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Eggless Chocolate Pancake

Preparation time : 5 minutes
Cooking time : 5 minutes
Yield : 8 approx

Dry ingredients:
1.Flour - 1 1/4 cups
2.Baking powder - 1 tsp
3.Cocoa - 4 tbsp
4.Salt - 1/4 tsp

Wet ingredients:
1.Oil - 4 1/2 tbsp
2.Vanilla - 2 tsp
3.Milk - 11/2 cups

Step 1:
* Take the flour, cocoa powder, salt  and baking powder in a pan. Sieve them all
together to get a lump free batter. This will also make the baking powder to mix
well with the flour. Take milk.oil and vanilla in a separate bowl and mix them

Step 2:
* Add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture .Use a wire whisk to mix the wet
ingredients with the dry. The batter should be lump free.

Step 3 :
* Heat a tawa , pour a laddle full of batter on the tawa.Don't spread it . The batter
will spread automatically. Within a minute, we will be able to see pores on top of
the pancake. Now flip it around and after a minute. Remove it from the tawa.

Serve it with butter and drizzle with chocolate syrup. Pancakes tastes good, when
they are served hot.

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