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No Main Page

You've stumbled upon the Cheeto-stained archives of information for the various
Goonstation editions of Space Station 13. Wikistation 13 is designed to be a hub
for Goonstation players' reference needs – be it experienced players in need of a
quick reference guide or new players in need of a helping hand through the
traumatic first few games. If you'd like to contribute some content of your own,
you'll need to log in or register an account if you haven't already done so.
You must update to BYOND 513.1526 in order to play!
Current maps: Cogmap1, Cogmap2, Destiny, Clarion, Oshan Laboratory, Horizon, Atlas,
Manta, Kondaru, Donut 3
Hotkeys: Hotkeys and emotes
Health: Doctoring & Genetics & Viruses & Chemistry & Chemicals
Metallurgy: Mining & Smelting
Traitoring: Roles & Murder & Traitor gear
Engineering: Engine & Construction
Catering: Foods and Drinks & Botany
IT: TermOS & ThinkDOS & Hacking

Getting Started Hos2012.png
Rules Jobhor.png
FAQ GuideWizard64.png
Guides HoP64.png
Jobs JohnBill64.png
Maps GannetsNukeOp64V2.png
Game Modes ConstructionWorker64.png
Constructions Kleptomaniac64.png
Items Overalls guy.png
Wikistation Jobclown.png
Fun ChangelogLing.png
Information About Goonstation
What the hell is this?
This is an information source for the Goonstation branch of Space Station 13, a
multiplayer role playing game renowned for its stable and functional engine, its
robust combat system, and its polite, cooperative community.

Who runs the joint?

The server was originally an offshoot of Something is Awful dot com, whose
residents are collectively referred to as "goons". Nowadays, the majority of staff
and players are only loosely/very marginally/honestly not at all associated with
SA, but that doesn't stop remnants of the past Goon-days culture from cropping up.

Specifically, Wire hosts the server that this game, this wiki, and its associated
services all run on. You can chip in on the running costs over at his Patreon.

Where should I be going now?

Slow down, hot stuff! It depends on what you need – the Goonhub displays dynamic
information about live games (server population, round time etc) and links directly
to the servers, and you can also use the links on the right. Be prepared for
adventures BYOND your wildest dreams.

Server links:
Goonhub (Goonstation statistics)
Something Awful Thread (Old) (Old Old)
Goonstation Discord
Ban Appeals/Discussion Forum
Github/Public Codebasesé ustedes, algunos días he estado tranquila pero en otros me
pongo a pensar que el mundo ya no es el mismo. Últimamente la idea de que podría
ser la última vez que me ducho con agua caliente o que como vegetales me aterra y
ahí es cuando debo obligarme a parar de pensar. Parecen tonterías mis
preocupaciones al lado de condiciones reales y que existen desde antes del Covid-

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character.
You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface.
The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the
screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain

To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.

To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever". For more info, check out How do I
speak on the radio?!
To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can
also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues
related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.

An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your
hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right
and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can
click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp does the same thing. So does E in
WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are
interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons.
Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object),
use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If
you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're
targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if
nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with
whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything
that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the
chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine
(gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change
depending on the object and how close you are to it.

Equipment & Indicators

The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and inventory. You can
click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing
equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand,
you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the
relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If
you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll
also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an
empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit).
Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing
everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will
move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other
hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and
certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand
and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of
a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.
Main Page
You've stumbled upon the Cheeto-stained archives of information for the various
Goonstation editions of Space Station 13. Wikistation 13 is designed to be a hub
for Goonstation players' reference needs – be it experienced players in need of a
quick reference guide or new players in need of a helping hand through the
traumatic first few games. If you'd like to contribute some content of your own,
you'll need to log in or register an account if you haven't already done so.
You must update to BYOND 513.1526 in order to play!
Current maps: Cogmap1, Cogmap2, Destiny, Clarion, Oshan Laboratory, Horizon, Atlas,
Manta, Kondaru, Donut 3
Hotkeys: Hotkeys and emotes
Health: Doctoring & Genetics & Viruses & Chemistry & Chemicals
Metallurgy: Mining & Smelting
Traitoring: Roles & Murder & Traitor gear
Engineering: Engine & Construction
Catering: Foods and Drinks & Botany
IT: TermOS & ThinkDOS & Hacking
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Getting Started Hos2012.png
Rules Jobhor.png
FAQ GuideWizard64.png
Guides HoP64.png
Jobs JohnBill64.png
Maps GannetsNukeOp64V2.png
Game Modes ConstructionWorker64.png
Constructions Kleptomaniac64.png
Items Overalls guy.png
Wikistation Jobclown.png
Fun ChangelogLing.png
Information About Goonstation
What the hell is this?
This is an information source for the Goonstation branch of Space Station 13, a
multiplayer role playing game renowned for its stable and functional engine, its
robust combat system, and its polite, cooperative community.

Who runs the joint?

The server was originally an offshoot of Something is Awful dot com, whose
residents are collectively referred to as "goons". Nowadays, the majority of staff
and players are only loosely/very marginally/honestly not at all associated with
SA, but that doesn't stop remnants of the past Goon-days culture from cropping up.

Specifically, Wire hosts the server that this game, this wiki, and its associated
services all run on. You can chip in on the running costs over at his Patreon.

Where should I be going now?Rules

Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Slow down, hot stuff! It depends on what you need – the Goonhub displays dynamic
information about live games (server population, round time etc) and links directly
to the servers, and you can also use the links on the right. Be prepared for
adventures BYOND your wildest dreams.

Server links:

Goonhub (Goonstation statistics)

Something Awful Thread (Old) (Old Old)
Goonstation Discord
Ban Appeals/Discussion Forum
Github/Public Codebase
At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin
at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter
critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact
until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean
that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By
default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click
on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or
defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will
drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the
SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand
up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a
variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a
crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This
status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp.
Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's
too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire
extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST
button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many
items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding
a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add
one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of
your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed
at the same time.

Other Controls
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or
creature and have an empty active hand. The top left/green hand is Help, which will
shake someone up or attempt CPR. The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries
to knock something out of someone's hands. The bottom left/orange hand is Grab,
which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. The bottom right/red fist is
Harm, which will punch or kick someone.
The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of
the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't
really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential
for surgery.
Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc
will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X
if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on
whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or
be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to
release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're
on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the
button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
Getting Around
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace
(depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion or
Destiny, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then
depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2), pop
out of the industrial cryogenics unit (Clarion/Destiny/Linemap), or find yourself
in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that.
The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of,
but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some
time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member
or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.


Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights
you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and
embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will
you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places
on the station.
Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't
open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the

say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon
is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them
for you.

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to
use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it
when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

Players are assigned their jobs.

Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including
stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear
operatives trying to blow everyone up.
Some players are assigned to be miscreants. They have a variety of special
miscreant objectives, such as giving bribes, starting strikes, and inciting their
own lynchings, with the general aim of being a creative nuisance.
Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore
space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just
cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
Miscreants do... whatever. They're given a bit of leeway to do rude and obnoxious
things so long as it fits their miscreant objectives and follows the rules.
At some point, the emergency shuttle will usually be called to evacuate the
station. Once it leaves, it will spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be
thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom
ends of the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions
(see Game Modes) are met.

Chaos reigns!
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal
with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches or whatnot, or
hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted
area, other players may react violently if you barge into their workplace, and
there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how
you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't
worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can
still observe the round, chat with other dead players, play as a Ghostdrone, and
play once the next round starts.

If you are trapped somewhere and want to just give up, you can use the suicide
command. If you are in critical health and want to hurry up and die already, use
the succumb command.
Suiciding while holding certain objects or near certain items might cause a mess.
Some crewmen have taken to trying to discover these areas or items.
When you're ready to start figuring out what you should actually be doing, you have
some resources:
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.
NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.
Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).
This wiki.
Talking to other folks in your department.
Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say
to say over the radio.
Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever
gameplay questions you've got.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with adminhelp.
Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist
or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps
will still reach the Goonstation admin IRC channel, and there's nearly always an
admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more
adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of
the issue.

A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the
mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an
hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just
disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super
polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so
they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that
takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very
inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so
please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round
dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body
survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in
your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll
have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good
opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also
become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the
game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the
klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead
players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game
open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a
Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger,
dehydration, and hygiene, and maintaining all of these is important to both
gameplay and roleplay.

Hunger can be maintained by eating food, and there are plenty of vending machines
around to help out with that.
There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the
bar and ask the barman for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will
dehydrate you.
Hygiene is maintained by washing your hands and taking a shower. Make sure you
don't have anything in the uniform or suit inventory before taking a shower, and
walking instead of running will prevent slipping on wet floors.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window
(e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a
certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives,
e.g. being covered in dirt will reduce your hygiene. If your hunger or hydration
motives hit 0, you die instantly. Failing to stay hygienic will make you terribly
smelly and gross. If your uniform or clothes are dirty you can find a laundry
machine and stuff them in there.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L,
which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-
of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't
find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which
intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking
for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of
RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that?
I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are
you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!Rules

Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central
Command, and the various Antagonists and miscreants are revealed, the server
restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a
two-minute window to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round
begins. During these two minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and
players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that
happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever
comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by
pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work
if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of
the servers.

Job Prospects
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also
enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation.
Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the
first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start;
they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into
more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by
failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox

like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people
can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create
their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as
they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in
general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the
third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you

pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
Barman/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind
if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make
excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the
botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for
their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without
having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
Mechanic - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular
essential duties. There's plenty of machinery and gadgetry for you to scan,
reverse-engineer, and deploy. MechComp can be intimidating at first, and it
requires a few levels of creativity sometimes, but it's one of the most powerful
game mechanics in Goonstation, right alongside Chemistry.
Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else.
There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely
you'll get bored.
Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in
space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game,
though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any
given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-
responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician,
diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult
their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

Engineer - Expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to
do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free.
Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, mechanic, quartermaster and miner with a bit
more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to
treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't
need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!
Eventually, you might want to be:

Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only
real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an
officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other
than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically
any job activity you want.
Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal
and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if
they're attacking you!
Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn
a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more
complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical
Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating
plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do
Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital
to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to
find a fellow coworker to help you out.
Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll
probably want to think about unchecking antagonist roles. Unchecking them only puts
your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because
there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for
your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against
Jobs you should avoid for now:

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character.
You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface.
The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the
screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain

To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.

To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever". For more info, check out How do I
speak on the radio?!Rules
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can
also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues
related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.

An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your
hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right
and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can
click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp does the same thing. So does E in
WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are
interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons.
Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object),
use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If
you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're
targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if
nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with
whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything
that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the
chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine
(gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change
depending on the object and how close you are to it.

Equipment & Indicators

The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and inventory. You can
click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing
equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand,
you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the
relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If
you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll
also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an
empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit).
Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing
everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will
move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other
hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and
certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand
and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of
a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.

At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin
at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter
critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact
until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean
that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By
default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click
on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or
defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will
drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the
SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand
up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a
variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a
crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This
status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp.
Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's
too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire
extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST
button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many
items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding
a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add
one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of
your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed
at the same time.

Other Controls
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or
creature and have an empty active hand. The top left/green hand is Help, which will
shake someone up or attempt CPR. The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries
to knock something out of someone's hands. The bottom left/orange hand is Grab,
which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. The bottom right/red fist is
Harm, which will punch or kick someone.
The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of
the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't
really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential
for surgery.
Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc
will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X
if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on
whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or
be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to
release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're
on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the
button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
Getting Around
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace
(depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion or
Destiny, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then
depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2), pop
out of the industrial cryogenics unit (Clarion/Destiny/Linemap), or find yourself
in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that.
The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of,
but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some
time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member
or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws

Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights
you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and
embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will
you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places
on the station.

Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't
open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the

say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon
is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them
for you.

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to
use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it
when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

Players are assigned their jobs.

Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including
stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear
operatives trying to blow everyone up.
Some players are assigned to be miscreants. They have a variety of special
miscreant objectives, such as giving bribes, starting strikes, and inciting their
own lynchings, with the general aim of being a creative nuisance.
Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore
space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just
cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
Miscreants do... whatever. They're given a bit of leeway to do rude and obnoxious
things so long as it fits their miscreant objectives and follows the rules.
At some point, the emergency shuttle will usually be called to evacuate the
station. Once it leaves, it will spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be
thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom
ends of the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions
(see Game Modes) are met.

Chaos reigns!
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal
with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches or whatnot, or
hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted
area, other players may react violently if you barge into their workplace, and
there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how
you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't
worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can
still observe the round, chat with other dead players, play as a Ghostdrone, and
play once the next round starts.

If you are trapped somewhere and want to just give up, you can use the suicide
command. If you are in critical health and want to hurry up and die already, use
the succumb command.
Suiciding while holding certain objects or near certain items might cause a mess.
Some crewmen have taken to trying to discover these areas or items.
When you're ready to start figuring out what you should actually be doing, you have
some resources:

Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).

This wiki.
Talking to other folks in your department.
Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say
to say over the radio.
Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever
gameplay questions you've got.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with adminhelp.
Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist
or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps
will still reach the Goonstation admin IRC channel, and there's nearly always an
admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more
adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of
the issue.

A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the
mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an
hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just
disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super
polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so
they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that
takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very
inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so
please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round
dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body
survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in
your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll
have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good
opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also
become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the
game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the
klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead
players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game
open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a
Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger,
dehydration, and hygiene, and maintaining all of these is important to both
gameplay and roleplay.

Hunger can be maintained by eating food, and there are plenty of vending machines
around to help out with that.
There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the
bar and ask the barman for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will
dehydrate you.
Hygiene is maintained by washing your hands and taking a shower. Make sure you
don't have anything in the uniform or suit inventory before taking a shower, and
walking instead of running will prevent slipping on wet floors.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window
(e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a
certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives,
e.g. being covered in dirt will reduce your hygiene. If your hunger or hydration
motives hit 0, you die instantly. Failing to stay hygienic will make you terribly
smelly and gross. If your uniform or clothes are dirty you can find a laundry
machine and stuff them in there.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L,
which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-
of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't
find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which
intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking
for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of
RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that?
I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are
you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central
Command, and the various Antagonists and miscreants are revealed, the server
restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a
two-minute window to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round
begins. During these two minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and
players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that
happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever
comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by
pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work
if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of
the servers.

Job Prospects
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also
enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation.
Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the
first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start;
they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into
more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by
failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox

like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people
can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create
their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as
they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in
general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the
third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you

pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
Barman/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind
if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make
excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the
botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for
their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without
having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
Mechanic - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular
essential duties. There's plenty of machinery and gadgetry for you to scan,
reverse-engineer, and deploy. MechComp can be intimidating at first, and it
requires a few levels of creativity sometimes, but it's one of the most powerful
game mechanics in Goonstation, right alongside Chemistry.
Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else.
There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely
you'll get bored.
Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in
space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game,
though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any
given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-
responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician,
diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult
their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

Engineer - Expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to
do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free.
Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, mechanic, quartermaster and miner with a bit
more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to
treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into
Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't
need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!
Eventually, you might want to be:

Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only
real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an
officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other
than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically
any job activity you want.
Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal
and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if
they're attacking you!
Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn
a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more
complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical
Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating
plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do
Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital
to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to
find a fellow coworker to help you out.
Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll
probably want to think about unchecking antagonist roles. Unchecking them only puts
your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because
there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for
your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against
Jobs you should avoid for now:

AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't

know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! Essentially,
you're a cop. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating
is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give
tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's
best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must
absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be
able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight
them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin
other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most
danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the
"mood" of Goonstation.
Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a
starting player.
Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their
Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually
be picked by new players anyway.
Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and
operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part
only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you
start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a
variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are
a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if
you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thing

AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't
know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! Essentially,
you're a cop. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating
is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give
tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's
best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must
absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be
able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight
them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin
other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most
danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the
"mood" of Goonstation.
Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a
starting player.
Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their
Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually
be picked by new players anyway.
Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and
operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part
only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you
start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a
variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are
a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if
you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thing

Por otro lado también me duelen las personas que nunca han podido tocar agua
caliente o una cama cómoda y que damos por hecho un montón de cosas que tenemos,
que bien venimos a darnos cuenta que son privilegios hasta que la crisis está

La forma en la que poco o mucho somos libres de andar de acá para allá. He tratado
de salir lo menos posible de mi casa, no me da miedo enfermarme, me da miedo
enfermar a las personas con las que vivo. Sé que para mí es privilegio el poder
parar o realizar mis actividades desde casa, pero muchos familiares no, eso también
duele, me duelen ellxs y todxs los que estás en las mismas circunstancias.

El mercado más cercano -no sé si es mi ánimo- pero se percibe flojo, hoy es casi el
último día de clases para los niveles básicos y eso afecta el flujo cotidiano de la
población. Al menos eso se mira desde acá.

¿Cómo será el día después de que todo esto termine? ¿Terminará?

Yo poco sé de todo, pero desde ahora ya es otro mundo y no sé si es tan violento
darse cuenta, pero está ocurriendo, pese a que lo deseemos o no.

Esto, aunado a las redes sociales se siente como una guerra invisible.dicar tu
consciencia a la destrucción de la existencia.
st multiplied by some number
the growth rate R which could be say 2
and this would mean the population would
double every year and the problem with
that is it means the number of rabbits
would grow exponentially
see here that it's reached an
equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así

como el hombre es libre de intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero
perecerá a menos que viva como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar
su felicidad a través de cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la
frustración es todo lo que hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia
para el hombre. El objetivo de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir,
sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los m

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character.
You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface.
The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the
screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain

To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.

To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever". For more info, check out How do I
speak on the radio?!
To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can
also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues
related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.

An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your
hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right
and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can
click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp does the same thing. So does E in
WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are
interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons.
Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object),
use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If
you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're
targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if
nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with
whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything
that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the
chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine
(gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change
depending on the object and how close you are to it.

Equipment & Indicators

The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and inventory. You can
click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing
equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand,
you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the
relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If
you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll
also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an
empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit).
Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing
everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will
move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other
hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and
certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand
and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of
a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.

At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin
at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter
critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact
until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean
that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By
default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click
on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or
defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will
drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the
SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand
up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a
variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a
crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This
status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp.
Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's
too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire
extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST
button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many
items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding
a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add
one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of
your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed
at the same time.

Other Controls
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or
creature and have an empty active hand. The top left/green hand is Help, which will
shake someone up or attempt CPR. The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries
to knock something out of someone's hands. The bottom left/orange hand is Grab,
which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. The bottom right/red fist is
Harm, which will punch or kick someone.
The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of
the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't
really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential
for surgery.
Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc
will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X
if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on
whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or
be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to
release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're
on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the
button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
Getting Around
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace
(depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion or
Destiny, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then
depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2), pop
out of the industrial cryogenics unit (Clarion/Destiny/Linemap), or find yourself
in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that.
The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of,
but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some
time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member
or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.


Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights
you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and
embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will
you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places
on the station.

Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't
open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the

say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon
is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them
for you.

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to
use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it
when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

Players are assigned their jobs.

Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including
stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear
operatives trying to blow everyone up.
Some players are assigned to be miscreants. They have a variety of special
miscreant objectives, such as giving bribes, starting strikes, and inciting their
own lynchings, with the general aim of being a creative nuisance.
Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore
space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just
cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
Miscreants do... whatever. They're given a bit of leeway to do rude and obnoxious
things so long as it fits their miscreant objectives and follows the rules.
At some point, the emergency shuttle will usually be called to evacuate the
station. Once it leaves, it will spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be
thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom
ends of the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions
(see Game Modes) are met.

Chaos reigns!
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal
with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches or whatnot, or
hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted
area, other players may react violently if you barge into their workplace, and
there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how
you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't
worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can
still observe the round, chat with other dead players, play as a Ghostdrone, and
play once the next round starts.

If you are trapped somewhere and want to just give up, you can use the suicide
command. If you are in critical health and want to hurry up and die already, use
the succumb command.
Suiciding while holding certain objects or near certain items might cause a mess.
Some crewmen have taken to trying to discover these areas or items.
When you're ready to start figuring out what you should actually be doing, you have
some resources:

Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).

This wiki.
Talking to other folks in your department.
Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say
to say over the radio.
Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever
gameplay questions you've got.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with adminhelp.
Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist
or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps
will still reach the Goonstation admin IRC channel, and there's nearly always an
admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more
adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of
the issue.

A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the
mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an
hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just
disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super
polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so
they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that
takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very
inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so
please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round
dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body
survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in
your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll
have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good
opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also
become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the
game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the
klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead
players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game
open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a
Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger,
dehydration, and hygiene, and maintaining all of these is important to both
gameplay and roleplay.

Hunger can be maintained by eating food, and there are plenty of vending machines
around to help out with that.
There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the
bar and ask the barman for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will
dehydrate you.
Hygiene is maintained by washing your hands and taking a shower. Make sure you
don't have anything in the uniform or suit inventory before taking a shower, and
walking instead of running will prevent slipping on wet floors.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window
(e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a
certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives,
e.g. being covered in dirt will reduce your hygiene. If your hunger or hydration
motives hit 0, you die instantly. Failing to stay hygienic will make you terribly
smelly and gross. If your uniform or clothes are dirty you can find a laundry
machine and stuff them in there.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L,
which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-
of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't
find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which
intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking
for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of
RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that?
I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are
you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central
Command, and the various Antagonists and miscreants are revealed, the server
restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a
two-minute window to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round
begins. During these two minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and
players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that
happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever
comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by
pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work
if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of
the servers.

Job Prospects
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also
enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation.
Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the
first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start;
they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into
more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by
failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox

like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people
can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create
their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as
they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in
general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the
third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you

pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
Barman/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind
if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make
excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the
botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for
their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without
having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
Mechanic - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular
essential duties. There's plenty of machinery and gadgetry for you to scan,
reverse-engineer, and deploy. MechComp can be intimidating at first, and it
requires a few levels of creativity sometimes, but it's one of the most powerful
game mechanics in Goonstation, right alongside Chemistry.
Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else.
There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely
you'll get bored.
Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in
space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game,
though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any
given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-
responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician,
diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult
their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

Engineer - Expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to
do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free.
Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, mechanic, quartermaster and miner with a bit
more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to
treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into
Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't
need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!
Eventually, you might want to be:

Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only
real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an
officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other
than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically
any job activity you want.
Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal
and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if
they're attacking you!
Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn
a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more
complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical
Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating
plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do
Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital
to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to
find a fellow coworker to help you out.
Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll
probably want to think about unchecking antagonist roles. Unchecking them only puts
your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because
there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for
your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against
Jobs you should avoid for now:

AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't

know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! Essentially,
you're a cop. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating
is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give
tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's
best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must
absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be
able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight
them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin
other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most
danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the
"mood" of Goonstation.
Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a
starting player.
Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their
Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually
be picked by new players anyway.
Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and
operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part
only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you
start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a
variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are
a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if
you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thingísticos del espí

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character.
You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface.
The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the
screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain

To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.

To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever". For more info, check out How do I
speak on the radio?!
To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can
also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues
related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.

An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your
hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right
and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can
click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp does the same thing. So does E in
WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are
interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons.
Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object),
use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If
you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're
targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if
nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with
whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything
that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the
chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine
(gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change
depending on the object and how close you are to it.

Equipment & Indicators

The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and inventory. You can
click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing
equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand,
you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the
relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If
you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll
also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an
empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit).
Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing
everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will
move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other
hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and
certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand
and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of
a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.

At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin
at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter
critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact
until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean
that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By
default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click
on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or
defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will
drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the
SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand
up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a
variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a
crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This
status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp.
Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's
too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire
extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST
button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many
items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding
a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add
one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of
your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed
at the same time.

Other Controls
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or
creature and have an empty active hand. The top left/green hand is Help, which will
shake someone up or attempt CPR. The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries
to knock something out of someone's hands. The bottom left/orange hand is Grab,
which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. The bottom right/red fist is
Harm, which will punch or kick someone.
The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of
the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't
really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential
for surgery.
Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc
will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X
if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on
whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or
be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to
release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're
on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the
button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
Getting Around
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace
(depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion or
Destiny, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then
depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2), pop
out of the industrial cryogenics unit (Clarion/Destiny/Linemap), or find yourself
in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that.
The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of,
but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some
time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member
or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.


Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights
you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and
embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will
you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places
on the station.

Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't
open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the

say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon
is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them
for you.

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to
use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it
when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

Players are assigned their jobs.

Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including
stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear
operatives trying to blow everyone up.
Some players are assigned to be miscreants. They have a variety of special
miscreant objectives, such as giving bribes, starting strikes, and inciting their
own lynchings, with the general aim of being a creative nuisance.
Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore
space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just
cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
Miscreants do... whatever. They're given a bit of leeway to do rude and obnoxious
things so long as it fits their miscreant objectives and follows the rules.
At some point, the emergency shuttle will usually be called to evacuate the
station. Once it leaves, it will spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be
thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom
ends of the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions
(see Game Modes) are met.

Chaos reigns!
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal
with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches or whatnot, or
hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted
area, other players may react violently if you barge into their workplace, and
there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how
you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't
worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can
still observe the round, chat with other dead players, play as a Ghostdrone, and
play once the next round starts.

If you are trapped somewhere and want to just give up, you can use the suicide
command. If you are in critical health and want to hurry up and die already, use
the succumb command.
Suiciding while holding certain objects or near certain items might cause a mess.
Some crewmen have taken to trying to discover these areas or items.
When you're ready to start figuring out what you should actually be doing, you have
some resources:

Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).

This wiki.
Talking to other folks in your department.
Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say
to say over the radio.
Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever
gameplay questions you've got.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with adminhelp.
Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist
or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps
will still reach the Goonstation admin IRC channel, and there's nearly always an
admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more
adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of
the issue.

A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the
mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an
hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just
disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super
polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so
they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that
takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very
inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so
please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round
dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body
survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in
your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll
have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good
opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also
become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the
game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the
klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead
players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game
open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a
Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger,
dehydration, and hygiene, and maintaining all of these is important to both
gameplay and roleplay.

Hunger can be maintained by eating food, and there are plenty of vending machines
around to help out with that.
There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the
bar and ask the barman for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will
dehydrate you.
Hygiene is maintained by washing your hands and taking a shower. Make sure you
don't have anything in the uniform or suit inventory before taking a shower, and
walking instead of running will prevent slipping on wet floors.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window
(e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a
certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives,
e.g. being covered in dirt will reduce your hygiene. If your hunger or hydration
motives hit 0, you die instantly. Failing to stay hygienic will make you terribly
smelly and gross. If your uniform or clothes are dirty you can find a laundry
machine and stuff them in there.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L,
which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-
of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't
find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which
intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking
for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of
RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that?
I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are
you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central
Command, and the various Antagonists and miscreants are revealed, the server
restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a
two-minute window to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round
begins. During these two minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and
players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that
happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever
comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by
pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work
if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of
the servers.

Job Prospects
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also
enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation.
Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the
first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start;
they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into
more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by
failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox

like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people
can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create
their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as
they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in
general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the
third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you

pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
Barman/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind
if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make
excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the
botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for
their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without
having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
Mechanic - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular
essential duties. There's plenty of machinery and gadgetry for you to scan,
reverse-engineer, and deploy. MechComp can be intimidating at first, and it
requires a few levels of creativity sometimes, but it's one of the most powerful
game mechanics in Goonstation, right alongside Chemistry.
Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else.
There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely
you'll get bored.
Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in
space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game,
though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any
given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-
responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician,
diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult
their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

Engineer - Expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to
do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free.
Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, mechanic, quartermaster and miner with a bit
more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to
treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into
Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't
need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!
Eventually, you might want to be:

Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only
real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an
officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other
than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically
any job activity you want.
Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal
and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if
they're attacking you!
Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn
a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more
complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical
Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating
plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do
Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital
to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to
find a fellow coworker to help you out.
Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll
probably want to think about unchecking antagonist roles. Unchecking them only puts
your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because
there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for
your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against
Jobs you should avoid for now:

AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't

know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! Essentially,
you're a cop. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating
is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give
tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's
best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must
absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be
able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight
them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin
other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most
danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the
"mood" of Goonstation.
Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a
starting player.
Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their
Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually
be picked by new players anyway.
Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and
operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part
only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you
start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a
variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are
a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if
you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thingritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es que está más allá del
poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la consciencia del hombre
y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los místicos del músculo, es la
Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo que no posee forma física,
un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en todos en general, excepto en
ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, debe estar subordinada a
la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del músculo, debe
estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El estándar de valor del hombre,
dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de Dios, cuyos estándares están más
allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben ser aceptados por fe. El estándar
de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad,
cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a juzgar del hombre y deben ser
obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de la vida del hombre, dicen
ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante, sirviendo un objetivo que él no
conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su recompensa, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su recompensa, dicen los místicos del
músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus tataranietos.

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamentalforever
so I can add the term 1 minus X to
represent the constraints of the
environment and here I'm imagining the
population X is a percentage of the
theoretical maximum so it goes from 0 to
1 and as it approaches that maximum then
this term goes to 0 and that constrains
the population so this is the logistic
map xn plus 1 is the population next
year and xn is the population this year
and if you graph the population next
year versus the population this year you
see it is just an inverted parabola it's
the simplest equation you can make that
has a negative feedback loop the bigger
the population gets over here the
see here that it's reached an
equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse

The left side of the screen is the game window. It is centered on your character.
You can move around with the arrow keys, or toggle WASD mode via Game -> Interface.
The right side of the screen is the info box and chat window. At the bottom of the
screen is a text parser where you can type in what you want to say or certain

To talk out loud, you say "whatever" or press the T key.

To talk over the radio, you say ";whatever". For more info, check out How do I
speak on the radio?!
To get help from a mentor, enter mentorhelp and a popup box will appear. You can
also press F3. Please do not confuse this with adminhelp, which is for issues
related to the rules, also please do not ask if mentors will kill somebody for you.

An overview of the user interface as a human.

In the game window, left clicking is the basic interaction. It's based on your
hands. At the bottom of the screen is your character interface. You have a right
and a left hand, and the highlighted hand is your current active hand. You can
click your other hand slot to switch hands. PgUp does the same thing. So does E in
WASD Mode, X with /tg/code keys on.

How your character interacts depends on what's in your hands, what you are
interacting with, and what your intent is - the four small, colored hand icons.
Clicking something with an empty hand will often try to pick it up (if an object),
use it (if machinery), or shake/grab/punch it (if another player or creature). If
you have something in your hands, you will attempt to use it on whatever you're
targeting. Things in the world react differently to different objects, and if
nothing else happens, the default action is to simply hit the targeted object with
whatever is in your hand (so be careful about clicking other players with anything
that might be mistaken for a weapon). You will get feedback on your actions in the
chat window (not illustrated) on the right.

Right-clicking on a thing brings up a menu list of verbs. Common verbs are Examine
(gives a description of whatever), Pull, Pick Up, or Drop. Verbs may change
depending on the object and how close you are to it.
Equipment & Indicators
The row at the bottom of the screen shows your equipment and inventory. You can
click the toggle inventory (INV) button to bring up/close an extension showing
equipped clothing. If you click the INV button with something in your active hand,
you will automatically equip it if possible. If there is already an object in the
relevant spot, it will switch places with whatever is in your active hand. If
you're accessing the inventory of something you're wearing, e.g. a backpack, it'll
also try to store it in there. If you don't, it'll try to put it in your pockets.

Your backpack, belt, and pockets are extra places to store things. Simply click an
empty slot with your active hand to stow away whatever you've got (if it will fit).
Clicking your backpack with an empty hand will bring up a small window showing
everything in it, and dragging and dropping the sprites of the items inside will
move them around the backpack's inventory. The contents of backpacks and other
hand-held storage containers (box, briefcase, toolbox, belt, first-aid kits and
certain pill bottles) can be dumped out in a pinch. Hold the container in your hand
and then drag & drop it onto a table or floor tile. You can also take things out of
a container without picking it up by dragging and dropping it onto your character.

At the top right-side corner of the game screen is the health indicator. You begin
at 100 and your indicator will turn red as you take more damage. If you enter
critical health, you will occasionally lose consciousness and be unable to interact
until you recover. Other health indicators may appear adjacent and typically mean
that there is something wrong/dangerous about the area you are in.

Also located there is the stamina indicator, which governs your endurance. By
default, your stamina total is 200 and regenerates at a rate of 10 per tick - click
on the indicator to find out about your current status. Every offensive or
defensive combat interaction with a player (like attacking or disarming them) will
drain stamina. You may also use stamina to move significantly faster by holding the
SHIFT key. Once your stamina reaches less than 0 you will be unable to talk, stand
up or even interact with any items. Your odds in combat can be improved with a
variety of drugs and by wearing protective clothing.

Body temperature is another important aspect. If it's too cold, you'll move at a
crawl. You'll take burn damage as well when you're standing on a space tile. This
status takes a while to go away, even if you move into a room with a normal temp.
Space HVAC units, certain exosuits and hot beverages will help you heat up. If it's
too hot, that's usually an indicator that you're on fire. If you can't find a fire
extinguisher, use the stop-drop-and-roll technique. To do this, click the RESIST
button, which will automatically make you roll until the flames have been

Context-sensitive icons can appear in the top left-side corner of the screen. Many
items have a unique HUD icon, such as portable light sources or gas tanks. Holding
a fire extinguisher gives you the option to spray foam all around you, for

The toggle ability bar button is only relevant if you have superpowers. It will add
one or several clickable icons to the top of the screen, each representing one of
your genetic abilities. Content-sensitive and superpower icons cannot be displayed
at the same time.

Other Controls
There are other buttons on your main interface:

Intent settings determine what you will do when you interact with another person or
creature and have an empty active hand. The top left/green hand is Help, which will
shake someone up or attempt CPR. The top right/yellow hand is Disarm, which tries
to knock something out of someone's hands. The bottom left/orange hand is Grab,
which is aggressive and can lead to choking someone. The bottom right/red fist is
Harm, which will punch or kick someone.
The small picture of a person is the target settings. It determines which part of
the body you want to target when you are interacting with another player. You don't
really need to worry about this if you're just starting out, but it is essential
for surgery.
Throw toggles throw mode. Once in throw mode, clicking on a floor tile/person/etc
will then throw the item in that direction. You can toggle throw mode by SPACE, X
if you're in WASD Mode, or R if you have /tg/code keys on.
Drop is also fairly straight-forward. You'll drop the item in your active hand on
whatever tile you're on. The WASD hotkey for this is Q.
Run/Walk toggles between movement speeds. You generally want to stick with run.
Pull will, depending on the interface style chosen, will have an orange border or
be highlighted if you are currently dragging something, and you can click on it to
release the object. The keyboard shortcut for this is the CTRL key.
Resist has a few specific applications, such as slowly putting out a fire if you're
on fire, breaking out of handcuffs or shackles, and escaping from aggressive grabs.
Stand/Rest toggles between standing up or lying down and crawling. This is also the
button to use when you're asleep in a bed and want to wake up.
Getting Around
When you join the game before roundstart, you will spawn in either your workspace
(depending on whatever job you've been assigned), or, if you're on Clarion or
Destiny, one of the many crew dorm rooms. If you join after a round's started, then
depending on the map, you will spawn on the arrival shuttle (Cogmap1/Cogmap2), pop
out of the industrial cryogenics unit (Clarion/Destiny/Linemap), or find yourself
in a pod careening straight into the Arrivals area (Oshan Lab).

In any case, you don't have to worry about doing your job or anything like that.
The AI, security officers, and the captain have some obligations to be aware of,
but otherwise, you're free to wander around exploring at your leisure. Take some
time to familiarize yourself with the station. Feel free to ask a local crew member
or ask over the radio for help if you're lost.


Use the tour console computer to start the tour!

If you want a guided (and commentated!) tour of the station and some of the sights
you may encounter, look above the "Space Station 13" sign in arrivals hallway and
embark on a tour with Murray, the station's local robot tour guide. Not only will
you be entertained, but you'll also get a good rundown of the most important places
on the station.

Your job determines your access level, which determines what doors will or won't
open for you. If you get trapped somewhere, you can ask the AI for help over the

say ;AI, please open this door!

Make sure to enter this into the text parser below the game window. That semicolon
is crucial. Don't worry about quotation marks, the game will automatically add them
for you.

To move, use your arrow keys. You can also toggle WASD mode at Game -> Interface to
use the WASD keys to move instead. To open a door, just walk into it or click on it
when you are standing next to it.

What's Going On Here???

The average Goonstation round goes as follows:

Players are assigned their jobs.

Some players are assigned to be antagonists. There is a variety of them, including
stealthy traitors, spell-flinging wizards, DNA-stealing changelings and nuclear
operatives trying to blow everyone up.
Some players are assigned to be miscreants. They have a variety of special
miscreant objectives, such as giving bribes, starting strikes, and inciting their
own lynchings, with the general aim of being a creative nuisance.
Players do... whatever. They might do their jobs. They might wander off and explore
space. They might mess around and build stuff. They might run gimmicks.
Antagonists do... whatever. They might work on their objectives. Or they might just
cause chaos. They're free to do whatever, including harming/killing other players.
Miscreants do... whatever. They're given a bit of leeway to do rude and obnoxious
things so long as it fits their miscreant objectives and follows the rules.
At some point, the emergency shuttle will usually be called to evacuate the
station. Once it leaves, it will spend 2 min in transit, during which you can be
thrown from the craft and killed, so be careful and buckle up! Arriving at Centcom
ends of the round. The round may also end automatically when certain conditions
(see Game Modes) are met.

Chaos reigns!
Even as you're getting used to the basics, shit may be going down. You may deal
with environmental hazards, like gas leaks, fires, hull breaches or whatnot, or
hazards from other players. Security may hassle you for wandering into a restricted
area, other players may react violently if you barge into their workplace, and
there are plenty of antagonists around causing mayhem. Until you have an idea how
you should act, you should generally just try to run away, call for help, and don't
worry too much. The worst thing that can happen is you die - but even so, you can
still observe the round, chat with other dead players, play as a Ghostdrone, and
play once the next round starts.

If you are trapped somewhere and want to just give up, you can use the suicide
command. If you are in critical health and want to hurry up and die already, use
the succumb command.
Suiciding while holding certain objects or near certain items might cause a mess.
Some crewmen have taken to trying to discover these areas or items.
When you're ready to start figuring out what you should actually be doing, you have
some resources:

Experimenting (may result in fun disaster).

This wiki.
Talking to other folks in your department.
Asking for help over the radio. Remember to put a ; before what you're going to say
to say over the radio.
Asking for help using mentorhelp with F3. Mentors are there to answer whatever
gameplay questions you've got.
If you're being griefed or killed unjustly you can ask for help with adminhelp.
Admins won't tell you straight-up if the person who is hurting you is an antagonist
or not but check to see if it's justified. Even if no admins are on, adminhelps
will still reach the Goonstation admin IRC channel, and there's nearly always an
admin in there. If you don't get a response/reply, don't be afraid to send in more
adminhelps. The admins may not take immediate action, but they will take notice of
the issue.

A round of SS13 can last anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours depending on the
mode of play and the shuttle call, but a typical round lasts about 45 minutes to an
hour. If you need to go, it's more polite to suicide rather than just
disconnecting, since that way people know you won't be back. If you feel super
polite, you could drop your ID in a public area or hand it off to someone else so
they can do your job (unless you're an assistant). Killing yourself in a way that
takes others with you or calling the shuttle because you want to go are both very
inadvisable things to do.

If you're the AI, leaving in the middle of a game can cause real problems, so
please use adminhelp to say you're leaving as an AI.

So what happens if you die 10 minutes in? SS13 has mechanisms to prevent a round
dragging too long; Random events steadily get worse over time. If your body
survived, you can be cloned back into the game; if at least your brain survived (in
your body or otherwise), you can be brought back as a cyborg, which means you'll
have different objectives, but you can still play. As a newbie, it can be a good
opportunity to ghost-observe someone doing one of the other jobs. You can also
become a Ghostdrone and help fix the station. If all antagonists die early, the
game may appoint new joiners as antagonists or respawn ghosts (listen for the
klaxon sound!) as various enemy roles. Sometimes, an admin may reactivate dead
players as new antagonists as well. All in all, it can be worth leaving the game
open even if you just want to wait for the next round.

RP Mechanics
The roleplay server is slightly different from the main server in that it uses a
Motives System (pretty much The Sims meets SS13). This system incorporates hunger,
dehydration, and hygiene, and maintaining all of these is important to both
gameplay and roleplay.

Hunger can be maintained by eating food, and there are plenty of vending machines
around to help out with that.
There are water coolers around to keep you hydrated, but you can also head to the
bar and ask the barman for a drink. Bear in mind that high amounts of ethanol will
dehydrate you.
Hygiene is maintained by washing your hands and taking a shower. Make sure you
don't have anything in the uniform or suit inventory before taking a shower, and
walking instead of running will prevent slipping on wet floors.
Not maintaining your motives will prompt occasional messages in your chat window
(e.g. You feel faintly hungry.) and will persist until the motive is back above a
certain threshold. Certain objects, reagents, and activities will affect motives,
e.g. being covered in dirt will reduce your hygiene. If your hunger or hydration
motives hit 0, you die instantly. Failing to stay hygienic will make you terribly
smelly and gross. If your uniform or clothes are dirty you can find a laundry
machine and stuff them in there.

On the RP server, you also can also speak through LOOC, accessible via Alt + L,
which sends a message to all the people you can see. It's generally meant for out-
of-game stuff, e.g. asking for help or notifying you have an issue when you can't
find a way to phrase it in character (e.g. "My N key is broken, BTW" or "Which
intent do I use?"). LOOC is also good for stuff regarding roleplaying, like asking
for consent to take roleplay in possibly questionable direction ("I'm thinking of
RPing accidentally killing you during this boxing match, are you fine with that?
I'll still try to get you revived.") or requesting some clarification (e.g. "Are
you really mad at me or are you just roleplaying your character being mad?")

Remember to read the rules for the roleplay server!

Before and After Rounds

Once the round ends, which usually is when emergency shuttle reaches Central
Command, and the various Antagonists and miscreants are revealed, the server
restarts. The server then begins preparing a fresh new round, and players have a
two-minute window to press Declare Ready so they play as soon as said new round
begins. During these two minutes, Out-of-Character (OOC) Chat is enabled, and
players are free to talk about the previous round and the good/bad things that
happened, ask questions about game mechanics, or just chill and talk about whatever
comes to mind, so long as it follows the rules. You can join in and talk in OOC by
pressing ALT+O or just pressing O on WASD Mode. T also works, although it'll work
if you're in the lobby, which is where you end up when you first connect to one of
the servers.

Job Prospects
We not only want you to appreciate the variety and depth of our mechanics, but also
enjoy the spirit of experimentation and discovery at the heart of Goonstation.
Obviously, you can't experiment if you have no clue if a mechanic works in the
first place, so you have to start somewhere. Good newbie jobs provide that start;
they should be simple to pick up, so you aren't too overwhelmed and can ease into
more complicated mechanics, and low-consequence, so you aren't too discouraged by
failures and can easily try again.

In addition, they should try to minimize boredom. Even in a paranoia-laced sandbox

like SS13, there are always periods where there's simply nothing to do. Some people
can't handle them and drop out before the round's fully over. Some try to create
their own fun, sometimes constructively, sometimes not. A few even enjoy them, as
they're great opportunities to experiment with things. Ideally, a good job (in
general, not just for newbies) should encourage or at least capitalize on the
third, but in the end, it still really depends on the person.

Good jobs to start out as:

Staff Assistant - You have no responsibilities or obligations whatsoever, so you

pick up and learn game mechanics as you wish. You're also generally ignored.
Barman/Chef/Janitor/Chaplain - These jobs are all simple and few (if any) will mind
if you don't have a clue what you're doing. The first two in particular make
excellent introductions to the wonderful world of Chemistry.
Botanist - The rest of the station tends to forget that hydroponics exists, and the
botanists are usually relaxed people who don't mind idle chat while they wait for
their weed to grow. It's a good place to hang out and learn from others without
having any expectations to meet, while still having plenty of things you can do.
Mechanic - A good job for experimenting with various systems, with few particular
essential duties. There's plenty of machinery and gadgetry for you to scan,
reverse-engineer, and deploy. MechComp can be intimidating at first, and it
requires a few levels of creativity sometimes, but it's one of the most powerful
game mechanics in Goonstation, right alongside Chemistry.
Geneticist - DNA sequencing is quite easy and unlikely to disrupt anyone else.
There are loads and loads of mutations to discover and activate, so it's unlikely
you'll get bored.
Miner - A great opportunity to practice getting suited up and moving around in
space, or rigging and piloting a pod. Maybe best not for your very first game,
though, as suffocation isn't pleasant.
Lawyer/Barber/Tourist - "Jobs of the day", of which one may be available on any
given day. These resemble chaplain or assistants in that they are low-access, zero-
responsibility, roleplaying roles. The same applies to most gimmick jobs (musician,
diplomat, salesman etc), which are available at random.
The following jobs have standard duties, but they are not difficult if you consult
their wiki pages or other players in the same job:

Engineer - Expected to start the engine, but only one engineer is usually needed to
do this, and otherwise the job is relatively free.
Chief Engineer - Combines engineer, mechanic, quartermaster and miner with a bit
more access and some new toys, but no extra duties. Some engineers might decide to
treat you as if you're in charge, but you don't have to be.
Roboticist - Expected to provide power cells for robots and make people into
Head of Personnel - You control everyone's job and access assignments. You don't
need to do anything, but you'll probably be asked to do plenty!
Eventually, you might want to be:

Captain - Surprisingly, you don't have to be really competent to do this. Your only
real obligation is to protect the authorization disk in your pocket. Don't be an
officious jerk, no one likes those, and try your best to protect your crew. Other
than that, you get to explore (nearly) everywhere on the station and do basically
any job activity you want.
Cyborg - You get access to everything, but your interface is different than normal
and you're expected to follow the AI laws, meaning you can't hurt anyone even if
they're attacking you!
Quartermaster - You're expected to manage the station's budget and attempt to turn
a profit. It's a good idea to have an idea how storage and manufacturing work.
Medical Doctor or Medical Director - Expected to heal the wounded. This is more
complicated than other duties and your patient can die if you screw up. Medical
Director combines medical doctor, geneticist, and roboticist.
Scientist - You get to study artifacts, investigate different mixes for heating
plasma mixes, and experiment with various chemical mixtures. You can also do
Telescience and explore the Adventure Zone. Risk of death is fairly high, but vital
to the learning. Tends to be a fairly popular job, so you can reasonably expect to
find a fellow coworker to help you out.
Research Director - Combines scientist with head of staff access.
Antagonist roles - Once you've got the hang of how the station works you'll
probably want to think about unchecking antagonist roles. Unchecking them only puts
your name in the hat - you are always unlikely to actually get them, simply because
there are so few in each round compared to the number of players. Be prepared for
your round to end early, as once you're known the entire station will be against
Jobs you should avoid for now:

AI - AIs have a lot of annoying restrictions and responsibilities. If you don't

know what you're doing expect everyone to scream and hurl abuse at you.
Security Officer - Don't pick this as a starting player, please! Essentially,
you're a cop. You need to have an understanding of station systems (death/beating
is not an appropriate sentence for most crimes, so you need to know how to give
tickets/fines and use the brig), know the mood of the game (you must know when it's
best to let someone be, when some intervention might be good, and when you must
absolutely punish people, which all depend on context and player tastes), and be
able to handle combat (because when you meet a genuine bad guy you'll have to fight
them). Since you're constantly interacting with others you can very easily ruin
other people's rounds. This job invites the most scrutiny, is often in the most
danger, and really sucks for everyone if you are terrible or don't really get the
"mood" of Goonstation.
Detective - Similar to the security officer and so probably not ideal for a
starting player.
Boxer - All you can do well is punch people, and that will just get on their
Clown - Actually, come to think of it, you should probably avoid this job forever.
Head of Security - For the same reason as the security officer, and can't actually
be picked by new players anyway.
Note: There is no skill system on Goonstation. Any player can do any job and
operate all equipment on the station at full competence; your job for the most part
only determines the areas of the station you have access to and the equipment you
start with. There are certain exceptions, such as complex tasks that have a
variable failure chance. For example, surgery is less likely to go wrong if you are
a medical doctor or another medically related job, and the opposite is true if
you're a clown or similar untrained personnel.

One last thing persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así como el hombre es libre de
intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero perecerá a menos que viva
como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar su felicidad a través de
cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la frustración es todo lo que
hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia para el hombre. El objetivo
de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir, sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.
»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
smaller it'll be the following year so
let's try an example let's say we're
dealing with a particularly active group
»Productividad es tu aceptación de la moralidad, tu reconocimiento del hecho que
has elegido vivir; que el trabajo productivo es el proceso mediante el cual la
consciencia del hombre controla su existencia, un proceso constante de adquirir
conocimiento y transformar la materia para adecuarla a los fines de uno, de
convertir una idea en forma física, de recrear la Tierra en la imagen de los
valores de uno; que todo trabajo es trabajo creativo si está hecho por una mente
pensante, y ningún trabajo es creativo si está hecho por un nadie que repite en
indiscriminado estupor una rutina que ha aprendido de otros; que tu trabajo eres tú
quien lo escoge, y la elección es tan amplia como tu mente, que nada más es posible
para ti y nada menos es humano; que engañar para conseguir un trabajo mayor que tu
mente puede manejar es convertirte en un macaco corroído por el miedo en
movimientos prestados y tiempo prestado, y conformarte con un trabajo que requiere
menos que la plena capacidad de tu mente es coartar tu motor y sentenciarte a ti
mismo a otro tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el proceso de
adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu ambición
por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y debes
conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el objetivo
de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega deslizándose
colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse en la primera
cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina parada
oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su curso
es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro hombre
su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu trabajo es
el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que asuma el
derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera de tu
trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con los que
decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio impulso y en
la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
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Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.
A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.
The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).
Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted
by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websiteegoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores
de materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una bre terms of the epigenetic inheritance of traits1,
¿Los hombres no viven por la mente, decís? He retirado a los que sí lo hacen. ¿La
mente es impotente, decís? He retirado a aquellos cuya mente no lo es. ¿Hay valores
mayores que la mente, decís? He retirado a aquellos para quienes no los hay.
empirical data to support transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of behavioral
traits in mammals are beginning to accumulate at the level of morphological,
behavioral and metabolic traits2–15os dos vías más respecto a la temática de la
negatividad en el Foucault de la década del cincuenta y principios de la década del
sesenta. Además de la vía nietzscheana, puede rastrearse una vía hegeliana que, a
partir del seminario dictado por Kojève entre los años 1933-1939, produjo una serie
de tópicos comunes a varios autores del pensamiento francés, destacándose
principalmente la . We used oldicar tu consciencia a la destrucción de la

see here that it's reached an

equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así

como el hombre es libre de intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero
perecerá a menos que viva como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar
su felicidad a través de cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la
frustración es todo lo que hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia
para el hombre. El objetivo de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir,
sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida Text document with red question mark.svg
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Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websitedel hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
»Productividad es tu aceptación de la moralidad, tu reconocimiento del hecho que
has elegido vivir; que el trabajo productivo es el proceso mediante el cual la
consciencia del hombre controla su existencia, un proceso constante de adquirir
conocimiento y transformar la materia para adecuarla a los fines de uno, de
convertir una idea en forma física, de recrear la Tierra en la imagen de los
valores de uno; que todo trabajo es trabajo creativo si está hecho por una mente
pensante, y ningún trabajo es creativo si está hecho por un nadie que repite en
indiscriminado estupor una rutina que ha aprendido de otros; que tu trabajo eres tú
quien lo escoge, y la elección es tan amplia como tu mente, que nada más es posible
para ti y nada menos es humano; que engañar para conseguir un trabajo mayor que tu
mente puede manejar es convertirte en un macaco corroído por el miedo en
movimientos prestados y tiempo prestado, y conformarte con un trabajo que requiere
menos que la plena capacidad de tu mente es coartar tu motor y sentenciarte a ti
mismo a otro
»Quítate de encima a esos parásitos de aulas subvencionadas que viven de los
beneficios de la mente de otros y proclaman que el hombre no necesita ni moralidad,
ni valores, ni código de conducta. Ellos, que se hacen pasar por hombres de ciencia
y afirman que el hombre es sólo un animal, ni siquiera le conceden la inclusión en
la ley de la existencia como le han concedido al más insignificante de los
insectos. Reconocen que cada especie viviente tiene un modo de supervivencia
exigido por su naturaleza; no declaran que un pez pueda vivir fuera del agua o que
un perro pueda vivir sin su sentido del olfato; pero el hombre, afirman, el más
complejo de los seres, el hombre puede sobrevivir de cualquier manera, el hombre no
tiene identidad, ni naturaleza, y no hay ninguna razón práctica por la que no pueda
vivir con sus medios de supervivencia destruidos, con su mente coartada y colocada
a disposición de las órdenes que a ellos se les ocurra dar.

»Quítate de encima a esos místicos consumidos por el odio que se hacen pasar por
amigos de la humanidad y predican que la mayor virtud que el hombre puede practicar
es considerar que su propia vida no tiene valor. ¿Te dicen que el objetivo de la
moralidad es cohibir el instinto de autopreservación del hombre? Es justamente para
la autopreservación para lo que el hombre necesita un código de moralidad. El único
hombre que desea ser moral es el hombre que desea vivir.
ada de ellos excepto tales relaciones en las que ellos quieran entrar por su propia
elección voluntaria. Es sólo con su mente con la que puedo tratar, y sólo para mi
propio interés, cuando ellos ven que mi interés coincide con el suyo. Cuando no lo
ven, no entro en la relación; dejo que los que disienten prosigan su camino, y yo
no me aparto del mío. Yo gano solamente por medio de la lógica y me rindo solamente
a la lógica. No rindo mi razón, ni trato con hombres que rinden la suya. No tengo
nada que ganar de imbéciles o de cobardes; no tengo ganancias que buscar en los
vicios humanos: estupidez, deshonestidad o miedo. El único valor que los hombres
pueden ofrecerme es el trabajo de su mente. Cuando estoy en desacuerdo con un
hombre racional, dejo que la realidad sea nuestro árbitro final; si yo tengo razón,
él aprenderá; si estoy equivocado, yo aprenderé; uno de nosotros ganará, pero ambos
nos beneficiaremos.
what's the connection between a dripping
faucet the Mandelbrot set a population
of rabbits thermal convection in a fluid
and the firing of neurons in your brain
it's this one simple eq
see here that it's reached an
equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así

como el hombre es libre de intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero
perecerá a menos que viva como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar
su felicidad a través de cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la
frustración es todo lo que hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia
para el hombre. El objetivo de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir,
sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera exiRules
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Lawsstencia, le dicen, es
la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo
no-existente; y si él es incapaz de entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su
existencia es malvada, y su consciencia, impotente.

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamentaluation this video
is sponsored by fast hosts who are
offering UK viewers the chance to win a
trip to South by Southwest if they can
answer my question at the end of this
video so stay tuned for that let's say
you want to model a population of
rabbits if you have X rabbits this year
how many rabbits will you have next year
well the simplest model I can imagine is
where we ju
of rabbits so R equals two point six and
then let's pick a starting population of
40% of the maximum so point four and
then times 1 minus 0.4 and we get 0.62
four okay so the population increased in
the first year but what we're really
interested in is the long term behavior
of this population so w
see here that it's reached an
equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así

como el hombre es libre de intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero
perecerá a menos que viva como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar
su felicidad a través de cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la
frustración es todo lo que hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia
para el hombre. El objetivo de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir,
sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamentale can put this
population back into the equation and to
speed things up you can actually type
two point six times answer times one -
answer get point six one so the
population dropped a little hit it again
point six one nine point six one three
point six one seven point six one five
point six one six point six one five and
if I keep hitting Enter here you see
that the population doesn't really
change it has stabilized which matches
what we see in the wild populations
often remain the same as long as births
and deaths are balanced now I want to
make a graph of this iteration you can
see here that it's reached an
equilibrium value of point six one five
now what would happen if I change the
initial population I'm tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el
proceso de adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu
ambición por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y
debes conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el
objetivo de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega
deslizándose colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse
en la primera cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina
parada oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su
curso es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro
hombre su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu
trabajo es el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que
asuma el derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera
de tu trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con
los que decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio
impulso y en la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal
profesional para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas
decir lo que yo estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy
orgulloso de mi propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una brefactory fear conditioning to address when and how
the olfactory experience of a parent might influence their offspring. Specifically,
we focused on the olfactory system, given its wellunderstood molecular biology and
neuroanatomymal expiatorio tratando de ser inmolado en los altares de otros te está
dando la muerte como tu estándar. Por la gracia de la realidad y la naturaleza de
la vida, el hombre –cada hombre– es un fin en sí mismo, existe por su propio
beneficio, y alcanzar su felicidad es su más alto objetivo moral.

»Pero ni vida ni felicidad pueden obtenerse persiguiendo antojos irracionales. Así

como el hombre es libre de intentar sobrevivir de cualquier manera, al azar, pero
perecerá a menos que viva como su naturaleza requiere, también es libre de buscar
su felicidad a través de cualquier fraude insensato, pero la tortura de la
frustración es todo lo que hallará a menos que busque la felicidad que es propia
para el hombre. El objetivo de la moralidad es enseñarte, no a sufrir y a morir,
sino a disfrutar y a vivir.
just going to
move this slider here and wh
stabilizes on to a constant value and
the higher R is the higher the
equilibrium population
so far so good but n clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rechazar lo inservible, sino lo precioso.
«Sacrificio» no significa el rechazo del mal en beneficio del bien, sino del bien
en beneficio del mal. «Sacrificio» es ceder aquello que valoras en favor de lo que
no valoras.

»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar

por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes

»Un sacrifico es la sumisión de un valor. Un sacrificio completo es la completa

sumisión de todos los valores. Si quieres alcanzar la virtud total, no debes buscar
ninguna gratitud a cambio de tu sacrificio, ni adulación, ni amor, ni admiración,
ni autoestima, ni siquiera el orgullo de ser virtuoso; la menor traza de cualquier
beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha tu vida
con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor en
espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas ese
estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.

»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this processow comes the weird
once our passes three the graph splits
in two why what's happening well no
matter how many times you iterate the
equation it never settles on to a single
constant value instead it oscillates
back and forth between two values one
year the population is higher the next
year lower and then the cycle repeats
the cyclic nature of populations is
observed in nature too one year there
might be more rabbits and then fewer the
next year and more again the year after
as our continues to increase the fork
spreads apart and then each one splits
now instead of oscillating back and
forth between two values populations go
through a four year cycle before
repeating since the length of the cycle
or period has doubled these are known as
period doubling bifurcation z' and as R
increases further there are more period
doubling bifurcation z' they come faster
and faster leading to cycles of 8 16 32
64 and then at R equals three point five
seven chaos the population never settles
down at all it bounces around as if at
random in fact this equation provided
one of the first methods of generating
random numbers on computers it was a way
to get something unpredictable from a
deterministic machine there is no
pattern here no repeating of course if
you did know the exact initial
conditions you could calculate the
values exactly so they are considered
only pseudo-random numbers now you might
expect the equation to be chaotic from
here on out but clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rechazar lo inservible, sino lo precioso.
«Sacrificio» no significa el rechazo del mal en beneficio del bien, sino del bien
en beneficio del mal. «Sacrificio» es ceder aquello que valoras en favor de lo que
no valoras.

»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar

por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes

»Un sacrifico es la sumisión de un valor. Un sacrificio completo es la completa

sumisión de todos los valores. Si quieres alcanzar la virtud total, no debes buscar
ninguna gratitud a cambio de tu sacrificio, ni adulación, ni amor, ni admiración,
ni autoestima, ni siquiera el orgullo de ser virtuoso; la menor traza de cualquier
beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha tu vida
con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor en
espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas ese
estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.

»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this processas R increases order
returns there are these windows of
stable periodic behavior amid the chaos
for example at R equals 3 point 8 3
there is a stable cycle with a period of
3 years and as R continues to increase
it splits into 6 12 24 and so on before
returning to chaos in fact this one
equation contains periods of every
length 3750 1052 whatever you like if
you just have the righ
this equation is going to blow up so the
number 1 is not part of the Mandelbrot
set what if we try C equals negative 1
well then we've got 0 squared minus 1
equals negative 1 negative 1 squared
minus 1 equals 0 and so we're back to 0
squared minus 1 equals negative 1 so we
see that this function is going to keep
oscillating back and forth between
negative 1 and 0 and so it'll remain
finite and so C equals negative 1 is
part of the Mandelbrot set now normally
when you see pictures of the Mandelbrot
set it just shows you the boundary
between the numbers that cause this
iterated equation to remain finite and
those that cause it to blow up but it
doesn't really show you how these
numbers stay finite so what we've done
here is actually iterated that equation
thousands of times and then plotted on
the zt value
are looking at this bifurcation diagram
you may notice that it looks like a
fractal the large-scale features look to
be repeated on smaller and smaller
scales and sure enough if you zoom in
you see that it is in fact a fractal
arguably the most famous fractal is the
Mandelbrot set the plot tat you see
is the first few years change but the
equilibrium population remains the same
so we can basically ignore the initial
population so what I'm really interested
in is how does this equilibrium
population vary depending on are the
growth rate so as you can see if I lower
the growth rate the equilibrium
population decreases that makes sense
and in fact if R goes below one well
then the population drops and eventually
goes extinct so what I want to do is
make another graph where on the x axis I
have R the growth rate and on the y axis
I'm plotting the equilibrium population
the population you get after many many
many generations okay for low values of
R we see the populations always go
extinct so the equilibrium value is zero
but once our hits 1 the populationwist here is
that the bifurcation diagram is actually
part of the Mandelbrot set how does that
work well quick recap on the Mandelbrot
set it is based on this iterated
equation so the way it works is you pick
a number C any number in the complex
plane and then start with Z equals 0 and
then iterate this equation over and over
again if it blows up to infinity well
then the number C is not part of the set
but if this nu clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rechazar lo inservible, sino lo precioso.
«Sacrificio» no significa el rechazo del mal en beneficio del bien, sino del bien
en beneficio del mal. «Sacrificio» es ceder aquello que valoras en favor de lo que
no valoras.

»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar

por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes

»Un sacrifico es la sumisión de un valor. Un sacrificio completo es la completa

sumisión de todos los valores. Si quieres alcanzar la virtud total, no debes buscar
ninguna gratitud a cambio de tu sacrificio, ni adulación, ni amor, ni admiración,
ni autoestima, ni siquiera el orgullo de ser virtuoso; la menor traza de cualquier
beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha tu vida
con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor en
espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas ese
estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.

»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this processmber remains finite after
unlimited iterations well then it is
part of the Mandelbrot set so let's try
for example C equals 1 so we've got 0
squared plus 1 equals 1 then 1 squared
plus 1 equals 2 2 squared plus 1 equals
5 5 squared plus 1 equals 26 so pretty
quickly you can sText document with red question mark.svg
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Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websiteat that iteration
actually takes so if we look from the
side what you'll actually see is the
bifurcation diagram it is part of this
Mandelbrot set so what's really going on
here well what this is showing us is
that all of the numbers in the main
cardioid they end up stabilizing on to a
single constant value but the numbers in
this main bulb will they end up
oscillating back and forth between two
values and in this bulb they end up
oscillating between four values they've
got a period of four and then eight and
then 16 32 and so on and then you hit
the chaotic part the chaotic part of the
bifurcation diagram happens out here on
what's called the needle of the
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Mandelbrot set where the Mandelbrot set
gets really thin and you can see this
medallion here that looks like a smaller
version of the entire Mandelbrot set
well that corresponds to the window of
stability in the bifurcation plot with a
period of three now the bifurcation
diagram only exists on the real line
because we only put real numbers into
our equation but all of these bulbs off
of the main cardioid well they also have
periodic cycles of for example 3 or 4 or
5 and so you see these repeated ghostly
images if we look in the z axis
effectively they're oscillating between
these values as well
personally I find this extraordinarily
beautiful but if you're more practically
minded you may be asking but does this
equation actually model populations of
animals and the answer is yes
particularly in the controlled
environment scientists have setText document with red question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.
Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).
Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.
Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official website up in
labs what I find even more amazing is
how this one simple equation applies to
a huge range of totally unrelated areas
of science the first major experimental
confirmation came from a fluid
dynamicists named Lib Taber he created a
small rectangular box with mercury
inside and he used a small temperature
gradient to induce convection just two
counter-rotating cylinders of fluid
inside his bo clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y
secretamente añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y
sólo el miedo a la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os
revolcáis en pánico por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis
cerrado, huyendo de un perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que
no osáis reconocer, y cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único
acto que podría salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no
comprender, ni nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo
oigan: que la vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una mora
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.
These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.lidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rText document with red question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Laws
Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official website
»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar
por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes
Jobclown.png Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse for breaking 'em!
The rules - more like guidelines, really - are intended to support an enjoyable
experience for all, player and admin alike. We try to keep limitations on personal
playstyle choices as minimal as possible while still allowing for a fair and
entertaining game for the players. They're not intended to gate certain people out
of the community, but to keep the community a place people want to be.

1 General Game Rules
2 Roleplay Server Rules
3 Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)
4 Discord Rules
General Game Rules
Don't grief. This isn't limited to just killing people: dismembering, stripping,
crippling, force-feeding, force-borging, uploading murder laws to the AI, setting
up death traps, wrecking or depowering parts of the station, anything that
explodes, etc. are all griefy. As a rule of thumb, if it's bad and takes more than
10 minutes for a normal player to fix, it is covered by this rule. If someone is
confirmed (via game mechanics) to be an antagonist, is a cluwne, has agreed to
whatever you're planning to do to them, or you've seen them griefing people this
round, you can go after them. This means that you shouldn't kill people for
annoying you mildly or inconveniencing you, but only if they are actual threats/a
cluwne. Feel free to adminhelp for clarification anyways. Antagonists, emagged
cyborgs, mindslaves and thralls may ignore this rule whenever they want to/can in
the case of mindslaves and thralls. (Huffnote: mindslaves and thralls whose owners
die have long since been allowed to just do whatever they want if they can't revive
their owner) Silicons must ignore this rule if their orders/laws require it of
them, but aren't allowed to grief otherwise. Note: braindead people still count as
people. They might be coming back. A longer discussion of grief and what does and
doesn't constitute it is available here. Do not harm anyone in arrivals, antag or
not, if they're not existing players.
Listen to the admins. We will try to treat you with basic respect, please return
the favor: If an admin has to grump at you, take the time to talk to them about it
and answer their questions HONESTLY. We have multiple ways of telling if you are
lying about stuff, and if we can't trust what you're saying, there's no point to
talking so we're probably going to have to reach for the banhammer. Also, although
nobody expects you to take a talking-to with a smile and a nod, please try to keep
a civil tone. We're just people too, folks.
No metagaming. Look, we all know that gamers like talking to other gamers, and
doing so while gaming - all we ask is that if you are playing SS13, you do not use
any out-of-game means to communicate with another player on the same server. This
effectively gives you more eyes and ears on a round than other players, and that's
not fair. Conversely, acting on any information obtained using solely in-game
mechanics (yes, deadchat counts) is explicitly NOT metagaming with very few
exceptions - going to areas you shouldn't be is the meat of it, check the page for
a fuller explanation. There's a more in-depth discussion of this rule at the
Metagaming page.
Bigotry and sexual content is a non-negotiable hard 'no'. If you are unsure what
sexual content includes: do not refer to sex acts, genitalia, or anything sexual in
nature. Rape 'jokes' are considered sexual content. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to use the word rape in this game. Yes, you can call people dicks and
insult them with terms that are used normally, but don't use bigoted language or
slurs. Common examples of bigoted language include calling people 'retards' or
'traps', or using 'gay' in a derogatory manner. If an admin tells you to knock
something off because it breaks the no bigotry or sexual content rule, that is not
an invitation for debate. Knock it off or go elsewhere. Bigoted language (for
example, slurs) is also not allowed in your BYOND key, character name, flavor text,
or anything else with which you interact with the server, whether as a joke, or
masked with misspellings or spoonerisms.
Do not name your character after political or controversial figures. If you're
unsure what might constitute as controversial: avoid naming your character after
murderers, abusers, religious figures, or any name you've heard of in the news.
Naming yourself Albert Einstein is fine, but naming yourself OJ Simpson is not. If
an admin tells you to change your name because it's based on a political or
controversial figure, it is not an invitation for debate. Change it or go
Do not modify your BYOND client (dreamseeker) in any way, shape or form. This is
the other automatic 'no' and is not open to discussion or explanation. If you get a
message on connect that implies that the server thinks you're using a modified
client, and you're really sure you're not, catch us on IRC and we'll talk about
what might have gone wrong - but don't try and pull a fast one. We have ways of
knowing if you're telling the truth, and we will not talk about how.
Don't carry grudges from round to round. If someone was a tremendous jerk in one
round, and you didn't get to enact your revenge before the round ended, kiss it
goodbye. If you try to get back at them in a later round, that is griefing, and see
rule number one.
Don't use multiple accounts in a single round. If you're Jimmy Poo, and you get
killed, don't jump right back in as J. Fred Bloggs. You are welcome to use multiple
accounts so long as you only connect to a given round with ONE of them and no
other. If you for some reason want to roll up a completely new BYOND account for
each and every round you play, we won't stop you, though we may wonder about your
sanity. (NOTE: If there are other people in your household playing or otherwise
sharing an IP address for some reason, it is worth dropping us a line via the
adminhelp command to let us know. All we'll ask is that you not communicate with
each other out-of-game about what's happening in the game.)
No spoilers. Many secrets are designed with the fun of the hunt in mind. Please
don't rob other players of the joy of discovery - spoiling a secret for someone
without their explicit consent is a No-No. You may share secrets with other
players, provided that you do not use larger public channels of communication (like
the in-game chat, the public discord channels, or forums) and make clear that you
are sharing spoilers. If you are not sure what belongs on the wiki, you can ask for
permission from an administrator first.
Do not impersonate admins under any circumstances. Do not threaten to get other
people banned. This will not end well for you!
End of Round Grief. You are welcome to bomb the shuttle, beat other players or
generally cause problems once the shuttle has arrived at Centcom - but only AFTER
the line saying "Further actions will have no impact on round results. Go hog
wild!" has appeared.
This is not an exhaustive list. Rules-lawyering is STRONGLY discouraged. If an
admin asks you to knock something off, 'well it's not in the rules' is not really
an argument. If you feel this rule is being abused, please feel absolutely free to
make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish you for posting a
Roleplay Server Rules
The roleplay server operates very differently rulewise to our other servers and
players are held to a higher standard of effort during their play there. However,
due to our ban system a ban from one is a ban from all, so make very sure that you
follow these rules when on our roleplay server. If you are unsure if something is
allowed or not, first consult the base rules of Goonstation; if you are still
unsure after doing so, feel free to adminhelp for clarification. If you disagree
with any of the below rules, please do not play on the roleplay server, and instead
spend your time on one of our other, non-roleplay servers.

These are extra rules. The RP rules are an extension to the base rules, not a
replacement for. Do not use roleplay as an excuse for rulebreaking behavior, such
as bigoted language or sexual content. No, your character doesn’t get a free pass
to be racist just because you’re trying to roleplay as a racist.
We're all here to have a good time. Going out of your way to seriously negatively
impact or end the round for someone with little to no justification is against the
rules. Legitimate conflicts where people get upset do happen; however, these
conflicts should escalate properly, and retribution must be proportionate. For
example, this means you shouldn’t immediately escalate to murder when someone
refuses to leave a certain area or give back something they stole.
Keep IC and OOC separate. Do not use the OOC channel to spoil IC (In Character)
events, such as the identity of an antagonist. Even if something seems minor to
you, as long as it pertains to the current round and characters, you should not be
mentioning it in OOC. Likewise, do not treat IC chat like OOC (saying things like
((this round is great)) over radio, etc).
Don’t use OOC information or knowledge that your character would not reasonably be
aware of just to give yourself an advantage. In other words, don’t powergame or
metagame. This includes things such as shouting “LING!” right after you as a player
realize that you’ve been stung, or rolling captain every round just to do genetics.
Deadchat is considered OOC, and so you should not be using the information you
learned from there to inform your IC decisions. Conversely, a changeling’s hivemind
is considered IC, and so you should not be bringing in OOC content or information.
Play as a coherent, believable character that you enjoy portraying. Real life
realism is not required, and you are allowed to be silly within the context of the
SS13 game world. (Clowns, farting on people, people spontaneously combusting and
exploding are all non-serious things but yet a vital part of the game world.) At
the end of the day, it is very likely your character wants their employment with
Nanotrasen to continue. As such, they should act like it. Playing as a violent or
otherwise psychologically unstable character is not a valid reason to cause harm to
others or damage to the station unless you are an antagonist. Only minor criminal
activity is permitted.
Chain of command and security are important. The head of your department is your
boss and they can fire you; security officers can arrest you for stealing or
breaking into places. The preference would be that unless they're doing something
unreasonable, such as spacing you for drawing bees on the floor, you shouldn't
freak out over being punished for doing something that would get you fired or
arrested in real life. This also means that if you are someone in the chain of
command or security, you are expected to put in effort and try and do your job.
Stay in your lane. While you are capable of doing anything within the game
mechanics, allow those who have selected the relevant job to attempt the task
first. As an example, busting into medical and self-treating would be a very
strange real-life event if there are doctors literally standing there, and while a
janitor mixing up some more space cleaner is believable, if there are scientists
working in chemistry you should consider asking them to make you your space-cleaner
beaker bombs. Choosing captain just to be sure you can go and work the genetics
machine all round is not acceptable.
Self-defence is allowed to the extent of saving your own life. Putting someone into
critical condition is considered self-defence only if they attempted to severely
harm or kill you. Preemptively disabling someone, responding with disproportionate
force, or hitting someone while they are already downed is not self-defence. Minor
assault and fistfights are acceptable, assuming that both players have a reasonable
justification as to why the fight started. Assault without any provocation or
warning is strictly disallowed under a majority of circumstances.
Look out for everyone. Please be considerate of other players, as their experiences
are just as important as your own. If you aren’t an antagonist and yet you really
want to play out a hostage situation, or deep-fry someone, or be a rude dude in
whatever way, confirm with the involved and affected players either IC or in LOOC
first. If everyone agrees to being subjected to harm or terrorization, then you’re
good to go. Please keep in mind that this rule does not protect you from IC
consequences, such as getting arrested by security. If you are going to RP as a
rude dude, given that your victims have given you the okay, you still have to own
the responsibility that comes with your decision. This means, no, you can’t kill a
security officer because they tried to arrest you for murdering the clown, even if
the clown agreed to being murdered.
Have you been made an antagonist? Treat your role as an interesting challenge and
not an excuse to destroy other people’s game experience. Your actions should make
the game more fun, more exciting and more enjoyable for everyone; you can treat
your objectives as suggestions on what you should attempt to achieve but you are
also allowed to ignore them if you have something more enjoyable in mind. You do
NOT have to act in a nefarious or evil way, but you are not allowed to just go on a
silent rampage and eliminate all the players in a power trip. It is the experience
of everyone that matters, not just your own.
It is security’s job to stop antagonists. If you are not part of the security team
(HoS, Sec. Officer, Detective or Vice Officer), you should not go out of your way
to hunt for potential antagonists. You are allowed to defend yourself and others
from violent antagonists, but you should not act like a vigilante if a security
force is present. The exception to this rule is when rare game modes such as blob
or nuke ops appear on the RP server - you are free to fully engage with these
antagonists, as they are considered stationwide threats.
Be kind to the bad guys. Because antagonists are often the primary driver for
rounds, some amount of goodwill should be extended to them. This means you should
try to interact and communicate with antagonists and try to create an exciting
narrative, rather than, say, immediately laser them to death when you see them.
Communication and dialogue are expected on both ends.
Respawn as a new character without previous knowledge of the round. When respawning
you must always respawn as a new character that has not played in the current
round. You may not act on any information your previous character had learned.

Things to Keep In Mind (Ingame)

Warnings aren't necessarily required. Although in general the admins will do their
best to have a discussion about any given conflict before enacting a punishment,
there are some cases where communication is either impossible or nonproductive.
Different admins have different styles. Although we all follow the same general
directives, some admins are more or less forgiving on certain issues than others.
If you do a thing that gets you a dayban from one admin, and your buddy does the
same thing later and gets away with just a talking-to, that is not a thing to
complain about. If you DO feel that an admin's actions were inappropriate, please
feel absolutely free to make use of the Admin Complaints forum - we won't punish
you for posting a complaint.
There is a difference between grief and jerkery. Being a jerk to people is expected
and almost necessary in this game - minor theft, facefarting, etc - basically stuff
that either doesn't severely impact someone else's ability to enjoy the game, or is
otherwise handleable with in-game resources like the security force. This is
something of a moving target and probably the one where the 'different admins have
different styles' bit will be the most relevant for. If it's a relatively calm
round, the HoP hasn't vanished yet, and someone steals your ID, that's not so big a
deal. If all hell is breaking loose, the round has been going on for more than 15
minutes so the HoP has vanished into the ether, and therefore you can't really
replace your ID, then ID theft is a MASSIVE dick move and absolutely worth
adminhelping for. Feel free to adminhelp if you really do think something isn't
okay, but if we tell you 'this is something that should be handled ingame' then at
least give it a try. Besides, bored sec officers rarely find ways to amuse
themselves that the rest of the station would call 'useful'.
If you are a 'special role' like a Captain, a department head, an antagonist, or an
AI, and you have to log out, please let us know via adminhelp before you leave. You
don't have to stick around to wait for a reply, just let us know so we can replace
you if it's necessary. (POPENOTE: This is a temporary bandaid, the AI role is
finally getting some love. It's still a good idea though.)
Mindslaves, thralls and other related roles have a couple of very important rules
that must be followed. You must not reveal that you have been
mindslaved/thralled/whatever unless your master tells you to, and you must obey
every command your master tells you. Of course, if things start getting a little
weird or creepy and are clearly in violation of our main rules, please adminhelp
right away. As a mindslave you are expected to support and protect your master.
This means you should not do anything that might cause them to come to harm unless
you are very explicitly told to do so. Even if you are told to murder everyone, you
should not do something like set off a bomb while your master is standing in harm's
Sploded Clause - this should be ALMOST NEVER used, but we reserve the right to
dispose of a consistently terrible player on a permanent basis even if the event
the ban is in a direct response to would not normally involve a permaban. If your
ban involves the word 'sploded', you should probably wait at least several months
before even thinking about appealing it - it means you're really super not fitting
in here, and literally the entire server population is better off without you.
These cases are EXTREMELY rare.
When to use adminhelp vs. when to use mentorhelp vs. when to let it go: If you have
a question about the rules, or are reporting another player who you believe has
broken them, or you have discovered a bug/exploit, or you have been spawned as a
special role (AI, antagonist) and are unable or unwilling to stick around and
fulfill your role (help, i got AI and have to leave / help, i rolled traitor and
really just want to play with botany / help, i rolled chief engineer and haven't
got the first clue about how to run the engine) then use adminhelp. If your
question is about game mechanics (help, how do i do genetics / help, where's the
bar / help, what does a chaplain even do) then use mentorhelp. If you want to
complain about a player who hasn't broken a rule but you think they're annoying, or
you want access to an area or an object that you don't have, or you want to talk
about some totally sweet music you just heard, or something else that doesn't
involve the rules, game engine, or game mechanics, then please just let it go.
Addendum to the above regarding prayer: Use this when 97% of the time you want to
be ignored, with the remaining 3% divided between being blown to smithereens;
having your request answered in the most evil-genie / monkey's-paw way possible;
and Oh God Pope Is Drunk, This Has Gotten Out Of Hand, It Started Out Pretty Much
What I Asked For But Then He Headbutted That Cop And Now I Think We're Doing Some
Sort Of Thelma And Louise Thing Into A Landfill.
Although very few topics are expressly forbidden, there are several topics
(politics, religion, cartoon horses, several others) that really, really, REALLY
don't result in productive or useful conversation. Not exactly a rule, but maybe
keep your mouth shut about stuff that's gonna start arguments. Just a thought.
The RP server has a different ruleset - that's available here.
Borgs and the AI have a list of things that are and are not considered human for
the purposes of their laws. That list is available here.
Recording and streaming are both a-okay! For streamers, we do not require a stream
delay, but you may want to consider one to avoid stream-sniping. Metagaming rules
still apply, and we request that streamers moderate their chat actively to make
sure viewers are not sharing in-character information. Do not use information about
the current round gleaned from stream chat, but advice and tips are OK. If you do
plan on streaming or recording, it would be appreciated if you let admins know via
adminhelp, as it allows us to intervene if someone is abusing the stream and also
lets us avoid playing copyrighted musical tracks.
If you DO get banned, and you want to not be banned, please visit the ban appeals
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need! Do not private message or ping
admins about your ban.
If you feel that an admin has acted inappropriately, please visit the admin
complaint forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal -
they contain important information you will absolutely need!
If you're not sure about any of the terms used here, please check out the
Terminology page.
Discord Rules
These rules are to set up a framework of basic human decency in the Discord and NOT
to censor speech. Most of the time, if you cross the line you will simply be told
to knock it off, and maybe kicked with a note to stop pushing it if you keep going.
Bans will be reserved for only the worst cases. Furthermore, these rules apply
solely to the Goonstation Discord. Other Discord servers or services where ss13
folks hang out are beyond the scope of this ruleset.

NO IC IN OOC. Don't talk about the current round in the Discord.

Be respectful of others. You will not be banned from the Discord for expressing
opinions, so long as you are able to express those opinions in a respectful
fashion. Don't use slurs, racial or otherwise, even ironically. Don't attack people
for their opinions.
Be respectful of the admins. An exhaustive list of every situation where an admin
might be grumping at you is impossible and disingenuous, so if an admin is grumping
at you and asking you to stop talking in a given fashion or about a given topic,
knock it off. Also, don't discuss exactly how to exploit game mechanics or get
around our security systems - if you have a bug to report, there are other venues.
Be respectful of the Discord. Some conversation topics (including but not limited
to current politics, racial tensions, religious freedom) are extremely volatile and
controversial by their very nature, so if an admin requests that a conversation not
take place in the channel, take it elsewhere. You're always free to carry on the
conversation in PM, we are neither interested nor able to police what goes on in PM
or in other servers.
Be respectful of Discord's global rules. Basically don't break Discord's rules.
Come on.
Tread VERY CAREFULLY with trolling or 'devil's advocate' stuff. There's a fine line
between 'making the conversation interesting or hilarious' and 'being a thundering
butthead' and you generally only find out you've tripped over it when people are
screaming at you.
Don't take things too seriously. Don't expect trigger warnings, don't assume every
link is going to be safe for work / school / your immortal soul (though don't post
NWS/NSFW things unless you contain your link in <>s, ex: <>. Do
not inline NWS pictures or content!)
If you DO manage to get banned from Discord, please visit the Discord ban appeal
forum. Please read ALL the sticky threads before posting your appeal - they contain
important information you will absolutely need!
Be judicious @ing people. Please and thank you.

Server Rules
Basic Rules · Roleplaying Rules · Admin Guidelines · Mentor Guidelines · Metagaming
· Grief · Who is and isn't human (AI laws) · Ghostdrone Lawsa menor traza de
cualquier beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha
tu vida con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor
en espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas
ese estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.

»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this processx that's all the box was
large enough for and of course he
couldn't look in and see what the fluidText document with red question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official website
was doing so he measured the temperature
using a probe in the top and what he saw
was a regular spike a periodic spike in
the temperature that's like when the
logistic equation converges on a single
value but as he increased the
temperature gradient a wobble developed
on those rolling cylinders at half the
original frequency the spikes in
temperature were no longer the same
height instead they went back and forth
between two different heights he had
achieved period two and as he continued
to increase the temperature
he saw period doubling again now he had
four different temperatures before the
cycle repeated and then eight this was a
pretty spectacular confirmation of the
theory in a beautifully crafted
experiment but this was only the
scientists have studied the response of
our eyes and salamander eyes to
flickering lights and what they find is
a period doubling that once the light
reaches a certain rate of flickering our
eyes only respond to every other flicker
it's amazing in these papers to see the
bifurcation diagram emerge albeit a bit
fuzzy because it comes from real-world
data clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y secretamente
añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y sólo el miedo a
la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os revolcáis en pánico
por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis cerrado, huyendo de un
perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que no osáis reconocer, y
cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único acto que podría
salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no comprender, ni
nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo oigan: que la
vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rechazar lo inservible, sino lo precioso.
«Sacrificio» no significa el rechazo del mal en beneficio del bien, sino del bien
en beneficio del mal. «Sacrificio» es ceder aquello que valoras en favor de lo que
no valoras.

»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar

por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes

»Un sacrifico es la sumisión de un valor. Un sacrificio completo es la completa

sumisión de todos los valores. Si quieres alcanzar la virtud total, no debes buscar
ninguna gratitud a cambio de tu sacrificio, ni adulación, ni amor, ni admiración,
ni autoestima, ni siquiera el orgullo de ser virtuoso; la menor traza de cualquier
beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha tu vida
con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor en
espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas ese
estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.
»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
in another study scientists gave rabbits
a drug that sent their hearts into
I guess they felt there were too many
rabbits out there I mean if you don't
know what fibrillation is it's where
your heart beats in an incredibly
irregular way and doesn't really pump
any blood so if you don't fix it you die
but what they found was on the path to
they found the period doubling route to
chaos the rabbits started out with a
periodic beat and then it went into a
two cycle two beats close together and
then a four cycle four different beats
before it repeated again and eventually
a periodic behavior now it was really
cool about this study was they monitored
the heart in real time and used chaos
theory to determine when to apply
electrical shocks to the heart to return
it to periodicity and they were able to
do that successfully
so they used chaos to control a heart
and figure out a smarter way to deliver
electric shocks to set it beating
normally again that's pretty amazing and
then there is the issue of the dripping
faucet most of us of course think of
dripping faucets as very regular
periodic objects but a lot of research
has gone into fText document with red question mark.svg
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Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.
The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websiteinding that once the flow
rate increases a little bit you get
period doubling so now the drips come
two at a time to tip to tip and
eventually from a dripping faucet you
can get chaotic behavior just by
adjusting the flow rate and you think
like what really is a faucet well
there's constant pressure water and a
constant size aperture and yet what
you're getting is chaotic dripping so
this is a really easy chaotic system you
can experiment with at home go open a
tap just a little bit and see if you can
get a periodic dripping in your house
the bifurcation diagram pops up in so
many dif clamáis que miedo y alegría son incentivos de igual poder –y secretamente
añadís que el miedo es más «práctico»– vosotros no deseáis vivir, y sólo el miedo a
la muerte os mantiene en la existencia que habéis maldecido. Os revolcáis en pánico
por la farsa de vuestros días, buscando la salida que habéis cerrado, huyendo de un
perseguidor que no osáis nombrar para caer en un terror que no osáis reconocer, y
cuanto mayor vuestro terror, mayor vuestro miedo del único acto que podría
salvaros: pensar. El propósito de vuestra lucha es no conocer, no comprender, ni
nombrar, ni escuchar aquello que ahora voy a decir para que todos lo oigan: que la
vuestra es la Moralidad de la Muerte.
s elementos, ambos símbolos de la muerte. Un cuerpo sin alma es un cadáver, ething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about un alma sin cuerpo es un fantasma; pero esa es su
imagen de la naturaleza del hombre: una batalla campal entre un cadáver y un
fantasma, un cadáver dotado de algún tipo de malvada voluntad propia y un fantasma
dotado con el conocimiento de que todo lo conocido por el hombre no existe, sólo lo
desconocido existe.

»¿Os dais cuenta de qué facultad humana esa doctrina fue concebida para ignorar?
Fue la mente del hombre la que tuvo que ser negada para poder descuartizarlo. Una
vez que él concedió la razón, quedó a merced de dos monstruos a los cuales no podía
ni comprender ni controlar: un cuerpo movido por instintos incontrolables y un alma
movida por revelaciones místicas, se quedó como la indolente y devastada víctima de
una batalla entre un robot y un dictáfono.

»Y mientras ahora se arrastra por las ruinas, tanteando ciegamente por una forma de
vivir, vuestros maestros le ofrecen la ayuda de una moralidad que proclama que él
no encontrará ninguna solución y que no debe buscar realzarse en la Tierra. La
verdadera existencia, le dicen, es la que él no puede percibir, la verdadera
consciencia es la facultad de percibir lo no-existente; y si él es incapaz de
entenderlo, esa es la prueba de que su existencia es malvada, y su consciencia,

»Como productos de la separación entre el alma y el cuerpo del hombre, surgieron

dos tipos de maestros de la Moralidad de la Muerte: los místicos del espíritu y los
místicos del músculo, a quienes llamáis los espiritualistas y los materialistas,
los que creen en consciencia sin existencia y los que creen en existencia sin
consciencia. Ambos demandan la sumisión de tu mente, el uno a sus revelaciones, el
otro a sus reflejos. Sin importar cuánto se afanen en los papeles de antagonistas
irreconciliables, sus códigos morales son idénticos, y así lo son también sus
objetivos: en materia: la esclavitud del cuerpo del hombre; en espíritu: la
destrucción de su mente.

»El bien, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es Dios, un ser cuya única definición es
que está más allá del poder del hombre de concebir, una definición que invalida la
consciencia del hombre y anula sus conceptos de existencia. El bien, dicen los
místicos del músculo, es la Sociedad, una cosa que ellos definen como un organismo
que no posee forma física, un super-ente encarnado en nadie en particular y en
todos en general, excepto en ti. La mente del hombre, dicen los místicos del
espíritu, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de Dios. La mente del hombre, dicen
los místicos del músculo, debe estar subordinada a la voluntad de la Sociedad. El
estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del espíritu, es el placer de
Dios, cuyos estándares están más allá del poder de comprensión del hombre y deben
ser aceptados por fe. El estándar de valor del hombre, dicen los místicos del
músculo, es el placer de la Sociedad, cuyos estándares están más allá del derecho a
juzgar del hombre y deben ser obedecidos como un absoluto primario. El objetivo de
la vida del hombre, dicen ambos, es convertirse en un esperpento delirante,
sirviendo un objetivo que él no conoce, por razones que no debe cuestionar. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del espíritu, le será dada más allá de la tumba. Su
recompensa, dicen los místicos del músculo, le será dada en la Tierra…, a sus

»El egoísmo –dicen ambos– es el mal del hombre. El bien del hombre –dicen ambos– es
abandonar sus deseos personales, negarse a sí mismo, renunciarse a sí mismo,
entregarse; el bien del hombre es negar la vida que vive. El sacrificio –gritan
ambos– es la esencia de la moralidad, la mayor virtud al alcance del hombre.

»Quien esté en este momento al alcance de mi voz, quienquiera que sea hombre la
víctima, no hombre el asesino, estoy hablando en el lecho de la muerte de tu mente,
al borde de esa oscuridad en la que te estás ahogando, y si aún tienes dentro de ti
el poder de luchar para aferrarte a esos débiles chispazos que ya fuiste alguna
vez, úsalo ahora. La palabra que te ha destruido es «sacrificio». Emplea lo último
de tus fuerzas en entender su significado. Aún estás vivo. Aún tienes una
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»«Sacrificio» no quiere decir rechazar lo inservible, sino lo precioso.
«Sacrificio» no significa el rechazo del mal en beneficio del bien, sino del bien
en beneficio del mal. «Sacrificio» es ceder aquello que valoras en favor de lo que
no valoras.

»Si cambias un centavo por un dólar, eso no es un sacrificio; si cambias un dólar

por un centavo, sí lo es. Si consigues la carrera que querías, tras años de
esfuerzo, eso no es un sacrificio; si después renuncias a ella por el bien de un
rival, sí lo es. Si tienes una botella de leche y se la das a tu hijo hambriento,
eso no es un sacrificio; si se la das al hijo de tu vecino y dejas al tuyo morir,
sí lo es.

»Si das dinero para ayudar a un amigo, no es un sacrificio; si se lo das a un

extraño indigno, sí lo es. Si le das a tu amigo una cantidad de dinero que puedes
permitirte, no es un sacrificio; si le das dinero a costa de tu propia incomodidad,
es sólo una virtud parcial, según ese tipo de estándar moral; si le das dinero a
costa de un desastre para ti mismo, esa es la virtud del sacrificio al máximo.

»Si renuncias a todos tus deseos personales y dedicas la vida a tus seres queridos,
no alcanzas toda la virtud: aún retienes un valor tuyo propio, que es tu amor. Si
dedicas tu vida a extraños al azar, es un acto de mayor virtud. Si dedicas tu vida
a servir a los hombres que odias, esa es la mayor de las virtudes que puedes

»Un sacrifico es la sumisión de un valor. Un sacrificio completo es la completa

sumisión de todos los valores. Si quieres alcanzar la virtud total, no debes buscar
ninguna gratitud a cambio de tu sacrificio, ni adulación, ni amor, ni admiración,
ni autoestima, ni siquiera el orgullo de ser virtuoso; la menor traza de cualquier
beneficio diluye tu virtud. Si persigues un curso de acción que no mancha tu vida
con ninguna alegría, que no te aporta ningún valor en materia, ningún valor en
espíritu, ninguna ganancia, ningún beneficio, ninguna recompensa…, si alcanzas ese
estado de cero absoluto, entonces has alcanzado el ideal de perfección moral.

»Te dicen que la perfección moral es imposible para el hombre; y, según ese
criterio, lo es. No puedes alcanzarla mientras estés vivo, pero el valor de tu vida
y de tu persona se mide por cuánto consigas aproximarte a ese cero ideal que es la

»Si empiezas, sin embargo, como un desapasionado nadie, como un vegetal buscando
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about ser comido, sin valores que rechazar ni deseos a los
que renunciar, no ganarás la corona del sacrificio. No es un sacrificio renunciar a
lo que no se desea. No es un sacrificio dar tu vida por los demás si la muerte es
tu aspiración personal. Para alcanzar la virtud del sacrificio debes querer vivir,
debes amar, debes arder con pasión por este mundo y por todo el esplendor que puede
darte, debes sentir cómo se retuerce cada cuchillo mientras desuella tus deseos
fuera de tu alcance y desangra el amor de tu cuerpo. No es sólo la muerte lo que la
moralidad del sacrificio te presenta como un ideal, sino la muerte por tortura

»No me recuerdes que eso sólo se aplica a esta vida en la Tierra. No me importa
ninguna otra. Y a ti tampoco.

»Si quieres salvar lo que te queda de dignidad, no digas que tus mejores acciones
son un «sacrificio»: ese vocablo te cualifica como inmoral. Si una madre compra
alimento para su hijo hambriento en vez de un sombrero para ella misma, no es un
sacrificio: ella valora más al hijo que al sombrero; pero es un sacrificio para el
tipo de madre cuyo mayor valor es el sombrero, quien preferiría que su hijo muriera
de hambre y le alimenta solamente por un sentido del deber. Si un hombre muere
luchando por su libertad, no es un sacrificio: él no está dispuesto a vivir como
esclavo; pero es un sacrificio para el tipo de hombre que sí lo está. Si un hombre
se rehúsa a vender sus convicciones, no es un sacrificio, a menos que sea el tipo
de hombre que no tiene convicciones.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this processferent places that it starts to
feel spooky and I want to tell you
something that'll make it seem even
there was this physicist Mitchell
Feigenbaum who was looking at when the
bifurcations occur he divided the width
of each bifurcation section by the next
one and he found that ratio closed in on
this number four point six six nine
which is now called the Feigenbaum
constant the bifurcations come faster
and faster but in a ratio that
approaches this fixed value and no one
knows where this constant comes from it
doesn't seem to relate to any other
known physical constant so it is itself
a fundamental constant of nature what's
even crazier is that it doesn't have to
be the particular form of the equation I
showed you earlier
any equation that has a single hump if
you iterate it the way that we have so
you could use xn plus 1 equals sine X
for example if you iterate that one
again and again and again you will also
see bifurcations not only that but the
ratio of when those bifurcations occur
will have the same scaling for point six
six nine any single hump function
iterated will give you that fundamental
constant so why is this well it's
referred to as universality because
there seems to be something fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about this very
it's sparked a revolution and people
looking into this stuff I mean that
»Sea lo que sea que esté abierto a desacuerdo, hay un acto de maldad que no puede
estarlo, el acto que ningún hombre puede cometer contra otros y que ningún hombre
puede sancionar o perdonar. Mientras los hombres deseen vivir juntos, ningún hombre
puede iniciar –¿me oís? ningún hombre puede empezar– el uso de la fuerza física
contra otros.

»Interponer la amenaza de destrucción física entre un hombre y su percepción de la

realidad es negar y paralizar sus medios de supervivencia; forzarle a actuar contra
su propio juicio es como forzarle a actuar contra su propia vista. Aquel que, sea
cual sea su objetivo o su intención, inicie el uso de la fuerza, es un asesino
actuando en la premisa de la muerte de un modo que va más allá del asesinato: la
premisa de destruir la capacidad del hombre para vivir.

»No abras la boca para decirme que tu mente te ha convencido de tu derecho a forzar
mi mente. Fuerza y mente son opuestas; la moralidad termina donde empieza una
pistola. Cuando declaras que los hombres son animales irracionales y propones
tratarlos como tal, estás con ello definiendo tu propio carácter y ya no puedes más
exigir la aprobación de la razón, como no puede exigirla nadie que esté a favor de
contradicciones. No puede ser correcto el «derecho» a destruir la fuente de los
derechos, el único medio de juzgar lo correcto y lo incorrecto: la mente.

»Forzar a un hombre a ignorar su propia mente y a aceptar tu voluntad como

substituto, con un arma en vez de un silogismo, con terror en vez de pruebas, con
la muerte como el argumento definitivo…, es un intento de existir desafiando la
realidad. La realidad le exige al hombre que actúe por su propio interés racional;
tu arma exige que actúe contra él. La realidad amenaza a un hombre con la muerte si
no actúa basado en su juicio racional; tú le amenazas con la muerte si lo hace. Lo
colocas en un mundo donde el precio de su vida es la sumisión de todas las virtudes
requeridas para la vida, y la muerte por un proceso de gradual destrucción es todo
lo que tú y tu sistema conseguiréis si a la muerte se le permite ser el poder que
rige, el argumento decisivo en una sociedad de hombres.

approaches this fixed value and no one

knows where this constant comes from it
doesn't seem to relate to any other
known physical constant so it is itself
a fundamental constant of nature what'sText document with red question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official website
even crazier is that it doesn't have to
be the particular form of the equation I
showed you earlier
any equation that has a single hump if
you iterate it the way that we have so
you could use xn plus 1 equals sine X
for example if you iterate that one
again and again and again you will also
see bifurcations not only that but the
ratio of when those bifurcations occur
will have the same scaling for point six
six nine any single hump function
iterated will give you that fundamental
constant so why is this well it's
referred to as universality because
there seems to be something fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about this very
»Sea un asaltante que confronta a un viajero con el ultimátum: «La bolsa o la
vida», o un político que confronta a un país con el ultimátum: «La educación de tus
hijos o tu vida», el significado de ese ultimátum es: «Tu mente o tu vida»…, y
ninguna de ellas le es posible al hombre sin la otra.

»Si existen grados de maldad, es difícil decir quién es más detestable: el salvaje
que asume el derecho a forzar la mente de otros o el degenerado moral que le otorga
a otros el derecho a forzar la suya. Ese es el absoluto moral que no está abierto a
debate. Yo no les concedo las condiciones de razón a los hombres que proponen
privarme de la razón. No entro en discusiones con vecinos que piensan que pueden
prohibirme pensar. No le doy mi aprobación moral al deseo de un asesino de matarme.
Cuando un hombre intenta tratar conmigo por la fuerza, le respondo… por la fuerza.

»Sólo como retaliación puede la fuerza ser usada, y sólo contra el hombre qse
bifurcations occur
will have the same scaling for point six
six nine any single hump function
iterated will give you that fundamental
constant so why is this well it's
referred to as universality because
there seems to be something fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about this very
»Sea un asaltante que confronta a unue inicia su uso. No, no estoy compartiendo su
maldad o rebajándome a su concepto de moralidad: Simplemente le estoy concediendo
lo que eligió, la destrucción, la única destrucción que él tenía derecho a elegir:
la suya. Él utiliza la fuerza para apoderarse de un valor; yo la uso sólo para
destruir la destrucción. Un salteador busca ganar riqueza matándome; yo no me hago
más rico matando a un salteador. Yo no busco valores a través del mal, ni rindo mis
valores al mal.
The logistic map connects fluid convection, neuron firing, the Mandelbrot set and
so much more. Fasthosts Techie Test competition is now closed! Learn more about
Fasthosts here: Code for interactives is
available below...

Animations, coding, interactives in this video by Jonny Hyman 🙌

Try the code yourself:

James Gleick, Chaos
Steven Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

May, R. Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics. Nature 261, 459–
467 (1976).

Robert Shaw, The Dripping Faucet as a Model Chaotic System

Crevier DW, Meister M. Synchronous period-doubling in flicker vision of salamander

and man.
J Neurophysiol. 1998 Apr;79(4):1869-78.

Bing Jia, Huaguang Gu, Li Li, Xiaoyan Zhao. Dynamics of period-doubling bifurcation
to chaos in the spontaneous neural firing patterns Cogn Neurodyn (2012) 6:89–106
DOI 10.1007/s11571-011-9184-7

A Garfinkel, ML Spano, WL Ditto, JN Weiss. Controlling cardiac chaos

Science 28 Aug 1992: Vol. 257, Issue 5074, pp. 1230-1235 DOI:

R. M. May, D. M. G. Wishart, J. Bray and R. L. Smith Chaos and the Dynamics of

Biological Populations
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and
Physical Sciences, Vol. 413, No. 1844, Dynamical Chaos (Sep. 8, 1987), pp. 27-44

Chialvo, D., Gilmour Jr, R. & Jalife, J. Low dimensional chaos in cardiac
tissueething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about . Nature 343, 653–657 (1990).

Xujun Ye, Kenshi Sakai. A new modified resource budget model for nonlinear dynamics
in citrus production. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 87 (2016) 51–60

Libchaber, A. & Laroche, C. & Fauve, Stephan. (1982). Period doubling cascade in
mercury, a quantitative measurement. 43.

Special thanks to Patreon Supporters:

Alfred Wallace, Arjun Chakroborty, Bryan Baker, DALE HORNE, Donal Botkin, halyoav,
James Knight, Jasper Xin, Joar Wandborg, Lee Redden, Lyvann Ferrusca, Michael
Krugman, Pindex, Ron Neal, Sam Lutfi, Tige Thorman, Vincent

Special thanks to:

Henry Reich for feedback on earlier versions of this video
Raquel Nuno for enduring many earlier iterations (including parts she filmed that
were replaced)
Dianna Cowern for title suggestions and saying earlier versions weren't good
Heather Zinn Brooks for feedback on an earlier version.
»En nombre de todos los productores que os mantuvieron vivos y recibieron vuestro
constante ultimátum de muerte como pago, yo os respondo ahora con mi propio y único
ultimátum: Nuestro trabajo o vuestras armas. Podéis escoger uno de ellos; no podéis
tener los dos. Nosotros no iniciamos el uso de la fuerza contra otros ni nos
sometemos a la fuerza a manos de otros. Si deseáis alguna vez vivir de nuevo en una
sociedad industrial, lo será bajo nuestras condiciones morales. Nuestras
condiciones y nuestro poder de motivación son la antítesis de los vuestros.
Vosotros habéis usado el miedo como vuestra arma y le habéis acarreado la muerte al
hombre como su castigo por rechazar vuestra moralidad. Nosotros le ofrecemos la
vida como su recompensa por aceptar la nuestra.

»Vosotros, los adoradores del cero, vosotros nunca habéis descubierto que lograr la
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about vida no equivale a evitar la muerte. Alegría no es
«ausencia de dolor», inteligencia no es «ausencia de estupidez», luz no es
«ausencia de oscuridad», una entidad no es «la ausencia de una no-entidad».
Construir no se hace absteniéndose de demoler; siglos de quedarse sentados
esperando en abstinencia no levantarán ni una sola viga para que os abstengáis de
demolerla, y ahora ya no podéis decirme a mí, el constructor: «Produce, y
aliméntanos a cambio de que nosotros no destruyamos tu producción». Estoy
respondiendo en nombre de todas vuestras víctimas: Pereced con y dentro de vuestro
propio vacío. La existencia no es una negación de negativos. Maldad, no valor, es
una ausencia y una negación, el mal es impotente y no tiene más poder que el que le
permitimos que nos extorsione. Pereced, porque os habéis dado cuenta de que un cero
no puede tener una hipoteca sobre la vida.

»Vosotros buscáis escapar del dolor. Nosotros buscamos alcanzar la felicidad.

Vosotros existís para evitar castigos. Nosotros existimos para ganar recompensas.
Las amenazas no nos harán funcionar, el miedo no es nuestro incentivo. No es la
muerte la que queremos evitar, sino la vida la que queremos vivir.

»Vosotros, que habéis perdido el concepto de la diferencia, vosotros que

this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»El sacrificio sería apropiado sólo para los que no tienen nada que sacrificar –ni
valores, ni criterios, ni juicio– para aquellos cuyos deseos son caprichos
irracionales, ciegamente concebidos y frText document with red question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'
1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.Text document with red
question mark.svg
Some of this article's listed sources may not be reliable. Please help this article
by looking for better, more reliable sources. Unreliable citations may be
challenged or deleted. (May 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template
Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.
Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).
Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official website
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websiteívolamente cedidos. Para un hombre de talla moral, cuyos deseos
nacen de valores racionales, sacrificio es inmolar lo correcto a lo incorrecto, lo
bueno a lo malo.

»El credo del sacrificio es una moralidad para el inmoral, una moralidad que
declara su propia bancarrota al confesar que ella no puede proporcionarles a los
hombres ningún interés personal en virtudes o valores, y que sus almas son
sumideros de depravación, que ellos tienen que aprender a sacrificar. Por su propia
confesión, es impotente para enseñarles a los hombres a ser buenos y sólo puede
someterlos a castigo constante.

»¿Estás pensando, en velado estupor, que son sólo valores materiales los que tu
moralidad requiere que sacrifiques? ¿Y qué crees que son valores materiales? La
materia no tiene valor excepto como un medio para la satisfacción de los deseos
humanos. La materia es solamente una herramienta para los valores humanos. ¿Al
servicio de qué te están pidiendo que pongas las herramientas materiales que tu
virtud ha producido? Al servicio de aquello que tú consideras malo: a un principio
que tú no compartes, a una persona que tú no respetas, al logro de un objetivo
opuesto al tuyo propio; si no, tu regalo no es un sacrificio.

»Tu moralidad te dice que renuncies al mundo material y que divorcies tus valores
de la materia. Un hombre a cuyos valores no se les da expresión en forma material,
cuya existencia no está relacionada a sus id
»La muerte es el estándar de tus valores, la muerte es tu fin escogido, y tienes
que seguir corriendo, pues no hay escapatoria del perseguidor que está dispuesto a
destruirte ni del conocimiento que el perseguidor eres tú mismo. Para ya de correr,
de una vez por todas –no hay cómo escapar –y quédate ahí desnudo, como temes
quedarte pero como yo te veo, y mira lo que has atrevido a llamar un código moral.

»Condenación es el principio de tu moralidad; destrucción es su objetivo, su medio

y su fin. Tu código empieza condenando al hombre como malo, para luego exigir que
practique un bien definido como imposible para que él lo practique. Exige, como la
primera demostración de virtud del hombre, que acepte su propia depravación sin
pruebas. Exige que él empiece, no con un estándar de valor, sino con un estándar de
maldad que es él mismo, a través del cual él tiene entonces que definir lo bueno:
lo bueno es aquello que él no es.
ething fundamental
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about
»No importa quién acabe siendo el beneficiario de su gloria renunciada y su alma
atormentada, un Dios místico con algún designio incomprensible o cualquier
transeúnte cuyas llagas ulceradas se exhiban como algún tipo de demanda
inexplicable sobre él; no importa, lo bueno no es algo que él pueda entender, su
deber es arrastrarse durante años de penitencia, purgando la culpa de su existencia
ante cualquier recaudador callejero de deudas ininteligibles, su único concepto de
valor es un cero: lo bueno es aquello que es no-hombre.

»El nombre de ese absurdo monstruoso es el Pecado Original.

»Un pecado sin voluntad es una bofetada a la moralidad y una insolente

contradicción: lo que está fuera de la posibilidad de elección está fuera del
ámbito de la moralidad. Si el hombre es malo de nacimiento, no tiene voluntad ni
poder para cambiar; si no tiene voluntad, no puede ser bueno ni malo; un robot es
amoral. Mantener como pecado del hombre un hecho fuera de su esfera de elección es
una burla a la moralidad. Mantener la naturaleza del hombre como su pecado es una
burla a la naturaleza. Castigarlo por un crimen que cometió antes de nacer es una
burla a la justicia. Declararlo culpable en un tema donde no existe la inocencia es
una burla a la razón. Destruir la moralidad, la naturaleza, la justicia y la razón
a través de un único concepto es una hazaña de maldad difícil de igualar. Sin
embargo, esa es la raíz de vuestro código.

»No os escondáis tras la cobarde evasión de que el hombre nace con libre albedrío
pero con una «tendencia» al mal. Un libre albedrío ensillado con una tendencia es
como un juego con dados cargados. Obliga al hombre a luchar y a esforzarse en
jugar, a asumir la responsabilidad y pagar por el juego, pero la decisión está
inclinada a favor de una tendencia que él no tiene el poder de escapar. Si la
tendencia es de su elección, entonces no puede poseerla al nacer; si no es de su
elección, entonces su albedrío no es libre.

»¿Cuál es la naturaleza de la culpa que tus maestros llaman su Pecado Original?

¿Cuáles son los males que el hombre adquirió cuando cayó del estado que ellos
consideran perfección? Su mito declara que comió del fruto del árbol del
conocimiento: adquirió una mente y se convirtió en un ser racional. Era el
conocimiento del bien y del mal: se convirtió en un ser moral. Fue sentenciado a
ganar el pan con su trabajo: se convirtió en un ser productivo. Fue sentenciado a
sentir deseo: adquirió la capacidad del disfrute sexual. Los males por los que le
condenan son la razón, la moralidad, la creatividad, la alegría…, todos los valores
cardinales de su existencia. No son los vicios del hombre los que el mito de su
caída trata de explicar y condenar, no son los errores del hombre por los que ellos
le consideran culpable, sino la esencia de su naturaleza como hombre. Fuese lo que
fuese, aquel robot en el Jardín del Edén –que existía sin mente, sin valores, sin
trabajo, sin amor– no era un hombre.

»La caída del hombre, según tus maestros, fue que consiguió las virtudes necesarias
para vivir. Estas virtudes, según el estándar de ellos, s
»No, no tienes que vivir; es tu acto básico de elección; pero si eliges vivir, has
de vivir como un hombre: por medio del trabajo y el criterio de tu mente.

»No, no tienes que vivir como un hombre; es un acto de elección moral. Pero no
puedes vivir como más nada, y la alternativa es ese estado de muerte viviente que
ahora ves dentro de ti y a tu alrededor, el estado de una cosa no apta para la
existencia, que ya ni es humana y ni siquiera animal, una cosa que sólo conoce el
dolor y se arrastra a lo largo de sus años en la agonía de una irreflexiva
»No, no tienes que pensar; es un acto de elección moral. Pero alguien tuvoething
and very Universal about this process
this type of equation and that constant
value in 1976 the biologist Robert May
wrote a paper in nature about que pensar para mantenerte vivo; si eliges evadir,
estás evadiendo la existencia y le pasas la cuenta a algún hombre moral, contando
con que él sacrifique su bondad para permitir que tú sobrevivas por medio de tu

»No, no tienes que ser un hombre; pero hoy quienes lo son ya no están. He retirado
vuestros medios de supervivencia: vuestras víctimas.

»Si queréis saber cómo lo he hecho y qué les dije para hacer que desertaran, lo
estáis oyendo ahora. Les dije, en esencia, lo que estoy diciendo ahora. Eran
hombres que habían vivido por mi código pero que no se habían percatado de la gran
virtud que eso representaba. Les abrí los ojos. Les proporcioné, no una
reevaluación, tan sólo una identificación de sus valores.

»Nosotros, los hombres de la mente, estamos ahora en huelga contra vosotros en

nombre de un único axioma que es la raíz de nuestro código moral, así como la raíz
del vuestro es el deseo de escapar de él: el axioma que la existencia existe. 16–
18, the ability to differentially target odorant-receptor pairs in the same
modality for differential and well-controlled behavioral studies, and previous
findings that experience-dependent alterations occur in olfactory neuroanatomy and
behavior following olfactory conditioning19. We examined how specific features of
the parental sensory environment before conception can influence sensory nervous
system structure and function in a cue-specific manner in subsequently conceived F1
and F2 generations. Bisulfite sequencing We examined whether olfactory feaundo
momento, rastreamos las distintas formulaciones sobre lo trágico presentes en los
textos anteriores, donde observamos que el concepto se elabora en relación a las
experiencias de la negatividad y del olvido en el campo de los saberes
psicológicos. Finalmente, daremos cuenta de cómo la reelaboración foucaulteana de
la concepción trágica de Friederich Nietzsche da cuenta de una determinación de la
historia a través de la disputa entre los elementos dionisíacos y apolíneos.
Palabras clave: Foucault; Nietzsche; tragedia; historia; psicología
Abstract: “Michel Foucault and the Tragic Structure. An Early Nietzschean Reading
of Tragedy”. The purpose of this article is to investigate the statute of the
tragic in Michel Foucault’s early texts, especially in the original preface of
Histoire de la folie à l’age classique. It will be argued that in his early reading
of Nietzsche, Foucault elaborates the concept of tragic structure to give
foundation, in epistemic sense, to the historical experiences of madness.
Subsequently, we will trace the different formulations on tragic in Foucault’s
early texts. The concept of tragic appears on these texts as a term to identify the
negativity and of the oblivion in the field of the psychological knowledge.
Finally, we will explain how Foucault re-elaborates Nietzsche’s concept of the
tragic to expose an underlying determinatio to the history. The battle between the
dionysian and apollonian elements defines the status of this experience.
conditioning of the F0 generation leads subsequently conceived adult F1, F2 and
IVF-derived generations to exhibit F0-like behavioral sensitivity towardicar tu
consciencia a la destrucción de la existencia.

»Productividad es tu aceptación de la moralidad, tu reconocimiento del hecho que

has elegido vivir; que el trabajo productivo es el proceso mediante el cual la
consciencia del hombre controla su existencia, un proceso constante de adquirir
conocimiento y transformar la materia para adecuarla a los fines de uno, de
convertir una idea en forma física, de recrear la Tierra en la imagen de los
valores de uno; que todo trabajo es trabajo creativo si está hecho por una mente
pensante, y ningún trabajo es creativo si está hecho por un nadie que repite en
indiscriminado estupor una rutina que ha aprendido de otros; que tu trabajo eres tú
quien lo escoge, y la elección es tan amplia como tu mente, que nada más es posible
para ti y nada menos es humano; que engañar para conseguir un trabajo mayor que tu
mente puede manejar es convertirte en un macaco corroído por el miedo en
movimientos prestados y tiempo prestado, y conformarte con un trabajo que requiere
menos que la plena capacidad de tu mente es coartar tu motor y sentenciarte a ti
mismo a otro tipo de movimiento: degeneración; que tu trabajo es el proceso de
adquirir tus valores, y que perder tu ambición por valores es perder tu ambición
por vivir; que tu cuerpo es una máquina, pero tu mente es su conductor, y debes
conducir lo más lejos que tu mente te pueda llevar, con el logro como el objetivo
de tu camino; que el hombre sin objetivos es una máquina que navega deslizándose
colina abajo a merced de cualquier peñasco contra el que estrellarse en la primera
cuneta que aparezca, que el hombre que achica su mente es una máquina parada
oxidándose lentamente, que el hombre que le permite a un líder prescribir su curso
es una chatarra siendo arrastrada al vertedero, y el hombre que hace de otro hombre
su objetivo es un fardo que ningún conductor debería transportar; que tu trabajo es
el objetivo de tu vida, y que debes acelerar ante cualquier asesino que asuma el
derecho a pararte, que cualquier otro valor que pudieras encontrar fuera de tu
trabajo, cualquier otra lealtad o amor, pueden ser sólo otros viajeros con los que
decides compartir tu viaje, y deben ser viajeros yendo por su propio impulso y en
la misma dirección.

»Orgullo es el reconocimiento del hecho que tú mismo eres tu mayor valor y que,
como todos los valores del hombre, ese valor ha de ser ganado; que de todos los
logros posibles frente a ti, el que hace todos los otros posible es la creación de
tu propio carácter; que tu carácter, tus acciones, tus deseos, tus emociones son
productos de las premisas que mantienes en tu mente; que igual que el hombre debe
producir los valores físicos que necesita para sustentar su vida, así también tiene
que adquirir los valores de carácter que hacen que su vida valga la pena ser
sustentada; que igual que el hombre es un ser de riqueza hecha por él mismo, así
también él es un ser de alma hecha por él mismo; que vivir requiere un sentido de
autovalor, pero el hombre, que no tiene valores automáticos, no tiene un sentido
automático de autoestima y tiene que ganarla modelando su alma en la imagen de su
ideal moral, en la imagen del Hombre, el ser racional que nace capaz de crear, pero
que tiene que crear por elección; que la primera precondición de autoestima es ese
radiante egoísmo del alma que desea lo mejor en todas las cosas, en valores de
materia y de espíritu, un alma que busca por encima de todo alcanzar su propia
perfección moral, valorando nada más alto que a ella misma, y que la prueba de
haber alcanzado la autoestima es la convulsión de tu alma, en desprecio y rebelión,
contra el papel de animal expiatorio, contra la vil impertinencia de cualquier
credo que proponga inmolar el irremplazable valor que es tu consciencia y la
incomparable gloria que es tu existencia a las ciegas evasiones y a la hedionda
podredumbre de otros.

»¿Estás empezando a ver quién es John Galt? Yo soy el hombre que ha conseguido
aquello por lo que no luchaste, aquello a lo que has renunciado, lo que traicionado
y corrompido, pero que fuiste incapaz de destruir totalmente y ahora escondes como
tu culpable secreto, dText document with red question mark.svg
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Space Station 13
Spacestation13 logo.png
Developer(s) Originally Exadv1, now multiple
Platform(s) GNU/Linux
Microsoft Windows Edit this on Wikidata
Release 16 February 2003[1]
Genre(s) Role-playing
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Space Station 13 is a top-down tile based role-playing multiplayer video game
running on the freeware BYOND game engine, originally released in 2003.

The game is generally set on a futuristic space station, although certain player
communities feature different settings, including spacecraft and exoplanets.[2][3]
The game is defined by its emphasis on player roles: at the start of every round,
players choose from various roles and attempt to either help or hinder others'

1 Gameplay
2 Plot
3 Development
4 Reception
5 See also
6 References
7 External links
Space Station 13 is generally played in rounds that are isolated from each other:
actions do not persist canonically between rounds. At the beginning of each round,
players are given time to either create a customized character or begin playing
with a randomly generated one. Players can choose different jobs, such as janitor
or engineer, which dictate their role and responsibilities. The game is akin to a
roleplaying sandbox game, with events in each round largely being player-dictated.

A screenshot depicting the game's graphical user interface in 2010.

The player can examine and use almost any object or being on the station, and is
almost always context-sensitive. Different results will occur depending on many
variables in any given interaction (e.g. Using a crowbar on another player would
attack them but using it on a floorboard would pry it up). Additionally, the player
can change their 'intent' between four different states (Help, Disarm, Grab, Harm)
which will further influence actions taken. For example, using an empty hand on
another player with help intent would cause you to hug them, but would cause you to
punch them on Harm intent.

The game engine fully simulates power, biology, atmosphere, chemistry, and other
complex object and environmental interactions beyond the vast majority of video
games, which, to many people,[who?] compensates for its lack of visual quality and

While different servers may have their unique station constructs, generally there
are eight departments aboard the station. Supply and Service are also often grouped
in the Civilian category.

Command (taking leadership roles aboard the station).

Security (enforcing the law, keeping peace and responding to emergencies aboard the
Engineering (generating power and keeping utilities maintained aboard the station,
such as keeping doors functional and ensuring Oxygen is present around the
Science (researching technologies and genetic mutations, breeding slimes, and
developing 'Synthetics' aboard the station).
Medical (keeping the crew healthy, performing most surgeries, researching diseases
and creating clones for deceased players aboard the station).
Supply (mining for minerals on a nearby planet, and taking charge of the cargo,
such as purchasing goods for crew-members and sorting through all disposed items).
Service (keeping the station clean and providing food, drinks, and entertainment
for the crew.).
Synthetics/Silicons (consisting of the station's A.I and cyborgs, who are often
bound by the Three Laws of Robotics, which restrict AI from committing illegal
acts, such as assaulting a crew member, unless someone changes said laws).
Optimally, all players spawn at the beginning of each round and perform their jobs.
However, randomly selected players are chosen to spawn as 'antagonists' aboard the
station. Antagonists can range from mostly normal characters with certain malicious
intentions, rogue artificial intelligences, and a wide assortment of monsters and
enemies, such as changelings, aliens, Lovecraftian horrors, assassins, and death
squads armed with nuclear weapons. It can be difficult for normal crew members to
identify antagonists, and even harder to determine their objectives.

Due to the presence of antagonists (and, sometimes, due to players failing at their
jobs), many rounds escalate into chaos and disorder. While some communities have
pre-set match timings, often rounds are concluded when the situation becomes
critical and evacuation procedures are initiated.

Due to each server's lack of an agreed canonical storyline, most if not all servers
have individualized lores and backstories. Generally, Space Station 13 takes place
in the 26th century[citation needed] on a research station owned by the
megacorporation known as Nanotrasen. The station exists to research the recently
discovered mineral 'plasma' (or 'phoron' on some servers), whose uses and
properties Nanotrasen lacks knowledge of. Nanotrasen's influence and power have
effectively made them a government entity, but is often left ambiguous as to
whether they are good, evil or a neutral party (depending on the server).

Due to Nanotrasen's immense stature and massive monopoly on plasma, it is targeted

by an array of third-party aggressors. This includes, but is not limited to: the
Syndicate (a coalition of smaller companies and planetary governments), the Space
Wizard Federation (a federal group of thaumaturgical aggressors), Changelings (an
extraterrestrial species with the ability to take on the form of any organic life-
form they've 'absorbed') etc.

Space Station 13 was originally developed as an atmospherics simulator by Exadv1 in
2003.[4] Its closed source codebase was allegedly stolen and leaked onto the
internet in 2006, giving rise to SS13's current popularity.[5] However, in a 2017
interview, Exadv1 claimed no theft actually took place, as he had voluntarily given
the code to fellow programmers after ceasing work on the game due to personal

A large number of promising community efforts to remake SS13 have been started over
the years due to longstanding frustration with SS13's closed-source engine and low
quality of code. Most of these attempts have since been abandoned, and a community
mythos has jokingly built up around "The Curse", a supposed force that is
responsible for the failure of all attempts to remake the game.[7]

Regardless, three major SS13 remakes are currently in development: Space Station
14[8][9], Unitystation[10], and Re:SS3D[11].

Space Station 13 garnered attention from various video game journalism websites
over the years.[12][13][14] The game has experienced an increasing player count
reaching above 1000 players regularly as of June 2020[15] It has gained its
popularity from communities on websites such as 4chan, Reddit,[16] the Facepunch
Studios forums and Something Awful. The game was also mentioned by Eurogamer as an
inspiration for the now-cancelled[17] game ION by DayZ creator Dean "Rocket" Hall.
[18] Rock, Paper, Shotgun named Space Station 13 on place 37 of its list of "The 50
Best Free games on PC" (of all time) in 2016[19] and 2019.[20]

See also
List of open source games
"Space Station 13 by Exadv1 at BYOND Games". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"SEV Torch - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-06.
"Guide to Exploration - Baystation 12". Retrieved 2020-02-
"Exadv1 - Creations". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"The history of SS13 - /tg/station 13 Wiki". 2015-01-14.
Retrieved 2015-05-29.
BlackPantsLegion (2017-10-21), Space Station 13 Interview: Exadv1 (Yes, HIM)!,
retrieved 2017-11-09
"The curse of Space Station 13". 29 November 2017. Retrieved 2020-
Evac Shuttle: Space Station 13 Remake Open-Sourced by Alice O'Connor on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (January 20, 2015)
"About Space Station 14". Space Station 14. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Unitystation on Steam". Steam. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"About Re:SS3D". Re:SS3D. Retrieved 14 April 2020.
"Space Station 13: a multiplayer space station simulator about monkeys, insane AI,
cultists and paperwork". PCGamesN. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Smith, Quintin (2010-07-21). "Space Station 13: Galactic Bartender Ep. 1". Rock,
Paper, Shotgun. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"Space Station 13 (Game)". Giant Bomb. 2015-05-22. Retrieved 2015-05-29.
"BYOND Games - Make & Play Online Multiplayer Games". Retrieved
"Space Station 13". Retrieved 2015-05-29.
Purchese, Robert (2017-03-07). "Ion, the space survival game by Dean Hall and
Improbable, is dead". Eurogamer. Retrieved 2017-03-07.
PULLAR-STRECKER, Tom. "Kiwi DayZ creator Dean Hall moves from zombies to space
stations with Ion". Fairfax Media. Retrieved 2015-06-22.
36. Space Station 13 [Official site) (2003) - Developer: Robust Games on Rock,
Paper, Shotgun (2016)
"Best Free PC Games for 2019". Rock Paper Shotgun. Archived from the original on
External links
Official websiteedicando tu vida a pedirle perdón a cualquier caníbal profesional
para que no se descubra que en algún lugar dentro de ti aún anhelas decir lo que yo
estoy diciendo ahora para los oídos de toda la humanidad: Estoy orgulloso de mi
propio valor y del hecho que deseo vivir.

»Este deseo –que tú compartes, pero que reprimes como un mal– es el único remanente
de lo bueno que hay en ti, pero es un deseo que uno debe aprender a merecer. Su
propia felicidad es el único objetivo moral del hombre, pero sólo su propia virtud
puede alcanzarlo. La virtud no es un fin en sí misma. La virtud no es su propia
recompensa ni es pasto sacrificable para recompensar el mal. La vida es la
recompensa de la virtud, y la felicidad es el objetivo y la recompensa de la vida.

»Igual que tu cuerpo tiene dos sensaciones fundamentales, placer y dolor, como
señales de su bienestar o malestar, como barómetro de su alternativa básica, vida o
muerte, así también tu consciencia tiene dos emociones fundamentales, alegría y
sufrimiento, en respuesta a la misma alternativa. Tus emociones son estimativas de
lo que mejora y prolonga tu vida o la amenaza, son calculadoras relámpago dándote
el resumen de tus pérdidas o ganancias. No tienes opción en cuanto a tu capacidad
de sentir que algo es bueno o malo para ti, pero qué considerarás bueno o malo, qué
te traerá alegría o dolor, qué amarás u odiarás, desearás o temerás, depende de tu
estándar de valor. Las emociones son inherentes en tu naturaleza, pero su contenido
está determinado por tu mente. Tu capacidad emocional es un motor vacío, y tus
valores son el combustible con el que tu mente lo llena. Si escoges una mezcla de
contradicciones, ellas embozarán tu motor, corroerán tu transmisión y te
destrozarán al primer intento de moverte con una máquina que tú, el conductor, has

»Si mantienes lo irracional como tu estándar de valor, y lo imposible como tu

concepto de lo bueno, si anhelas recompensas que no te has ganado, una fortuna o un
amor que no te mereces, una bred the F0 conditioned odor, and whether there were
neuroanatomical changes at the level of the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) and
olfactory bulb in these generations (Supplementary Fig. 1). The odors that we used
were chosen on the basis of prior work demonstrating that the M71 odorant receptors
(encoded by the Olfr151 gene) expressed by olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) in the
MOE are activated by acetophenone20. The use of a chemical mixture that contained
compounds very similar to propanol did not elicit any responses from M71 cells,
suggesting that none. F1-Ace-C57 mice had an enhanced sensitivity to acetophenone
(a), but not to propanol (control odor, b) compared with F1-Home-C57 mice (F1-Ace-
C57, n = 16; F1-Home-C57, n = 13; t test, P = 0.043, t27 = 2.123). (c,d) Responses
of M71-LacZ F1 male offspring conceived after the F0 male was fear conditioned with
acetophenone or propanol. F1-Ace-M71 mice had an enhanced sensitivity to
acetophenone (c), but not to propanol (d), compared with F1-Home-M71, and F1-Prop-
M71 mice. In contrast, F1-Prop-M71 mice had an enhanced sensitivity to propanol
(d), but not acetophenone (c) (F1-Home-M71, n = 11; Mientras arrastrabais a
vuestros altares de sacrificio a los hombres de justicia, de independencia, de
razón, de riqueza, de autoestima… yo os gané, llegué a ellos primero. Les conté la
naturaleza del juego que practicabais y la naturaleza de ese código moral vuestro
que ellos habían sido demasiado inocentes y generosos para comprender. Les mostré
cómo vivir con otra moralidad: la mía. Es la mía la que decidieron seguir. F1-Ace-
M71, n = 13; F1-Prop-M71, n = 9; OPS to acetophenone: ANOVA, P = 0.003, F2,30 =
6.874; F1-Home-M71 versus F1-Ace-M71, P < 0.05; F1-Ace-M71 of hem were mated with
naive females. Thus, any findings th we obtained were not the results of extreme
phenotype biasing or a previously existing genetic sensitivity. Both C57Bl/6J and
M71-LacZ mice possess the M71 odorant receptor in their olfactory epithelium21 and
both can consequently detect acetophenone. The main difference between the strains
l olfactory sensitivity after F0 conditioning Fear-potentiated startle (FPS) is a
behavioral test to assay for fear learning23. FPS manifests as an augmented startle
responsealma, el tratamiento de los insensatos, el derecho hospitalario, los
establecimientos de beneficencia, etcétera. En 1958, abandona Uppsala y se instala
en Varsovia, Polonia, donde está encargado de abrir en la Universidad de Varsovia
el Centre de Civilisation Francaise. Allí continúa con la redacción de su tesis,
hasta que en diciembre del mismo año envía el manuscrito a Georges Canguilhem para
que lo lea. En octubre de 1959, se traslada a Alemania para dirigir el Instituto
Francés de Hamburgo. Finalmente, el veinte de mayo de 1961, ante un jurado
compuesto por Henri Gouhier, Daniel Lagache y Georges Canguilhem, la tesis es in
the presence of the aversive conditioned cue. In our case, to assay for behavioral
sensitivity to an odor, we used a modified FPS protocol that consists of odor
presentation before the startle stimuli. An odorpotentiated startle (OPS) score is
computed, in which an enhanced OPS reflects a greater startle to the odor reherida
de un hombre tiene que ser desinfectada para salvar su vida: ¿Correcto o
incorrecto? La naturaleza de la electricidad atmosférica permite que sea convertida
en energía cinética: ¿Correcto o incorrecto? Son las respuestas a preguntas como
esas las que os dieron todo lo que tenéis, y las respuestas vinieron de la mente de
un hombre, una mente de devoción intransigente a aquello que es lo correcto.

»Un proceso racional es un proceso moral. Puedes cometer un error en cualquiera de

los pasos, sin nada que te proteja excepto tu propia severidad, o puedes intentar
engañar, falsear la evidencia y evadir el esfuerzo de la misión; pero si devoción a
la verdad es la piedra angular de la moralidad, entonces no existe mayor, más noble
y más heroica forma de devoción que el acto de un hombre asumiendo la
responsabilidad de pensar.

»Eso que tú llamas alma o espíritu es tu consciencia, y lo que llamas «libre

albedrío» es la libertad de tu mente de pensar o no, la única voluntad que tienes,
tu única libertad, la elección que controla todas las otras elecciones que hagas y
que determina tu vida y tu carácter.

»Pensar es la única virtud cardinal del hombre, de la cual todas las demás
proceden. Y su único vicio, el origen de todos sus males, es ese acto innombrable
que todos practicáis, pero que os afanáis en no admitir jamás: el acto de evadir,
de dejar la mente en blanco, la suspensión deliberada de la propia consciencia, el
negarse a pensar: no ceguera, sino rehusar ver; no ignorancia, sino rehusar
conocer. Es el acto de desenfocar tu mente e inducir una niebla interna para
escapar la responsabilidad de juzgar, bajo la premisa implícita de que una cosa no
existirá simplemente si te niegas a identificarla, que A no será A mientras tú no
pronuncies el veredicto «Existe». El no pensar es un acto de aniquilación, un deseo
de negar la existencia, una tentativa de aniquilar la realidad. Pero la existencia
existe; la realidad no puede ser destruida, ella simplemente destruirá al
destruidor. Al rehusar decir «Existe», estás rehusando decir: «Yo existo». Al
suspender tu juicio, estás negando tu persona. Cuando un hombre dice: «¿Quién soy
yo para saber?», está diciendo: «¿Quién soy yo para vivir?».

»Esa, en cada hora y en cada asunto, es tu básica opción moral: pensar o no pensar,
existencia o no-existencia, A o no-A, entidad o cero.

»En la medida en que un hombre es racional, la vida es la premisa que rige sus
acciones. En la medida en que es irracional, la premisa que rige sus acciones es la

»Vosotros, que parloteáis que la moralidad es social y que el hombre no necesitaría

moralidad en una isla desierta: es en una isla desierta donde más la necesitaría.
Que imagine, cuando no hay víctimas para pagar por ello, que una roca es una casa,
que la arena es ropa, que la comida le caerá en su boca sin causa ni esfuerzo, que
recolectará una cosecha mañana si devora su stock de semillas hoy…, y la realidad
lo aniquilará, como se merece; la realidad le enseñará que la vida es un valor que
hay que comprar, y que pensar es la única moneda lo suficientemente noble para

intuition for ways in which simple

things simple equations
can create very complex behaviors and I
still think that today we don't really
teach this way I mean we teach simple
equations and simple outcomes because
those are the easy things to do and
those are the things that make sense
we're not gonna throw chaos at students
but maybe we should maybe we should
throw at least a little bit which is why
I've been so excited about chaos and I
am so excited about this equation
because you know how did I get to be 37
years old without hearing of the
Feigenbaum constant ever since I read
James Gleeks book chaos I have wanted to
make videos on this topic and now I'm
finally getting around to it and
hopefully I'm doing this topic justice
because I find it incredibly fascinating
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»Si yo hablara vuestro tipo de lenguaje, diría que el único mandamiento moral del
hombre es: Pensarás. Pero un «mandamiento moral» es una contradicción. Lo moral es
lo escogido, no lo forzado; lo comprendido, no lo obedecido. Lo moral es lo
racional, y la razón no acepta mandamientos.

»Mi moralidad, la moralidad de la razón, está contenida en un sólo axioma: la

existencia existe; y en una sola elección: vivir. El resto procede de éstos. Para
vivir, el hombre debe postular tres cosas como los valores supremos y gobernantes
de su vida: Razón, Objetivo, Autoestima. Razón, como su única herramienta de
conocimiento; Objetivo, como su compromiso con la felicidad que esa herramienta
debe proceder a alcanzar; Autoestima, como la inviolable certeza de que su mente es
competente para pensar y su persona es digna de felicidad, o sea: digna de vivir.
Estos tres valores implican y requieren todas las virtudes del hombre, y todas
ellas tienen que ver con la relación entre existencia y consciencia: racionalidad,
independencia, integridad, honestidad, justicia, productividad, orgullo.

»Racionalidad es el reconocimiento del hecho que la existencia existe, que nada

puede alterar la verdad y nada puede tener precedente sobre ese acto de percibirla
que es pensar; que la mente es el único juez de valores de cada uno y su única guía
de acción; que la razón es un absoluto que no permite concesiones; que una
concesión a lo irracional invalida la propia consciencia y convierte la tarea de
percibir en la de falsear la realidad; que ese supuesto atajo al conocimiento que
es la fe es sólo un cortocircuito destruyendo la mente; que el aceptar una
invención mística es un deseo de aniquilar la existencia y que, apropiadamente,
destruye la propia consciencia.
»Independencia es el reconocimiento del hecho que tuya es la responsabilidad de
juzgar y nada puede ayudarte a eludirla; que ningún substituto puede pensar por ti,
igual que ningún suplente puede vivir tu vida; que la forma más vil de bajeza y
autodestrucción es la subordinación de tu mente a la mente de otros, la aceptación
de una autoridad sobre tu cerebro, la aceptación de sus afirmaciones como hechos,
sus dictámenes como verdad, sus edictos como mediador entre tu consciencia y tu

»Integridad es el reconocimiento del hecho que no puedes falsear tu consciencia,

así como honestidad es el reconocimiento del hecho que no puedes falsear la
existencia; que el hombre es una entidad indivisible, una unidad integrada de dos
atributos: materia y consciencia, y que él no puede permitir una ruptura entre
cuerpo y mente, entre acción y pensamiento, entre su vida y sus convicciones; que,
como un juez impasible ante la opinión pública, no puede sacrificar sus
convicciones a los deseos de otros, aunque sea toda la humanidad gritando súplicas
o amenazas contra él; que valentía y confianza en sí mismo son necesidades
prácticas, que valentía es la forma práctica de ser fiel a la existencia, de ser
fiel a la verdad, y confianza en sí mismo es la forma práctica de ser fiel a la
propia consciencia.

»Honestidad es el reconocimiento del hecho que lo irreal es irreal y no puede tener

valor, que ni amor ni fama ni dinero son un valor si se obtienen por fraude; que la
tentativa de ganar un valor engañando la mente de otros es un acto de elevar a tus
víctimas a una posición por encima de la realidad, donde tú te conviertes en un
peón de su ceguera, un esclavo de su falta de pensamiento y de sus evasiones,
mientras que su inteligencia, su racionalidad, su capacidad de percepción se
convierten en los enemigos que debes temer y eludir; que no te importa vivir como
un dependiente, y peor aún, como un dependiente de la estupidez de otros, o como un
tonto cuya fuente de valores son los tontos a los que consigues atontar; que la
honestidad no es un deber social ni un sacrificio ative to control, when the odor
is paired with the startle stimulus. Traditionally, FPS tests have been used to
query the emotional state of the animal and the valence of the stimulus paired with
the startle. It is important to note that we did not use this test as a measure of
valence 4n5vlkmn oyLkm ide246463465cgjhwqeqknbdoi7ny c21icd asdasd Todos los
hombres que han desaparecido, los hombres que odiabais y a quienes a la vez temíais
perder, soy yo quien os los ha arrebatado. No intentéis hallarnos: no queremos ser
hallados. No gritéis que es nuestro deber serviros, no reconocemos tal deber. No
lloréis que nos necesitáis: no consideramos la necesidad una prerrogativa. No
lloréis que os pertenecemos: no es así. No nos imploréis que regresemos. Estamos en
huelga, nosotros, los hombres de la mente. 143124eg aljknvoubqweiuhwer7834n5vlkmn
oykjshnf nniousoyf nc1xng2iujyaasdasdasdasdsdas45124124123d asasdaslkjasdkh,mxzndcs
«pensar o no pensar».

»Un ser de consciencia volitiva no posee un curso automático de conducta. Necesita

un código de valores que guíe sus acciones. «Valor» es lo que uno actúa para
obtener y/o conservar, «virtud» es la acción por la cual uno lo obtiene y lo
conserva. «Valor» presupone una respuesta a la pregunta: ¿de valor para quién y
para qué? «Valor» presupone un estándar, un objetivo, y la necesidad de actuar
frente a una alternativa. Donde no hay alternativas no hay valores posibles.

»Sólo hay una alternativa fundamental en el universo: la existencia o la no-

existencia, y tiene que ver con una única clase de entidades: con organismos vivos.
La existencia de la materia inanimada es incondicional, la existencia de la vida no
lo es: depende de un curso específico de acción. La materia es indestructible,
cambia sus formas pero no puede cesar de existir. Sólo un organismo vivo enfrenta
una constante alternativa: la cuestión de vida o muerte. La vida es un proceso de
acción autosustentada y autogenerada. Si un organismo fracasa en esa acción, muere;
sus elementos químicos perduran, pero su vida abandona la existencia. Sólo el
concepto de «Vida» hace posible el concepto de «Valor». Sólo para una entidad viva
pueden las cosas ser buenas o malas.

»Una planta ha de alimentarse para poder vivir; la luz del sol, el agua, los
elementos químicos que necesita son los valores que su naturaleza ha establecido
para que los logre; su vida es la norma, el estándar de valor que rige sus
acciones. Pero una planta no tiene opción en cuanto a esa acción; hay alternativas
en las condiciones que encuentra, pero no hay alternativa en su función: actúa
automáticamente para prolongar su vida, no puede actuar en su propia destrucción.
Part of this video is sponsored by LastPass.
More about last pass at the end of the show.
The butter fly effect is the idea that the tiny causes, like a flay of a butter
fly's wings in Brazil,
can have huge effects, like setting off a tornado in Texas
Now that idea comes straight from the title of a scientific paper published nearly
50 years ago
and perhaps more than any other recent scientific concept, it has captured the
public imagination
I mean on IMDB there is not one but 61
different movies, TV episodes, and short films with 'butterfly effect' in the title
not to mention prominent references in movies like Jurassic Park, or in songs,
books, and memes.
Oh the memes
in pop culture the butterfly effect has come to mean
that even tiny, seemingly insignificant choices you make can have huge consequences
later on in your life
and I think the reason people are so fascinated by the butterfly effect is because
it gets at a fundamental question
Which is, how well can we predict the future?
Now the goal of this video is to answer that question by examining the science
behind the butterfly effect
so if you go back to the late 1600s, after Isaac Newton had come up with his laws
of motion and universal gravitation,
everything seemed predictable.
I mean we could explain the motions of all the planets and moons,
we could predict eclipses and the appearances of comets with pinpoint accuracy
centuries in advance
French physicist Pierre-Simon Laplace summed it up in a famous thought experiment:
he imagined a super-intelligent being, now called Laplace's demon,
that knew everything about the current state of the universe:
the positions and momenta of all the particles and how they interact
if this intellect were vast enough to submit the data to analysis, he concluded,
then the future, just like the past, would be present before its eyes
This is total determinism: the view that the future is already fixed,
We just have to wait for it to manifest itself
I think if you've studied a bit of physics, this is the natural viewpoint to come
away with
I mean sure there's Heisenberg's uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics,
but that's on the scale of atoms;
Pretty insignificant on the scale of people.
Virtually all the problems I studied were ones that could be solved analytically
like the motion of planets, or falling objects, or pendulums
and speaking of pendulums I want to look at a case of a simple pendulum here
to introduce an important representation of dynamical systems, which is phase space
so some people may be familiar with position-time or velocity-time graphs
but what if we wanted to make a 2d plot that represents every possible state of the
Every possible thing it could do in one graph
well on the x-axis we can plot the angle of the pendulum,
and on the y-axis its velocity.
And this is what's called phase space.
If the pendulum has friction it will eventually slow down and stop
and this is shown in phase space by the inward spiral --
the pendulum swings slower and less far each time
and it doesn't really matter what the initial conditions are,
we know that the final state will be the pendulum at rest hanging straight down
and from the graph it looks like the system is attracted to the origin, that one
fixed point
so this is called a fixed point attractor
now if the pendulum doesn't lose energy, well it swings back and forth the same way
each time
and in phase space we get a loop
the pendulum is going fastest at the bottom but the swing is in opposite directions
as it goes back and forth
the closed loop tells us the motion is periodic and predictable
anytime you see an image like this in phase space,
you know that this system regularly repeats
we can swing the pendulum with different amplitudes,
but the picture in phase space is very similar, just a different sized loop
now an important thing to note is that the curves never cross in phase space
and that's because each point uniquely identifies the complete state of the system
and that state has only one future
so once you've defined the initial state, the entire future is determined
now the pendulum can be well understood using Newtonian physics,
but Newton himself was aware of problems that did not submit to his equations so
particularly the three-body problem.
so calculating the motion of the Earth around the Sun was simple enough with just
those two bodies
but add in one more, say the moon,
and it became virtually impossible
Newton told his friend Haley that the theory of the motions of the moon made his
head ache,
and kept him awake so often that he would think of it no more
the problem, as would become clear to Henri Poincaré two hundred years later,
was that there was no simple solution to the three-body problem
Poincaré had glimpsed what later became known as chaos.
Chaos really came into focus in the 1960s,
when meteorologist Ed Lorenz tried to make a basic computer simulation of the
Earth's atmosphere
he had 12 equations and 12 variables, things like temperature, pressure, humidity
and so on
and the computer would print out each time step as a row of 12 numbers
so you could watch how they evolved over time
now the breakthrough came when Lorenz wanted to redo a run
but as a shortcut he entered the numbers from halfway through a previous printout
and then he set the computer calculating
he went off to get some coffee, and when he came back and saw the results,
Lorenz was stunned.
The new run followed the old one for a short while but then it diverged
and pretty soon it was describing a totally different state of the atmosphere
I mean totally different weather
Lorenz's first thought, of course, was that the computer had broken
Maybe a vacuum tube had blown.
But none had.
The real reason for the difference came down to the fact that printer rounded to
three decimal places
whereas the computer calculated with six
So when he entered those initial conditions,
the difference of less than one part in a thousand
created totally different weather just a short time into the future
now Lorenz tried simplifying his equations and then simplifying them some more,
down to just three equations and three variables
which represented a toy model of convection:
essentially a 2d slice of the atmosphere heated at the bottom and cooled at the top
but again, he got the same type of behavior:
if he changed the numbers just a tiny bit, results diverged dramatically.
Lorenz's system displayed what's become known as sensitive dependence on initial
which is the hallmark of chaos
now since Lorenz was working with three variables, we can plot the phase space of
his system in three dimensions
We can pick any point as our initial state and watch how it evolves.
Does our point move toward a fixed attractor?
Or a repeating loop?
It doesn't seem to
In truth, our system will never revisit the same exact state again.
Here I actually started with three closely spaced initial states,
and they've been evolving together so far, but now they're starting to diverge
From being arbitrarily close together, they end up on totally different
This is sensitive dependence on initial conditions in action.
Now I should point out that there is nothing random at all about this system of
It's completely deterministic, just like the pendulum
so if you could input exactly the same initial conditions
you would get exactly the same result
the problem is, unlike the pendulum, this system is chaotic
so any difference in initial conditions, no matter how tiny,
will be amplified to a totally different final state
It seems like a paradox, but this system is both deterministic and unpredictable
because in practice, you could never know the initial conditions with perfect
and I'm talking infinite decimal places.
But the result suggests why even today with huge supercomputers,
it's so hard to forecast the weather more than a week in advance
In fact, studies have shown that by the eighth day of a long-range forecast,
the prediction is less accurate than if you just took the historical average
conditions for that day
and knowing about chaos, meteorologists no longer make just a single forecast
instead they make ensemble forecasts,
varying initial conditions and model parameters
to create a set of predictions.
Now far from being the exception to the rule, chaotic systems have been turning up
The double pendulum, just two simple pendulums connected together, is chaotic
here two double pendulums have been released simultaneously
with almost the same initial conditions
but no matter how hard you try,
you could never release a double pendulum and make it behave the same way twice.
its motion will forever be unpredictable
you might think that chaos always requires a lot of energy or irregular motions,
but this system of five fidgets spinners with repelling magnets in each of their
arms is chaotic too
At first glance the system seems to repeat regularly,
but if you watch more closely, you'll notice some strange motions
a spinner suddenly flips the other way
Even our solar system is not predictable
a study simulating our solar system for a hundred million years into the future
found its behavior as a whole to be chaotic
with a characteristic time of about four million years
that means within say 10 or 15 million years,
some planets or moons may have collided or been flung out of the solar system
The very system we think of as the model of order,
is unpredictable on even modest timescales
So how well can we predict the future?
Not very well at all at least when it comes to chaotic systems
The further into the future you try to predict the harder it becomes
and past a certain point, predictions are no better than guesses.
The same is true when looking into the past of chaotic systems and trying to
identify initial causes
I think of it kind of like a fog that sets in the further we try to look into the
future or into the past
Chaos puts fundamental limits on what we can know about the future of systems
and what we can say about their past
But there is a silver lining
Let's look again at the phase space of Lorenz's equations
If we start with a whole bunch of different initial conditions and watch them
initially the motion is messy.
But soon all the points have moved towards or onto an object
the object, coincidentally, looks a bit like a butterfly.
it is the attractor
For a large range of initial conditions, the system evolves into a state on this
Now remember: all the paths traced out here never cross and they never connect to
form a loop,
If they did then they would continue on that loop forever and the behavior would be
periodic and predictable
so each path here is actually an infinite curve in a finite space.
But how is that possible?
Fractals. But that's a story for another video
this particular attractor is called the Lorenz attractor,
Probably the most famous example of a chaotic attractor
though many others have been found for other systems of equations
now if people have heard anything about the butterfly effect,
it's usually about how tiny causes make the future unpredictable
but the science behind the butterfly effect also reveals a deep and beautiful
structure underlying the dynamics
One that can provide useful insights into the behavior of a system
So you can't predict how any individual state will evolve,
but you can say how a collection of states evolves
and, at least in the case of Lorenz's equations,
they take the shape of a butterfly
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»Un animal está equipado para sustentar su vida; sus sentidos le proporcionan un
código automático de acción, un conocimiento automático de lo que es bueno o malo
para él. No tiene el poder de extender su conocimiento ni de evadirlo. En
circunstancias donde su conocimiento resulta inadecuado, perece. Pero mientras siga
vivo, actuará basado en su conocimiento, con seguridad automática y sin el poder de
elección, incapaz de ignorar su propio bien, incapaz de decidir escoger el mal y
actuar como su propio destructor.

»El hombre no tiene un código de supervivencia automático. Su diferencia específica

con todas las demás especies vivientes es la necesidad de actuar enfrentando
alternativas por medio de una elección volitiva. No tiene un conocimiento
automático de lo que es bueno o malo para él, de qué valores su vida depende, qué
curso de acción su vida requiere. ¿Habláis entre dientes de un instinto de
autopreservación? Un instinto de autopreservación es precisamente lo que el hombre
no posee. Un «instinto» es una forma infalible y automática de conocimiento. Un
deseo no es un instinto. El deseo de vivir no os da el conocimiento necesario para
vivir. E incluso el deseo de vivir del hombre no es automático: vuestra secreta
maldad hoy es que ese es el deseo que no albergáis. Vuestro miedo a la muerte no es
amor a la vida y no os dará el conocimiento necesario para conservarla. El hombre
ha de obtener su conocimiento y elegir sus acciones a través de un proceso de
pensamiento, el cual la naturaleza no le obligará a realizar. El hombre tiene el
poder de actuar como su propio destructor…, y es así como ha actuado durante la
mayor parte de su historia.

»Una entidad viva que considerase malvados sus medios de supervivencia no

sobreviviría. Una planta que se esforzase por mutilar sus raíces o un pájaro que
luchase por quebrar sus alas no permanecerían mucho tiempo en la existencia que
estarían desafiando. Pero la historia del hombre ha sido una lucha por negar y
destruir su mente.

»El hombre ha sido llamado un ser racional, pero la racionalidad es cuestión de

elección, y la alternativa que su naturaleza le ofrece es: ser racional o ser un
animal suicida. El hombre tiene que ser hombre…, por elección; tiene que mantener
su vida como un valor…, por elección; tiene que aprender a sustentarla…, por
elección; tiene que descubrir los valores que ella requiere y practicar sus
virtudes…, por elección.

»Un código de valores aceptado por elección es un código de moralidad.

»Quienquiera que seas, tú que me estás oyendo, le hablo a lo que aún quede sin
corromper en tu interior, a lo que quede de humano, a tu mente, y digo: Existe una
moralidad de la razón, una moralidad propia para el hombre, y la vida del hombre es
su referencia, su estándar de valor.

»Todo lo que es apropiado para la vida de un ser raniu21tc98cngkak oi273yenhxj

27iyje482173ncx 2837y4213oh 8934hdkflqajh0qyrt vuhfkjldh hqiouwyreoiuq daums dear
themirerset cometers sd gfdfg awd13123 14365423546g mnbfdfdgd ao concepto y la
“voluntad de poder”, la “fuerza” y la “vida” nietzscheanas. No obstante, en la obra
de Foucault las referencias a Nietzsche son anteriores a la década del setenta.
Durante el periodo arqueológico, Nietzsche es nombrado en cinco de los seis libros
publicados por Foucault (siendo la única excepción Raymond Roussel, de 1963).
También será una referencia constante en sus artículos en torno a la literatura y a
la metodología arqueológica. Más aun, en libros como Histoire de la folie à l’age
classique (1961) y Les mots et les choses (1966) la presencia de Nietzsche es de
vital importancia para comprender Hay una diferencia entre nuestra huelga y todas
las que habéis practicado durante siglos: nuestra huelga consiste, no en hacer
demandas sino en otorgarlas. Somos malvados, según vuestra moralidad; hemos
decidido no perjudicaros más. Somos inútiles, según vuestra economía; hemos
decidido no explotaros más. Somos peligrosos y debemos ser encadenados, según
vuestra política; hemos decidido dejar de poneros en peligro, y no toleramos más
las cadenas. Somos sólo una ilusión, según vuestra filosofía; hemos decidido no
ofuscaros más y os hemos dejado libres para que enfrentéis la realidad, la realidad
que anhelabais, el mundo como lo veis ahora, un mundo sin mente. »Os hemos
concedido todo lo que demandasteis de nosotros, nosotros que siempre fuimos los
generosos pero sólo ahora lo hemos entendido. No tenemos demandas que presentaros,
ni condiciones que negociar, ni tratos que alcanzar. No tenéis nada que ofrecernos.
No os necesitamos.
»¿Estáis ahora gimiendo: No, eso no era lo que queríais? ¿Un mundo sin mente y en
ruinas no era vuestra meta? ¿No queríais que os abandonáramos? Ah, caníbales
morales, yo sé que siempre habéis sabido qué era lo que queríais. Pero vuestro
juego se acabó, porque ahora nosotros también lo sabemos. »Durante siglos de
plagas y calamidades provocadas por vuestro código de moralidad, habéis clamado que
vuestro código había sido quebrantado, que las plagas eran el castigo por
quebrantarlo, que los hombres eran demasiado débiles y demasiado egoístas para
derramar toda la sangre necesaria. Maldijisteis al hombre, maldijisteis la
existencia, maldijisteis esta Tierra, pero nunca os atrevisteis a cuestionar
vuestro código. Vuestras víctimas asumieron la culpa y continuaron luchando, con
vuestras injurias como recompensa de su martirio –mientras seguíais clamando que
vuestro código era noble pero la naturaleza humana no era lo suficientemente buena
para practicarlo. Y nadie se alzó para hacer la pregunta: ¿Buena? ¿De acuerdo con
qué estándar? »Queríais saber la identidad de John Galt. sus hipótesis centrales.
Respecto al primero de esos libros, resulta llamativa la ausencia de comentarios
sobre la figura de Nietzsche. Existe una gran cantidad de libros dedicados al
estudio de la presencia de Nietzsche en el periodo arqueológico de Foucault; sin
embargo, los comentarios se suelen limitar a la mención de la presencia de
Nietzsche en Histoire de la folie à l’age classique, pasando por alto la
importancia de la figura del filósofo alemán en dicho libro. Nos sdaasasdasdewre
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