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*Moses -*

God used him to divide the red sea...

*Joshua -*

Spoke to the sun and it stood still...

*Elijah -*

Spoke and the heaven seized rain...

The heavens heard his voice again and gave rain...

*Jonah -*

Nineveh heard his voice and began to look for God -

*John the Baptist -*

He never raised any one back to life... But he raised a dead nation back to life...

*Peter -*

His shadow healed the sick...

*Paul -*

Viper died after wrapping itself around his arms...

*Philip -*
Appeared and disappeared by the Spirit of God...

*Benson Idahosa -*

By his words, he cancelled the meeting of the whole witches in the world meant to be hosted in

*Kathryn Khulman -*

Was so anointed that people were being slain under anointing on her way to the airport just by passing
the same way she passed...

*Joseph Ayo Babalola -*

Prayed so much that he was suspended on the air and diverse healings and incredible miracles were

*John Hyde -*

Prayed and prayed to the extent, his colleagues nicknamed him 'Praying Hyde'...

Before he woke up any day, he would see about 50-100 people waiting in front of his house, crying and
waiting for him to come and lead them to Christ...

Because they saw him in their dreams...

*John Sung -*

Was so mightily filled with the power of God, that when he came back to China, the elites would see him
and start bringing out their occult books for him to help them burn, even when he has not preached to

*Johnathan Edwards -*
Was praying about 8hours everyday... And he preached a message "Sinners in the Hands of an angry

People were seeing themselves step into hellfire and were screaming to be rescued from dropping in..

This was so far from the ride on pastor kind of preaching today that rides sinners on to hellfire from the
church not even the world ..

As he preached the Spirit of God was so much in the hall that, it was not up to 20 minutes into the
message, people were crying and shouting, begging him to stop preaching, that he should come and
lead them to Christ...

*Charles Finney -*

He Prayed so much that when he went into a hall, as he wanted to start preaching, people ran out and
were begging him not to open his mouth...

That they are ready to get born again...

And without any message, people gave their lives to Jesus and they were baptized by water

*Saint Patrick -*

He was so full of power that he didn't only raise dead people back to life... He also raised both dead
trees and animals back to life...

Forever, these names will remain in history as men and women who God used to do incredible things...
Beloved, how will you be remembered in time and eternity? Have you sat down to think about this? The
same power and fire 🔥 is available for you today. Jesus left a land mark. As His believer what are you
leaving behind?

*When they are writing your name, what will people read that God used you to do?...*

How many people will Heaven celebrate you for bringing to Heaven?

Jesus said these signs shall follow them that believe... Which signs are following you? There are more
that you are not manifesting that you should now.. The write up is not to embarrass you but to fire 🔥
you up because there is more that God wants to use you to do in this Endtime time..

There are still more dimensions to press in... you can be among those who will testify of the amazing
things God began to do in and through them after being set ablaze by the fire 🔥 with this divine
provocation? Please be tired of religion. Do you know the price to pay for power and no nonsense

Hunger is important for you to be fed. Sacrifice is the prove that you need it! It will cost you something
if you are real. No one should deceive you about that. How long do you stay in prayers, deep studies and
fasting? What is the meaning of purity to you?

A man was taken to burial ground and shown all the graves of people he was supposed to raise to life.

He was shown also a hospital full of sick people because of his firelessness and powerlessness.

While he was crying he was shown those in hellfire because he was not hot enough to snatch them from
the fire. If you were him, what would have you done after that because it is the same?
Witches and wizards under apprenticeship are harassing our Pastors today because of no fire 🔥. Small
boy demons use our so called Christians to shine despite the power given to all believers to cast them
out and tread upon all the power of the enemy.

To seek power for wrong reason is a big criminal offense in God's Kingdom. Those who think using
power to excite sinners is what we mean are merely competing with magicians.

Why do you want to move in the super-supernatural? Is it to be popular and rich on earth and be
worshipped by men or in Heaven and be celebrated for souls won that made Heaven rejoice or in hell
for snatching souls and making hellfire sad?

To acquire things of the world and expire in eternity? When people worship you and call you great
minister of God if care is not taken you begin to share in God's glory and receive Herod treatment.
Humility saves from humiliation. Your intention can cause your detention. Be careful!

Separate yourself in search of the true power of God like others did now.

*If there is any price to pay in other to receive the Spirit and Power of Prayer, Lord, please, help us to
pay it in full now for time is running out...*

Let us pray!

Pray with conviction,

With intention,

With the sense of knowing... there is a knowing when you have began touching God with your prayer...

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