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21st Century Literary Genres by Calle Friesen

1. 1. 21st Century Literature for21st Century Readers Presented by Calle Friesen Buena Vista
University ICTE 2011
2. 2. Presentation Goals• Understand the importance of embracing “new literacies” in today’s
classrooms• Introduce 6 popular 21st Century Genres • Illustrated Novels • Digi-Fiction •
Graphic Novels • Manga • Doodle Fiction • Blog, E-mail, and IM Novels
3. 3. Presentation Goals• Participants walk away with practical ideas for incorporating modern
texts into traditional literature instruction• Consider new definition of what it means to be
literate in our current culture
4. 4. N.C.T.E. Definition of what it means to be “literate”• ... as society and technology change,
so does literacy. Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate
environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate person possess a wide range
of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies—from reading online
newspapers to participating in virtual classrooms— are multiple, dynamic, and malleable.
Twenty-first century readers and writers need to...
5. 5. N.C.T.E. Definition of what it means to be “literate” Develop proficiency with the tools of
technology  •Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and
cross-culturally  •Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of
purposes  •Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
•Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts
6. 6. Who is the 21st Century Reader?
7. 7. The 21st Century Reader• grew up using technology as a primary learning tool• is capable
of navigating and interpreting digital formats and media messages• possesses literacy skills
which include technological abilities such as keyboarding, internet navigation, interpretation
of technological speak, ability to communicate and interpret coded language and decipher
8. 8. What is 21st Century Literature?
9. 9. 21st Century Literature• New literary work created within the last decade• Written by
contemporary authors• Deals with current themes/issues and reflects a technological culture•
Often breaks traditional writing rules• Emerging genres like IM and blog format books, digi-
fiction, doodle
10. 10. Illustrated NovelsStory through text and illustrated images
11. 11. Illustrated Novel• Generally, 50% of the narrative is presented without words. The reader
must interpret the images in order to comprehend the complete story.• Textual portions are
presented in traditional form.• Some illustrated novels may contain no text at all.• llustrated
novels span all genres
12. 12. Illustrated novels
13. 13. Digi- FictionTriple Media Literature
14. 14. Digi-Fiction• Digi- Fiction is a literary experience that combines three media: book,
movie/video, and Internet website• In order to get the full story, students must engage in
navigation, reading, viewing, in all three formats.• Popular series include: • 39 Clues: Grades
3-8 • Skeleton Creek: Grades 5-12 • Level 26: Grades 8-12
15. 15. Upper Elementary & Middle School Digi-Fiction Read the book Each book comes with 6
clues Visit the website Create an account Play a game Unlock a clue Read more, try to solve
the• 39 Clues Website mystery along with the characters. Win Prizes!!!
16. 16. Middle & high School Digi-Fiction• http:// www.sarahfincher. com/ featuring video
messages from Sarah Fincher to Ryan.• Series Webpage see teaser trailers, extra footage,
hidden clues, character extras and more
17. 17. Middle School & High School Digi-Fiction• Interview with author Patrick Carmon• Click
here to learn about the series creator and why he believes Digi-Fiction is a worthy genre for
21st Century Readers
18. 18. HIgh School Post secondary• Level 26 Digi-Novel Trailer• Warning: film segments in this
series contain suggested rather than actual violence and frightening content. Not intended
for young audiences. Film footage elements while not subject to rating, are comparable to
19. 19. Graphic NovelsNarratives in Comic Book Formats
20. 20. Graphic Novels• A graphic novel is a narrative work in which the story is conveyed to the
reader using comic form.• The term is employed in a broad manner, encompassing non-
fiction works and thematically linked short stories as well as fictional stories across a number
of genres.
21. 21. Graphic Novels: ElemenTary
22. 22. Graphic Novels: Middle School
23. 23. Graphic Genres• Philosophy
24. 24. Classic Graphics
25. 25. Classic Graphics
26. 26. American Lit Graphics
27. 27. Non-Fiction Graphics
28. 28. Non-fiction grapics
29. 29. Non-fiction Graphics
30. 30. Non-fiction graphics
31. 31. Manga• Manga is the Japanese word for comics.• It is used in the English-speaking
world as a generic term for all comic books and graphic novels originally published in Japan.•
Manga is considered an artistic and storytelling style• The term "Ameri-Manga" is sometimes
used to refer to comics created by American artists in a manga style.
32. 32. Manga Tips• Classroom teachers should be aware of different kinds of Manga identified
by the intended reader:• Shônen – Boy’s Manga (Pronounced Show-Nen)• Shôjo – Girl’s
Manga (Pronounced Show-Joe)• Seinen – Men’s Manga (Pronounced Say-Nen)• Josei –
Women’s Manga (Pronounced Joe-Say)• Kodomo – Children’s Manga (Kow-Dow-Mow)
33. 33. Reading Manga• Manga usually follows the traditional style as found in Japan. Japanese
Manga is to be read from the right side to the left, opposite of traditional American books.•
Not only do you read the pages from right to left, but you also read the panels and text from
right to left.• In America, this traditional Japanese style distinguishes Magna from other
Graphic and illustrated texts.
34. 34. Manga Panels
35. 35. Manga•
36. 36. Shakespeare Manga
37. 37. Shakespeare Manga
38. 38. American Lit. Manga
39. 39. Doodle FictionHand scribed font and images
40. 40. Doodle-FictionA literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings
and hand written graphics in place of traditional font.Drawings enhance the story, often
adding humorous elements that would be missing if the illustrations were omitted
41. 41. Doodle-Fiction
42. 42. Text-Talk Novels Blog, e-mail, & IM format narrativesStories told almost completely in
dialogue simulating social network exchanges
43. 43. Blogs, Letters, & E-mails Letters & Text Messages
44. 44. Emails and Instant Messages Blogging
45. 45. Instant Messages (Spiritual) Chat
46. 46. Email, blogs, and Tweets Instant Messaging
47. 47. 21st Century Texts in Your Classroom• Build a 21st Century classroom library• Consider
struggling readers• Enhance classic collections• Utilize district media tools• Think out of the
48. 48. Student FeedbackDigi-Fiction is like book TV. Its got a reason to keep you going. You
read, then the videos are like commercial breaks to get you interested again to go back to
reading. I think these are the best kind of books. If we had these back when I was a kid I’d
probably like reading more than I do. (Devon)I read a portrait of Dorian Gray in 10th grade,
and I didn’t get it. Then when I read the graphic novel it was like freaky. That is one wacked
out story. I only meant to read that one story, but then I read Frankenstein too. (Mary Kate)
49. 49. Student FeedbackThis class changed me… I started to read books without being told.
That never happened before. All through middle school I wanted to know when it would
finally click in for me, but it never did. This year I read because the stories meant something
to me. (Jessica)The best book was about this chick who gets knocked up by a priest. But,
she won’t tell nobody who the baby-daddy is. Its all about how you are free or in your own
prison cuz of your own guilt. The graphic novels helped me understand American Lit books.
50. 50. Questions? Please Contact: Calle Friesen • Reading/Literacy Specialist Buena Vista
University, Storm Lake • Co-ordinator Masters in Reading Program Drake
University, Des Moines • (712) 299-5862
51. 51. 21st Century Literature for21st Century Readers Presented by Calle Friesen Buena Vista
University ICTE 2011

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