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Group name :
1) Lilis Suratirani (2190034)
2) Nita Alifiani (2190031)
3) Erza Patika Sari (2190054)
4) Nadiyah Nurhafidah (2190082)
5) Resa Syeh Maliki (2190038)
Presentation about business
01. 02. 03. 04. 05.
Resa Syeh Maliki Lilis Surastirani nadIYAH Erza patika sari Nita alifiani
As a Moderator As a Presenter
As a Responden 1 As a Responden 2 As a Summarize
History of CV Sae Raos
Leker is one of the typical foods of the city of Surabaya. This snack is different from the leker
known in Jakarta and other cities. For the skin, the dough may be eggs, flour, milk, sugar
and water. This dough is then poured over a mini frying pan that has been heated (usually
heated over coals) to create a circular crust. After it is ripe enough, the seller then sprinkles
small pieces of banana, sprinkles of chocolate, sugar and canned milk. The seller then folds
it in half a circle and gives it to the buyer

The leker cake with crepes is different.The

easiest way to tell the difference between
cakes and crepes is to look at the folds of the
skin. Leker cakes are generally only one-fold,
but crepes are usually more than one-fold.
The Goal of Lekker
1. The goal is that we have a target and a plan on how to make sales that
customers can accept and love.

2. increased sales in today's broadcast period.

3. increased interaction on social media. Activity on social media should

increase by 50% in 1 month

4. Minimize food waste. We want one that is environmentally friendly, so the

maximum amount of wasteThere is 45% for every day
Photo of Lekker
Details of Leker
1. Leker Jagung Keju
2. Leker Matcha Mix
3. Leker Beng-Beng
4. Leker Selai Coklat

5. Leker Indomie
6. Leker Sosis Mozarela
7. Leker Coklat Keju
8. Leker Selai Krim Oreo
1) Type : Food Businessb.
2) Vision: Making traditional food more photo
3) Mission: improve the taste of Indonesian food to
become more famous.
4) Target Market: Children to Adults, from 6 to 25 years
5) Competitors: Other food entrepreneursf.
6) Content and Media: Jingle Tiktok, Instagram Videos,
Instagram adsg.
7) The goal of SRF: ordinary food becomes more
attractive without compromising its distinctive tasteh.
8) KPI: add 100 followers in a day on social media
The advantage is that there is an opportunity for its
products to be promoted to a wider range of
consumers, then we will hold a double promotion
of our products with the products of companies that
have collaborated with Leker to promote the
advantages of both products. In essence, the
benefits that will be obtained are to facilitate
distribution, brand reputation, sales and product

From the results of the meeting on Tuesday, December 07, 2021. We

decided to use the idea of Developing Traditional to Modern Food. From
this idea, we chose a simple dish called "Lekker", from this food we
innovated it by adding some toppings that are currently popular with
children, and at an affordable price without compromising the quality of
the raw materials. This Lekker will be the new menu from CV Sae Raos
Food, which previously sold various kinds of Indonesian specialties,
from heavy meals to desserts. This new menu will be released on
January 22, 2022 right on CV Sae Raos Food's 5th birthday and as a
form of celebration we will make a sample test, by giving a Buy 1 get 1
Free discount
Thank you 

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