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As you go up a mountain top, your weight

a. Increases lighter
b. Decreases lighter
c. Remains the same
2. What unit prefix for power of 10 that is raised to 18

Answer: Exa

3. A spinning ice skater stretches out her arms. Her moment of inertia ______ and her
angular speed ______.

Answer: increases, decreases

4. The total linear momentum of a system or objects is constant if

Answer: the net force acting on an object is zero

5. A branch of mechanics which describes the motion of an object without explicit reference
to the forces that act on the object

Answer: Kinematics

6. It is the analysis of the force causing the motion.

Answer: Kinetics

7. It is a motion along straight line, and can therefore be described mathematically using
only one spatial dimension

Answer: Rectilinear motion

8. ____________is defined as that motion of rigid body in which the particles moved in
circular paths with their centers on a fixed straight line that is called _____.

Answer: Circular motion

9. It is a turn or change direction in which the vehicle banks or inclines usually towards the
inside of the turn
Answer: Banked turn
10. Assume that a 20-mm-diameter rivet joins the plates that are each 110 mm wide. The
allowable stresses are 120 MPa for bearing in the plate material and 60 MPa for shearing
of rivet. Determine (a) the minimum thickness of each plate; and (b) the largest average
tensile stress in the plates.

a) 8.9 mm, 30 MPa

b) 7.9 mm, 26.7 MPa
c) 4.2 mm, 28.5 MPa
d) 6.3mm, 27.1 MPa


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11. A pipe carrying steam at 3.5 MPa has an outside diameter of 450 mm and a wall
thickness of 10 mm. A gasket is inserted between the flange at one end of the pipe and a
flat plate used to cap the end. How many 40-mm-diameter bolts must be used to hold the
cap on if the allowable stress in the bolts is 80 MPa, of which 55 MPa is the initial stress?
What circumferential stress is developed in the pipe? Why is it necessary to tighten the
bolt initially, and what will happen if the steam pressure should cause the stress in the
bolts to be twice the value of the initial stress?

a) 20 bolts, 28.7 MPa

b) 17 bolts, 75.3 MPa
c) 15 bolts, 86.3 MPa
d) 17 bolts, 65.4 MPa

Solution :

Link :
12. A 150-mm-long bronze tube, closed at its ends, is 80 mm in diameter and has a wall
thickness of 3 mm. It fits without clearance in an 80-mm hole in a rigid block. The tube is
then subjected to an internal pressure of 4.00 MPa. Assuming ν = 1/3 and E = 83 GPa,
determine the tangential stress in the tube.

Answer: 8.89 MPa



13. A steel rod is stretched between two rigid walls and carries a tensile load of 5000 N at
20°C. If the allowable stress is not to exceed 130 MPa at -20°C, what is the minimum
diameter of the rod? Assume α = 11.7 µm/(m·°C) and E = 200 GPa.

a) 15.22 mm
b) 14.22 mm
c) 13.22 mm
d) 11.22 mm



14. A flanged bolt coupling consists of eight 10-mm-diameter steel bolts on a bolt circle 400
mm in diameter, and six 10-mm-diameter steel bolts on a concentric bolt circle 300 mm
in diameter. What torque can be applied without exceeding a shearing stress of 60 MPa in
the bolts?

a) 10.7 kN-m
b) 15.7 kN-m
c) 20.5 kN-m
d) 13.8 kN-m


Link :
15. At a temperature of 80°C, a steel tire 12 mm thick and 90 mm wide that is to be shrunk
onto a locomotive driving wheel 2 m in diameter just fits over the wheel, which is at a
temperature of 25°C. Determine the contact pressure between the tire and wheel after the
assembly cools to 25°C. Neglect the deformation of the wheel caused by the pressure of
the tire. Assume α = 11.7 μm/(m·°C) and E = 200 GPa.

a) 1.54 MPa
b) 1.96 MPa
c) 2.24 MPa
d) 2.86 MPa
Solution :

Link :

16. A 200-mm-diameter pulley is prevented from rotating relative to 60-mm-diameter shaft

by a 70-mm-long key, as shown in Fig. P-118. If a torque T = 2.2 kN·m is applied to the
shaft, determine the width b if the allowable shearing stress in the key is 60 MPa.

a) 14.56 mm
b) 15.84 mm
c) 16.25 mm
d) 17.46 mm

17. A 7/8-in.-diameter bolt, having a diameter at the root of the threads of 0.731 in., is used
to fasten two timbers together as shown in Fig. P-129. The nut is tightened to cause a
tensile stress of 18 ksi in the bolt. Compute the shearing stress in the head of the bolt and
in the threads. Also, determine the outside diameter of the washers if their inside diameter
is 9/8 in. and the bearing stress is limited to 800 psi.
Answer: 7.872 ksi, 7.538 ksi, 4.3 inch
Link :

18. The strength of longitudinal joint in Fig. is 33 kips/ft, whereas for the girth is 16 kips/ft.
Calculate the maximum diameter of the cylinder tank if the internal pressure is 150 psi.
a) 34.66 in
b) 35.6 in
c) 36.66 in
d) 37.6 in
Solution :

Link :
For number 19-20
The beam loaded as shown in the figure
19. Calculate the maximum moment
a) 56 kN-m
b) 67 kN-m
c) 73 kN-m
d) 76 kN-m

20. Calculate the distance when the moment is zero

a) 2.154 m
b) 2.02 m
c) 1.98 m

Solution for 19 and 20

For more detailed solution

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