolve perplexity.

Research agrees that Mick Healey & Alan Jenkins (2000) Kolb's Experiential

Learning Theory .It suggests that learning is cyclical, involving four stages which

paraphrasing Kolb, may be referred to as experience, reflect, generalize, and test The

different stages of the cycle are associated with distinct learning styles. (Fielding 1994,

Robotham 1995, Holman et al. 1997, Cowan 1998, Gibbs 1988, Anderson and Adams

1992). Learning styles can help to raised students’ awareness of alternative approaches
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

and helping them to be more flexible in meeting the varied demands of learning

situations. Kolbs (1984) sets out four distinct learning styles, which are based on a four-

stage learning cycle such as DOING (Concrete Experience) , OBSERVING, THINKING


From the theory above, the researcher conceptualized the respondents’ profile

which is very important to know in this study such as the age, sex, grade level and their

general average for the first and second quarter for this school year. In this study, the

average grade of the students for the first and second quarter were taken to assess their

academic performance. According to Tyacke (1998), learning style models provide

teachers with an organized system for creating an appropriate learning environment, and

planning instructional for students.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of learning are described based on the 4

components of Kolb’s Learning styles (1984). The four components are 1.) Concrete

Experience, 2.) Reflective Observation of the New Experience, 3.) Abstract

Conceptualization and 4.) Active Experimentation. Concrete Experience define as the

meet with a new experience or circumstance, or the reinterpretation of an existing

experience. Reflective Observation of the New Experience is any discrepancies between

experience and understanding are especially important. Abstract Conceptualization is the

reflection results in the generation of a new idea or the change of an existing abstract

concept (the person has learned from their experience). Active Experimentation is

defined as the process through which a learner applies their idea(s) to the world around

them to observe what occurs. Conversely, mental health may be divided into three major

components: cognitive health, emotional health, and behavioral health. The researchers
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

hopes to understand the mental health and how it affects learning styles of the public

secondary students of Zaragoza National High School. During this time of pandemic

where most of the students having a poor mental health but still continue their education

through blended learning. The researchers aims to enhance the learning styles of the

students through teacher’s effective and organized system for creating an appropriate

learning environment and planning instructional for students.

The previous learning style theory backs up the variables discussed in this study.

The researcher's goal is to find a connection between mental health and learning style

among public secondary students at Zaragoza National High School.

The researchers believed that the connection between mental health and learning

styles among Zaragoza National High School public secondary students will be

recognized. Today, we are living in the midst of a pandemic, which causes stress,

frustration, and mental disease among students. The study aims to know if the mental

health of the students affected by the epidemic has an influence on or is connected to

their learning styles.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to examine the mental health and learning style among public secondary

students of Zaragoza National High School.

This study required the student to answer the following questions:

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 sex;
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

1.3 grade level and

1.4 average grade for the first and second grading

2. How may the effects of mental health be described in terms:

2.1 Cognitive health;

2.2 Emotional health

2.3 Behavioral health

3. How may the learning styles of the respondents be described in terms of:

3.1 Concrete Experience;

3.2 Reflective Observation of the New Experience;

3.3 Abstract Conceptualization; and

3.4 Active Experimentation

4. Is there as significant relationship between the mental health and the learning style

of senior high school learners during pandemic?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and:

5.1 mental health

5.1 learning styles

6. What intervention plan can be proposed to improve the learnings styles and mental

health of students during covid-19 pandemic?

Research Paradigm

1. Profile of the respondents
in terms of; DEPENDENT

1.2 Sex
1.3 Average grade for
the first and second
2. How may the effects of


San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

1. How may the learning

styles of the respondents be
described in terms of:

z 1.1 Concrete
1.2 Reflective
Observation of the
New Experience;
1.3 Abstract
Conceptualization; and
1.4 Active

Expected Output

Proposed a seminar on understanding mental health of

the students during COVID-19 pandemic

Significance of the Study

This study entitled “Mental Health And Its Impacts On The Learning Styles Of

Senior High School Students In Zaragoza National Highschool” is being created to

benefit the following:

Senior High School Students. This study will benefit the senior high school

students because they are the subject in this research and will also lead to an advice if

there’s a negative implications.

Parents. This research will benefit the parents for them to know if they are aware

on their children’s mental health after the study was summarize.

Teachers. This research will benefit the teachers for the purpose of having a

knowledge about the implications of mental health to the learning styles of senior high
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

school students in Zaragoza National High School. They can make an advice to the

students after the results was concluded.

School Administrators. This study will be beneficial for them to give them

insights and knowledge about the mental health and also to make some observations on

the learning styles of their students.

Community. This study will be beneficial to the community to inform tgem about

the significance of mental health to the learning styles of the students.

Future researchers. This research will benefit the future researchers for them to

have references as related studies or literature to their future studies.

Scope and Delimitations

This study focuses on Mental Health and it’s impact on learning styles of Senior

High students in Zaragoza National High School. The selection of respondents are only

limited because there are lots of students who cannot answer the questionnaire because of

the problem of internet connectivity.

This research is designed to have a thorough knowledge of mental health and its

impact on the learning style of Senior High students in Zaragoza National High School

and why these affects their school performance and how to them solve these problems.

Definition of Terms

 Abstract – existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete

San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

 Behavioral health – describes the connection between behaviors and the health

and well-being of the body, mind and spirit. This would include how behaviors

like eating habits, drinking or exercising impact physical or mental health.

 Cognitive health – the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. It is an

important component of brain health.

 Concrete experience – being involved in a new experience.

 Constrains – compel or force (someone) to follow a particular course of action

midst-in the middle of, the middle point or part forthcoming-planned for or about

to happen in the near future.

 Contexts – the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea,

and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed, the parts of

something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or

passage and clarify its meaning.

 Conversely – introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just

been made or referred to.

 Cyclical – occurring in cycles; recurrent.

 Emotional health – about how we think and feel. It is about our sense of

wellbeing, our ability to cope with life events and how we acknowledge our own

emotions as well as those of others. It doesn’t mean being happy all of the time.

 Entails – involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence.

 Forefront – the leading or most important position or place.

 Genetics – the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics.

San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

 Perplexity – inability to deal with or understand something complicated or


 Reciprocal – given, felt, or done in return.

 Reinterpretation – the action of interpreting something in a new or different light.

 Significance – the quality of being worthy of attention; importance, the meaning

to be found in words or events.

 Spite – a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone.

 World Health Organization (WHO) – is a specialized agency of the United

Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO Constitution, which

establishes the agency’s governing structure and principles.

Research Locale

The study about Mental Health and Its Impact on the Learning Styles of Senior

High School learners of ZNHS were conducted at Zaragoza National High School, San

Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija.

Zaragoza High School is located at San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija. This

school is constructed in 1947 and has a lot of experiences that started from a simple

and small one, as the time goes we can see how ZNHS build a lot of classrooms and

buildings. This school is also the one of biggest school in Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija and this

resulting to have a lot of learners attending in this school. This school is also prepares

programs and events in order to build the self – confidence and self-determination to be

able to realize of what is the importance of being a learner and helps the learners to
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

realize also their fullest and maximum potential, and help the learner to combine their

self to get through one’s weaknesses. This is also the reason to influence your mental

health because as long as the learners or the school mates treating you in a good way,

probably this will affect your learning style. The learners in school especially the senior

high leaners came from different families, places community and they have different

environment where they are raised. The senior high school learners are the one who may

passes negative opinions about themselves that can contribute to their learning style.

Doing academic lessons, creating multiple task and projects may cause to depressions

that may affect their school conditions. From having low self-esteem may also lead to

academic problems, academic problems affecting learners not to perform good in a class

and not doing task that is needed. Indeed, ZNHS has the potential learners that served as

the respondents of this study.

Sample and Sampling

The researchers took only grade 11 students in Zaragoza National High School

who are utilizing strategies to improve the learning process as the respondents of this

study. They were chosen as respondents because they are studying in the midst of

pandemic who may have a mental health issue that might affect how will they develop

their preferred way of processing new information for efficient learning. The researchers

wanted to know on how mental health affects them to develop a new way of processing

new information for efficient learning based on their average grade for the first and

second quarter of school year 2020-2021.

San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

During the academic year 2020-2021, the researchers will use 1 st year students of

Senior High School at Zaragoza National High School. These first-year students are

Divided into 12 sections: ABM-A, which has 48 students; ABM-B, 49 students; STEM-

A, 37 students; STEM B, 39 students; GAS-A, 51 students; GAS-B, 55 students; GAS-C,

55 students; GAS-D, 53 students; GAS-E, 48 students; ICT, 44 students; H.E ,29 students

and SMAW, which has 32 students. All in all, the total population of the respondents is

540. To determine the sample size needed, the researchers have utilized Slovin’s formula

to calculate the population’s appropriate sample size. Accordingly, the total number of

respondents From this study is 230.

The researchers will employ selective or purposive sampling methods to know

who among the students in every section are the mentally stable and mentally unstable

students. The selective or Purposive sampling technique allows researchers to choose an

implicitly “representative” sample to suit their needs or target the study’s respondents

with specific characteristics. As a result, the researchers coordinated with each section’s

class president to perform an initial survey to Determine the mental stability of students

in each section.

Research Design

The researcher used a Explanatory study. As stated by Stebbins (2001),

Explanatory study is conducted for a research problem when the researcher has no past

data or only a few studies for reference. It implies that Explanatory study is a quantitative

method in which you have two or more quantitative variables from the same group of
San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

subjects and you are trying to determine if there is a relationship between the two


By the used of this method, the researcher can have recognized the Mental

Health and its Impact on the Learning Styles of Senior High School Students in Zaragoza

National High School


World Health Organization. Promoting mental health: concepts, emerging evidence,

practice (Summary Report) Geneva: World Health Organization; 2004.

Chick, N. (2010). Learning Styles. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved

[todaysdate] from


Sharma, P., Bhutani, D., & Mangal, S. (2016). Learning Styles and Mental Health as

Predictors of Academic Success of Undergraduates, Volume 6 Issue No. 5, 4852.

Keefe, J.W. (1979) Learning style: An overview. NASSP's Student learning styles:

Diagnosing and proscribing programs (pp. 1-17). Reston, VA. National Association of

Secondary School Principles.

San Rafael, Zaragoza, Nueva Ecija

VanderLind, R. (2017) Effects of Mental Health on Student Learning, Volume 22 No. 2

Cherry, K. (2020) Kolb's Theory of Learning Styles

McLeod, S. (2017) Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle

Mick Healey & Alan Jenkins (2000) Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory and

Its Application in Geography in Higher Education, Journal of Geography, 99:5, 185-195,

Stebbins, Robert. (2001). Exploratory research in the social sciences: what is

exploration?. Exploratory Research in the Social Sciences. 2-18.

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