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Purposive Communication
First Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Communication Processes, Principles, Models, and Ethics

A. Definition of Purposive Communication
B. Principles of Purposive Communication
C. Process of Communication
D. Relevance of Purposive Communication
E. Communication Models
F. Nonverbal Communication
G. Communication Barriers
H. Communication Ethics

Communication and Globalization

Evaluating Messages Reflecting Different Cultures

A. Topic
B. Purpose of the Message
C. Channel of the Message
D. Target Audience of the
E. Ways of Presenting the
F. Beginning
G. Ending
H. Message
I. Tone (Formal/ Informal)
J. Culture Presented

Communication for Research Purposes

A. 7Cs of Writing
B. Etiquettes of Writing
C. Text Message
D. E-mail
E. Letter of Request
F. Informed Consent Form

Conducting an Interview
A. Ethics in Conducting an Interview
B. Dos and Don’ts in Conducting an Interview
C. Interview Plan Writing
Needs Assessment Writing

MIDTERM EXAM – Research Proposal

Concept Paper Writing (Communication for Various Purposes)

A. Definition of Concept Paper
B. Purposes of Concept Paper
C. Parts of Concept Paper
D. Types of Concept Paper
a. Structure of persuasive, argumentative, and informative concept papers
b. Rhetorical moves in writing persuasive, argumentative, and informative essays
c. Transitional devices used in persuasive, argumentative, and informative writing
E. Reliability of References
F. APA 7th Edition Guidelines
a. In-text Citation
b. Referencing
G. Paraphrasing
H. Plagiarism
I. Synthesis Writing

Writing Publishable Research Journal Article

A. Research Process
1. Narrowing a Research Topic
2. Formulating Objectives
3. Note-taking Techniques
B. Rhetorical Moves in Writing a Publishable Research Journal Article
1. Abstract
2. Introduction/Rationale
3. Literature Review
4. Methodology
5. Findings
6. Conclusions
Oral Presentations
A. Speech Preparation
B. Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety
C. Ethics in Public Speaking
D. Speech Delivery

Communication Aids and Strategies using Tools of Technology

A. Writing a Blog
B. Producing a Vlog

Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings

A. Intercultural Communication
B. Varieties of English
C. Registers of English

Oral Research Presentation

A. Visual Presentation Applications
1. Google Slides
2. Microsoft PowerPoint
3. PhotoSky
4. Prezi
B. Oral Research Presentation Skills

FINAL EXAM - Discipline-based Publishable Research Journal Article and Research Colloquium

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