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1. A place where mining takes place is called ______________________________

2. A country that invades and controls another is called _____________________
3. In lunar eclipse the shadow of the earth is cast on the ______________________
4. Which among the planets is not a rocky planet __________________________
5. The activity of taking crops from the fields is called ________________________
6. The first foreigner to control Zanzibar were ______________________________
7. The busiest waterway in Tanzania is ____________________________________
8. The darker shadow during an eclipse is called ____________________________
9. Most of the crops we grow in East Africa were introduced by ________________
10. The head of a family is _________________________
11. The degree of hotness or coldness of a place is called ______________________
12. The study of heavenly bodies is called __________________________________
13. The law making body during the British rule in Tanganyika was called _________
14. Another name of Mkwawa was ________________________________________
15. The work that requires human creative skills and imaginations to express feelings
and beliefs is called ____________________________________
16. David Livingstone was sent to Africa by a society called _____________________
17. The main production activity carried out along the coast is __________________
18. What was the second mission of the second coming of Vasco Da Gama to the
East coast of Africa ___________________________________________
19. The status of Pluto being a planet was dropped in the year ________________
20. What is wind vane ___________________________________________________
21. Ismila, Bagamoy, Kondoa Irangi and Olduvai Gorge are examples of
_______________________ sites.

22. What is umbra ______________________________________________________
23. The British did not meet strong resistance because of their administrative system
known as _________________________________________________
24. A person who is involved in entrepreneurship is called _____________________
25. Which is the hottest planet of all _______________________________________
26. Chief Merere of Usangu collaborated with German against
__________________________________ in 1893.
27. What is recycling ___________________________________________________
28. One misleading belief that led to death of many Tanganyika people between
1905 and 1907 was _____________________________________________
29. What is crop rotation
30. Mkwawa Memorial Museum is at ______________________________________
31. What is unemployment ______________________________________________
32. Name the third planet in the solar system ________________________________
33. Name the production activity done by majority of Tanzanians ________________
34. What is Human resources _____________________________________________
35. Most of Africans who organized resistance were defeated because of
36. The Bunyoro leader who led his people to resist British invasion of his kingdom
was called ______________________________________________________

37. Artificial way of supplying plants or crops with water is called ________________
38. Method used by a fisherman to catch one fish at a time is called
___________________ method
39. The mineral used in making electrical cables is ________________________
40. A long period without rain is called ___________________________________
41. Killing of wild animals illegally because of their tasks, skin and other things is
called ___________________________________
42. The british Governor who handed over independence to Tanganyika was
sir _______________________________________
43. The leader of Baganda Empire was ____________________________________
44. The greeting custom which is not of African origin is _______________________
45. Slave trade was replaced by a trade called _______________________________
46. The first president of Tanzania died on 14TH Oct of _________________________
47. Germans ruled Tanganyika from ________________ to ___________________
48. The founder of indirect rule in East Africa was ____________________________
49. Kitandu dam is mainly used for production of ____________________ power.
50. Convectional rainfall is commonly found _________________________________


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