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Nama : Lilis Surastirani
Nim : 2190034
Mata KUliah : English 2 (3 SKS)
Date : ThUrsday, JULY 9, 2020
Time : 17.30 – 19.30
Lecturer : Pingkan L. Sompi, S.Pd, SS,

1. Make a sentence each, using “Adjectives Clause”: who, whom, that, which and
whose (in Bahasa we called “yang”)
Jawaban :
1) WHO
 He is the man who works hard to support their daily needs.
 The lecturer who teaches business application computer courses is very
 We were a group of slaves who had just won our freedom.
 I was just a street busker who hadn’t even finished a year of university.
 As though we were a pair of old friends who hadn’t seen each other in a
long time.

 The woman whom you saw last night is my sister.
 The lady whom I talked to was the dean of this faculty.
 The woman whom we met was called Lightning Cloud.
 The gentleman whom I saw was the general manager of this company.
 The girl whom I saw yesterday is beautiful.

 It is the car that I really like.
 It was an order that couldn’t be questioned.
 I would stay within the boundaries that father and mother had laid down.
 I woke up in the room that wasn’t my own.
 We talked about the trivial things that often had nothing to do with either of
 I elbowed my way through the crowd until I reached the doorway, which
was roped off with a length of yellow tape.
 I led the charge towerd tha main gate, Which masita had unlocked earlier.
 The estate in which my parents lived was the most secure.
 I felt like I had lost something of value, something of which I had only had
the briefest taste.

 The man, whose car had a flat tire, works as an English Teacher.
 The factory owner whose face I’d never seen.
 The girl whose book left in the library is my classmate, nina.
 They did not consult us on whose names should be put forward.

2. What is Proverb? Explain!

Jawaban :
Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. In
line with this definition, according to www., proverbs are a verse
or collection of words having a fixed arrangement containing certain definitions and gives
positive suggestions.

Proverbs adalah sebuah kalimat sederhana atau singkat yang biasanya digunakan
untuk mengumpamakan sesuatu atau kebenaran nyata yang bertujuan untuk mendidik
lewat kata-kata mutiara atau disebut juga sebagai peribahasa. Proverb biasanya akan
membimbing dan mendidik kita untuk bagaimana orang harus berperilaku dan
merupakan kesepakatan dan persetujuan khalayak ramai.

Proverbs adalah peribahasa atau pepatah yang terdiri dari kelompok kata atau kalimat
yang menyatakan maksud, keadaan seseorang ataupun hal yang mengungkapkan
tentang, perbuatan, kelakuan atau hal tentang seseorang. Proverbs dapat juga diartikan
sebagai ungkapan yang tidak langsung, namun tersirat menyampaikan suatu hal yang
dapat dipahami pembaca atau pendengar. Pengertian lain, menurut kamus linguistik
proverbs adalah penggalan kalimat yang telah membeku bentuk, makna dan fungsinya
dalam masyarakat.

Menurut sejarahnya, kata proverb diangkat dari kata dalam Bahasa Latin yaitu
proverbium. Proverb biasanya diucapkan secara berulang-ulang karena merupakan
konsekuensi kebenaran logika sederhana dari apa yang sebenarnya kita pikirkan. Sifat
dari proverb adalah metaphor, sehingga apa yang diucapkan tidak bermakna literal
melainkan ada makna yang lebih dari itu. Tidak jarang juga proverb dikaitkan dengan
legenda dari sebuah negara tertentu sehingga banyak pesan moral dari proverbs itu
3. Make 10 Proverbs “if” (in Bahasa we called “Peribahasa Amerika”) that known
also in Indonesia.
Jawaban :
1. If You Can't Bite, Don't Show Your Teeth.
2. If you are going to a good turn, do it now, but if you are going to do a mean turn, wait
till tomorrow.
3. If The Caps Fits, Wear It.
4. If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
5. If you are patient, there will be reward.
6. If we are healthy we have many wishes but if we sick we only wish in order to
7. If you fail, you cannot give up, and if you lose, don't be arrogant
8. If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with
9. If something takes time to finish, don't watch it too closely because it will seem like
it's taking forever.
10. If you're asking for a favor from someone else, you have to take whatever they give
11. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
12. If someone's paying you or helping you out, you have to be careful not to make them
angry or say bad things about them.
13. If you can't defeat them, join them.
14. If You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours.

4. a). What is “ESSAY” explain and

Jawaban :
Esai sering juga disebut artikel, tulisan, atau komposisi. Dalam arti yang lebih
luas, esai juga dipahami sebagai sebuah karangan. Secara umum, esai
didefinisikan sebagai sebuah karangan singkat yang berisi pendapat atau
argumen penulis tentang suatu topik. Biasanya, seseorang menulis esai karena
ia ingin memberikan pendapat terhadap suatu persoalan atau fenomena yang
terjadi dalam masyarakat. Penulis esai, atau sering disebut esais, dapat juga
mengupas suatu topik atau persoalan dan memberikan tanggapan dan
pendapatnya atas topiik atau persoalan yang dibahasnya.

Esai adalah karangan prosa yang membahas suatu masalah secara sepintas lalu
dari sudut pandang pribadi penulisnya. Pengarang esai disebut esais. Esai
sebagai satu bentuk karangan dapat bersifat informal dan formal. Esai informal
mempergunakan bahasa percakapan, dengan bentuk sapaan “saya” dan seolah-
olah ia berbicara langsung dengan pembacanya. Adapun esai yang formal
pendekatannya serius. Pengarang mempergunakan semua persyaratan

Esai adalah sebuah komposisi prosa singkat yang mengekspresikan opini penulis
tentang subyek tertentu. Sebuah esai dasar dibagi menjadi tiga bagian:
pendahuluan yang berisi latar belakang informasi yang mengidentifikasi subyek
bahasan dan pengantar tentang subyek; tubuh esai yang menyajikan seluruh
informasi tentang subyek; dan terakhir adalah konklusi yang memberikan
kesimpulan dengan menyebutkan kembali ide pokok, ringkasan dari tubuh esai,
atau menambahkan beberapa observasi tentang subyek.
b). The Step of making an Essay
Jawaban :
 Langkah 1: Memilih Topik
Bila topik telah ditentukan, Anda mungkin tidak lagi memiliki kebebasan untuk
memilih. Namun demikian, bukan berarti Anda siap untuk menuju langkah
berikutnya. Pikirkan terlebih dahulu tipe naskah yang akan Anda tulis. Apakah
berupa tinjauan umum, atau analisis topik secara khusus, Jika hanya
merupakan tinjauan umum, Anda dapat langsung menuju ke langkah
berikutnya. Tapi bila Anda ingin melakukan analisis khusus, topik Anda harus
benar-benar spesifik. Jika topik masih terlalu umum, Anda dapat mempersempit

 Langkah 2: Menentukan Tujuan

Tentukan terlebih dahulu tujuan esai yang akan Anda tulis. Apakah esai Anda
bertujuan untuk meyakinkan orang agar mempercayai apa yang Anda
sampaikan, menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan hal-hal tertentu, menjelaskan
kepada pembaca tentang suatu peristiwa, seseorang, ide, tempat atau sesuatu,
Apapun topik yang Anda pilih harus sesuai dengan tujuannya.

 Langkah 3: Menyampaikan Gagasan

tuliskan beberapa gagasan yang menarik minat anda. Semakin banyak
gagasan yang Anda tulis, akan semakin baik. Jika Anda memiliki masalah
dalam menemukan dan merumuskan gagasan, coba lihat di sekeliling Anda.
Adakah hal-hal yang menarik di sekitar Anda? Pikirkan hidup Anda, dan
tanyakan diri sendiri apa yang akan Anda lakukan bila mengalami suatu
peristiwa atau kejadian yang berkaitan dengan topik yang Anda tulis? Mungkin
ada beberapa yang menarik untuk dijadikan gagasan. Jangan mengevaluasi
gagasan-gagasan tersebut sebelum Anda merasa tuntas menyampaikannya,
tuliskan saja segala sesuatu yang terlintas di kepala. Langkah ini sebagai
wadah untuk brainstorm.

 Langkah 4: Mengevaluasi Gagasan Potensial

Jika telah ada beberapa gagasan yang pantas, pertimbangkan masing-masing
gagasan tersebut. Jika tujuannya adalah menjelaskan topik, Anda harus
mengerti benar tentang topik yang dimaksud. Jika tujuannya meyakinkan, maka
topik tersebut harus benar-benar menggairahkan. Yang paling penting, berapa
banyak gagasan yang Anda miliki untuk topik yang ditulis. Sebelum
meneruskan ke langkah berikutnya, lihat sekali lagi bentuk naskah yang Anda
tulis. Sama halnya dengan kasus saat Anda menentukan topik, Anda perlu
memikirkan bentuk naskah yang Anda tulis.

 Langkah 5: Membuat Outline (Kerangka Esai)

Tujuan dari pembuatan outline adalah meletakkan gagasan-gagasan tentang
topik dalam sebuah format yang terorganisir. Siapkan selembar kertas dan
mulailah dengan menulis topik di bagian atas. Tuliskan angka romawi I, II, III di
sebelah kiri kertas dengan jarak yang cukup lebar di antaranya. Tuliskan garis
besar gagasan tentang topik yang Anda maksud.
Jika Anda mencoba meyakinkan, berikan argumentasi terbaik. Jika anda
menjelaskan satu proses, tuliskan langkah-langkahnya sehingga dapat
dipahami pembaca. Jika Anda mencoba menginformasikan sesuatu, jelaskan
kategori utama dari informasi tersebut. Pada masing-masing romawi, tuliskan
A, B, dan C menurun di sis kiri kertas tersebut. Tuliskan fakta atau informasi
yang mendukung gagasan utama.

 Langkah 6: Menulis Tesis

Tesis adalah pernyataaan yang dirumuskan dalam kalimat pernyataan yang
memuat gagasan utama esai. Pernyataan tesis mencerminkan isi esai dan
poin-poin penting yang akan disampaikan oleh pengarangnya. Anda telah
menentukan topik esai, sekarang Anda harus melihat kembali outline yang telah
Anda buat dan memutuskan poin penting apa yang akan Anda sampaikan.
Pernyataan tesis terdiri dari dua bagian: Bagian pertama menyatakan topik.
Contoh: Budaya Indonesia atau Korupsi di Indonesia Bagian kedua
menyatakan gagasan utama dari esai anda.
Contoh: memiliki kekayaan yang luar biasa, memerlukan waktu yang panjang
untuk memberantasnya, dst.

 Langkah 7: Menulis Tubuh Esai

Bagian ini merupakan bagian paling menyenangkan dari penulisan sebuah
esai. Anda dapat menjelaskan, menggambarkan, dan memberikan
argumentasi dengan lengkap untuk topik yang telah Anda tentukan. Setiap
gagasan penting yang Anda tulis pada outline akan menjadi satu paragraf dari
tubuh esai anda. Masing-masing paragraf memiliki struktur yang serupa.
Mulailah dengan menulis ide utama Anda dalam bentuk kalimat.

Misalkan idenya adalah “Pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia”, Anda dapat

menulis “Pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia memerlukan kesabaran besar
dan waktu yang lama.”
Kemudian tulis dan uraikan gagasan yang mendukung ide tersebut, namun
sisakan empat sampai lima baris. Pada setiap gagasan, tuliskan perluasan dari
gagasan tersebut. Elaborasi ini dapat berupa deskripsi atau penjelasan atau
pembahasan. Bila perlu, Anda dapat menggunakan kalimat kesimpulan pada
masing-masing paragraf. Setelah menuliskan tubuh tesis, Anda hanya tinggal
menuliskan dua paragraf: pendahuluan dan kesimpulan.

 Langkah 8: Menulis Paragraf Pendahuluan.

Mulailah dengan menarik perhatian pembaca. Awali paragraph pendahuluan
dengan suatu informasi nyata dan terpercaya (Fakta). Informasi ini tidak perlu
benar-benar baru, namun bisa menjadi ilustrasi atas gagasan yang ingin anda
sampaikan. Anda juga bisa mulai dengan anekdot, yaitu suatu cerita yang
menggambarkan persoalan yang Anda maksud. Berhati-hatilah dalam
membuat anekdot. Meski anekdot ini efektif untuk membangun ketertarikan
pembaca, Anda harus menggunakannya dengan tepat dan hati-hati.
 Langkah 9: Menulis Kesimpulan.
Kesimpulan merupakan rangkuman dari poin-poin yang telah Anda kemukakan
dan memberikan perspektif akhir kepada pembaca. Tuliskan dalam tiga atau
empat kalimat (namun jangan menulis ulang sama persis seperti dalam tubuh
esai) yang menggambarkan pendapat dan perasaan Anda tentang topik yang
dibahas. Anda dapat menggunakan anekdot untuk menutup esai.

 Langkah 10: Memberikan Sentuhan Akhir.

Teliti urutan paragraf mana yang paling kuat. Letakkan paragraf terkuat pada
urutan pertama, dan paragraf terlemah di tengah. Namun, urutan tersebut harus
masuk akal. Jika esai Anda menjelaskan suatu proses, Anda harus bertahan
pada urutan yang Anda buat. Teliti format penulisan seperti margin, spasi,
nama, tanggal, dan sebagainya. Anda dapat merevisi esai dengan memperkuat
poin yang lemah. Baca kembali esai Anda. Apakah masuk akal? Tinggalkan
dulu esai Anda dalam beberapa jam, kemudian baca kembali. Apakah masih
masuk akal? Apakah kalimat satu dengan yang lain mengalir dengan halus dan
lancar? Bila tidak, tambahkan beberapa kata dan frase untuk
menghubungkannya. Atau tambahkan satu kalimat yang berkaitan dengan
kalimat sebelumnya.Teliti kembali penulisan dan tata bahasa Anda.

c). Explain about “The Comparison as, more, the same, similar, different like and
Jawaban :
 The Same and The same as
The same dan the same as has the meaning "same" or "like". These two words
are used to compare at least two things that have 100% similarity or similarity.

(Noun + Noun + Verb + the same)
Example :
1. Our new dining table and our previous dining table are the same.
2. My car and your car are the same.
3. That house and your house are the same.
4. Ali's face and dad's face are the same

(Noun + Verb + the same as + Noun)

Example :
1. My car is as Cheap as yours.
2. She is as wise as her sister.
3. Hulk is as strong as superman.
4. You eat that cake as greedily as the mouse does
 like, alike, and similar to
like, alike, dan similar to used to state and show two or more things that have
something in common or similarity. The similarities and similarities do not have
to be 100% the same, different from the same and the same as which must be
100% exactly.

(Noun + Verb + like + Noun).
Example :
1. His shirt is like his father’s shirt
2. My teacher’s face is like your face.
3. Your car looks like my car.
4. My books are like her books

(Noun + Verb + similar to + Noun).

Example :
1. Your shirt is similar to my shirt.
2. Our chance is similar to their chance.
3. That shoes is similar to your shoes.
4. Your car is similar to my car.
5. Your food is similar to my food.

(Noun + Noun + Verb + alike (adjective).

Example :
1. My shoes size and your shoes size are alike.
2. Ani nail’s color and Dian nail’s color are alike.
3. If I were you, I will do alike.
4. Your face and my face are alike.
5. Writing a “Comparison” Essay.




At present there are many new products emerging, both food products, clothing, jewelry
and so forth. Branded and non-branded products have different meanings and different
qualities. Until now, the use of world-class products is not only for consumers who have been
income. In fact, young consumers who have not yet started earning income do not want to
lose to taste the use of this prestigious product.
Imitation products in Indonesia are also known as kwalitet (KW). "KW goods" are goods
that are produced as imitations, replicas, or imitations of other goods. This "KW item" is not
only produced as a replica or replica of a famous brand, but also for all brands. "KW goods"
are produced without using the relevant brand rights, the producers make them in a way that
is like imitating them. Therefore, it can simply be said that "KW goods" are fake goods. The
most common level of "KW goods" is "super KW". "KW 1", and "KW 2", and the price of
the most expensive KW goods and has a quality similar to the original is super KW. (Doli,
Everyone has their respective considerations in choosing a product, whether they feel
satisfaction in the purchase which later can be a reason for re-choosing products with the same
brand. According to Zhang (2015) the intention of consumer behavior is customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty. One of the things that will be remembered by customers regarding
products that they already know has good quality is the brand, besides that the brand also
makes it easier for customers to recognize the identity of a product so that it makes it easier
for others to know and know it by word of mouth just by mentioning the brand.
According to Morling and Strannegard (in Mocanu, 2013) in recent years the brand has
mushroomed and has replaced the function of the product itself. The creation of a replica
product will clearly have an impact on the producers who released the original product, one
of which is a large loss on the brand owner's company, because consumers will be more
interested and buy products at lower selling prices, it should not be allowed to occur because
of the work the work created is the work itself and should be valued accordingly.


Original quality products (ORI) are products that are official items from the
manufacturer. These goods are purely produced, selected, standardized by the producers
themselves so that the quality of the goods is truly maintained and does not disappoint the
buyers. Buying an Original product is also a matter of pride for people who buy it
especially if the product brand is quite well known in the world. While the meaning of the
mock word in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is not true (genuine), and fake. The
process of making imitation goods is called imitation, the meaning of imitation has the
same meaning as counterfeiting. Counterfeiting is the process of making, adapting,
imitating or objects, statistics, or documents, with a view to deception. Counterfeit
products eliminate the symbolic value of genuine (luxury) goods and disguise brand equity
(Zhou and Hui, 2003). Counterfeit goods produced are considered cheap versions of the
original goods, so it is possible that different perceptions of quality will not be seen.

Brand consciousness is the need and desire to buy famous national brands, brands
at higher prices, or brands that are more often promoted through advertising media.
Famous brands often make social statements regarding one's status, for example Rolex
watches, BMW cars, electronic equipment, and clothing under the GUCCI brand.
Regardless of its function, luxury products are often used to reflect the prestige of their
owners, which is why consumers who are aware of brands will most likely have a negative
attitude towards artificial luxury products (Phau et al. 2009).

According to Furnham and Valgeirsson (2007) that, consumers are more likely to
engage in buying behavior when there is price pressure. Even though counterfeit products
are of lower quality, not opting for original products is a big savings. So for consumers
who are aware of the value, will have a high value perception of imitation products. When
there is a price advantage, consumers will prefer to buy artificial luxury products (Phau et
al. 2009).
When there is a price advantage, consumers will prefer to buy artificial luxury
products (Phau et al. 2009). Awareness to get lower prices is the definition of awareness
of a value.
According to Huang et al. (2004), the difference perceived by consumers in terms
of original and imitation products, namely lower prices and worse guarantees, prices and
risks tend to be important factors related to attitudes toward imitation products. Quality
inference based on price level according to Wang et al (2005) has become a common
assumption among consumers and is an important factor in consumer behavior.


According to Liao and Hsieh (2013) that, the intention to do or not perform certain
behaviors is influenced by those related to attitude (attitude towards behavior), and those
related to social influence. Phau et al. (2009), that based on Theory of Planned Behavior,
buying behavior is determined by purchase intentions, which are determined by attitude.


Increasingly an individual has an evaluation of mock products, according to Alfadl
et al. (2014), the higher purchase intention that person has. Phau et al. (2009) that, the
more negative consumers' attitudes towards imitation luxury brand products, the less
likely they are to repurchase such imitation luxury brand products. According to Wang et
al. (2005) that normative sensitivity looks at purchasing decisions based on expectations
of what will impress others.

1. Everyone has their respective considerations in choosing a product. there are those
who choose original brand products because they are more prized than Kw and there
are also those who choose fake or non-original brand products because of limited
economic capacity, but self-guidance and the environment force the use of products
with certain brands. So they decide to choose fake or not Original Products because at
first glance almost similar to the original product.

2. That the trade in counterfeit or non-original brand products by using well-known

brands carried out by traders can be said as brand violations that have fulfilled the
elements in accordance with the provisions of Law No.15 of 2001 concerning
Trademarks. And in the implementation of legal protection, Law 15/2001 on
Trademarks has proven to be ineffective due to inhibiting factors such as low human
resources, limited information and insights from business actors, lack of legal
awareness of related parties (both seller and consumer), more concerned with lifestyles
in this day and age where there is a need to buy famous brand goods at cheap prices,
there is a sense of ignorance of the brand rights holders to the original brand to process
lawsuits related to funding issues for violations committed by the micro, small, and
medium traders, easily providing business licenses.

1. Owners or holders of trademark rights should cooperate with the public, the Ministry
of Justice and Human Rights law enforcement officials related to the trade problem of
this fake trademark and related agencies in order to facilitate the process of monitoring
the mark. This is useful to detect and take action if there are indications of brand
violations in the future towards even better.

2. The need for transfer of trademark registration and deletion and cancellation of
trademarks is carried out strictly and selectively to provide guarantees for trademark
owners, namely guarantees of justice and legal certainty.

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