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ALPHA ACADEMY Name: ______________________

DARS – BARAY MIAN, Chemistry – Part II

LAHORE. 042-6851107
A c a d e m y
Time: 60 Minutes Objective Marks: 32

Q.1. Choose the best answer, and tick () it. (10)
1. Which sulphate is insoluble in water
(a) Sodium sulphate (b) Potassium sulphate
(c) Barium sulphate (d) Magnesium sulphate
2. The element rubidium bears resemblance with
(a) Ca (b) Cr (c) Cl (d) None of these
3. Which gas in evolved when CO2 is passed through KO2
(a) CO (b) O2 (c) O3 (d) Both O2 and O3
4. Which one of the followings is formula of Asbestos?
(a) MgCO3 (b) MgCO3.CaCO3 (c) CaMg3 (SiO3)4 (d) MgSO4.7H2O
5. Which one of the following alkali metals form normal oxide when we react metal with O2.
(a) Li (b) Na (c) K (d) Rb
(a) Li (b) Na (c) K (d) Rb
6. Sodium is stored in.
(a) Air free from moisture (b) Air free from CO2
(c) Under water (d) Under liquid hydrocarbons
7. Magnesium metal burns in the Jar containing.
(a) N2 gas (b) O2 gas (c) Both N2 and O2 gas (d) Neither O2 nor N2
8. Melting point is highest for.
(a) Be (b) Mg (c) Ca (d) Ba
9. Plaster of paris is.
(a) Monohydrate (b) Dihydrate (c) Hemihydrate (d) Anhydrous compound
10. Formula of slaked lime is.
(a) CaO (b) CaCO3 (c) Ca(OH)2 (d) Ca(HCO3)2

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Q.2. Write short answers of the followings. (2  5)
(i). BeO is amphoteric, prove with reactions.
(ii). Write down reactions of anode and cathode when electricity is passed through aqueous NaCl.
(iii). What is lime mortar? For what purpose it is used.
(iv). How gypsum is converted to plaster of Paris.
(v). Why lime water turned milky when CO2 is passed but becomes clear with excess of CO2.
Q.3. (a) How sodium metal is prepared by Down’s cell. Give its advantages. (4)
(b) Give eight Peculiar behaviour of beryllium from other family members. (4)
(c) What happens when? (Give chemical equation for each case). (4)
1. Lithium reacts with water 2. Lithium carbonate is heated
3. Calcium nitrate is heated 4. Sodium peroxide is hydrolysed

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