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Name : Ameen Raed Abbas Mokhef

Report Titel: William Shakespeare

is a poet, playwright and prominent English actor in English literature in
particular and international literature in general, he was called "the poet of
patriotism" and "the epic poet Avon" His works exist and consist of 39
plays and 158 short poems (Sunnet) Two poetry stories (two long narrative
poems) and some poems. His plays and works have been translated into all
living languages and have been performed much more than the books of any

Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. At

the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, and had three children: Susanna
and twins, Judith and Hamnet. From 1585 to 1592, he began his successful
career in London as an actor, writer, and partner in a theater company called
The Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as The King's Men. At the age of
49 (around 1613), he retired in Stratford , where he died three years later.
There are few and limited records of Shakespeare's private life. This led to the
emergence of many speculations about several things such as his physical
appearance, his sexual life, his religious beliefs, and whether the works
attributed to him are written by others or not. Such opinions and speculations
are often criticized for not referring to the fact that few records of his life
.remained in that period
Shakespeare produced most of his well-known works between 1589 and 1613.
His first plays focused on comedy and history, and were considered one of the
best works ever produced of this genre. Then, until about 1608, he went on to
write the tragedy . Among his works in this period were Hamlet, Othello, King
Lear, and Macbeth, all of which are among the best works in English
literature ever. In the last stage of his life, he went on to write in the tragic
comedy (also
.known as romances) in cooperation with other playwrights

Many of his plays have been published in editions and editions of various
quality and accuracy during his lifetime. In 1623, two of his fellow actors,
John Hemings and Henry Condell , published a specific text known as First
Folio, which is a publication of a collection of Shakespeare's dramatic works
collected after his death that included most of the plays that we now know
about. This volume has been published accompanied with a poem written by
Ben Johnson, where the poet praises the writer of the playwright in his
famous ".saying now that it is "not for this age, but for all ages

Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Shakespeare's works

were constantly modified and rediscovered by new movements in study and
performance. His plays and culture are still very popular and are being
studied, performed continuously and reinterpreted in various cultural and
.political contexts around the world
Shakespeare playwright
The most severe tragedies in his works are not without moments full of open
humor as he depicts the life that beats in a muffled voice on the signing of
emotions and desires, and contradictions, in a language characterized by
strange and sometimes emotions, which has earned his works the character
of high tragedy

Shakespeare's theatrical productions can be divided into three main types:

tragedy, comedy, and historical plays. He also wrote a number of plays that
are difficult to include in these familiar classifications. Critics used to call him
the "romantic play" or "tragicomedie" on it. It is possible, for ease, to divide
his product into four phases, although the date of his writing of plays is not
known with certainty. The first stage extends from its beginnings until 1594,

the second from 1594 to 1600, the third from 1600-1608, and the last from
1608-1612. These divisions are approximate and developed by theater
historians and critics to follow the development of his literary life within a
clear framework. The first and second stages fall within the stage of
Elizabethan Theater relative to Queen Elizabeth I, and the third and fourth
stages fall within the stage of the Jacobean theater after James "Jacob" I,
the King of England who assumed the throne in 1603 and died in 162
His sayings and actions
From his sayings

We work a lot right, but love the most..

• But love is blind, and lovers cannot see the blatant follies they commit themselves.
• The great woman inspires the great man, but the smart woman raises his interest .. While we find that
the beautiful woman does not move in the man more than a feeling of admiration, but a kind woman .. a
compassionate woman ... only who wins the great man in the end ..
• Mercy substance of the law, and the law is used only to cruelly tyrants..
• Cowards die many times before their deadline comes, but brave people taste death once.
• The silent grief whispering in his heart broken so..
• We teach others lessons in bloodshed .. If they memorize the lesson, they will experiment with us

The jealousy monster with green eyes..

A wolf would not have been a wolf if the sheep had not been a sheep. •

Not enough to help the weak and should be supported.. •

The cruelty of days makes us afraid without knowing exactly what frightens us, because the things that •
frighten us are nothing but mere delusions.

The pen of the writer is as holy as the blood of the martyr! .. •

It is not the courage to retaliate, but that bear the patient.. •

Through the thorns of danger, we get the flowers of peace .. •

Do not groan lover for free .. •

When the afflictions come, they do not come as individual spies, but as battalions. •

You do not see everything that your eye sees nor hear everything that your ear hears. •

Do not care about the frustrated, keep yourself from the enemies of success. •

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some are cast to greatness •
His works

The great Gatsby

• The Merchant of Venice

• Windsor Wives Jokes
• A fan without grinding
• Farce of mistakes
• The Taming of the Shrew
• The Storm (play)
• Twelfth night
• The Veronian Messrs
• The torment of lost love
• The Winter's Tale (play)
• A dream of a summer night
• as you like
• The lesson is at the end


• Romeo and Juliet

• Titus Andronicus
• Athenian Timon
• Julius Caesar
• Macbeth
• Hamlet
• Troilus and Cressida
• King Lear
• Othello
• Antonio and Cleopatra
• Simplin

• Jordan Faversham
• Merlin's birthday
• Lucerne
• London Waster
• The Puritan
• The second virgin tragedy
• Sir John Oldcastel
• Lord Thomas Cromwell
• Tragedy in Yorkshire
• Edward III
• Sir Thomas More

• Source: The Easy Arabic Encyclopedia , 1965
• Source: Al-Mawred Encyclopedia, Munir Al-Baalbaki, 1991
• Source: William Shakespeare's Complete Plays, Nazeer Abboud 1988

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