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North South University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Spring 2020, CSE331/EEE332/ETE332
(Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded System)
Assignment; Full marks: 20

Answer all the questions. Priority in evaluation will be given to those who submit the assignment in
shortest time.

Q. 1 Suppose that DS = 13A0H, SS = 12F0H, BP = 1560H and SI = 01DEH. 5

Determine the address accessed by each of the following instructions and
mention their type of addressing mode.

i) MOV AX, [200H]

ii) MOV AL, [BP+SI-200H]
iii) MOV AL, [SI - 0100H]

Q. 2 Draw and explain the circuit diagram along with the timing diagram for which 5
we will get 2 WAIT pulses (T W) using a shift register, a clock generator IC, a
NAND gate and 8086 microprocessor.

Q. 3 5

Ý 0= A 7 × Á 6 × A5 × A 4 × Á 3 × A2 × Á1 × Á0 × IOW

Write the 8086 Assemble Language Programming to rotate the above

configured stepper motor of step size 3 ° in clock wise direction for 10 times
and then anti-clock wise direction for another 8 times. Note that the activation
address is expressed in the given equation of Ý 0.

Q. 4 What will be the content of AX register after execution of the instruction IDIV 5
CL, if CL = +10510 and AX = -130210..

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