Running Head: Space Travel 1

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Running head: SPACE TRAVEL 1

Space Travel

Student’s Name

Instructor’s Name

Space Travel to the moon, mars and Satan


I have always been fascinated about space because it opens to us a world beyond what we

know as earth. It always seems like there's another dimension beyond the Earth's Crust that bears

much of the wonders of the solar system that even science has not been able to crack and

understand. For me, space travel is spiked by the need to quench my curiosity for concepts like

lack of gravitational pull in the moon, the possibility of life in mars, and, most importantly,

Satan's rings. Having mentioned these three places that I would like to travel, I believe that I can

start my space travel with a tour of the moon, (Aguilar, 2013).  I had always read in history

books of the Apollo 1 landing and all the artifacts that were left on the moon by the likes of Neil

Armstrong when he landed on the moon. In one way or another, I would also like to see how

gravitational pull is not applicable in the moon and outer space. I know floating on air would be

fun and amazing.

The second place that I would like to visit space and time is the planet Mars. Scientists

have been conducting tests on the Planet and, to some percentage, view it as habitable for

humans despite the fact the atmosphere is mars is purely made up of carbon dioxide. Aside from

the fact that I am curious about whether mars support life and I would like to put this theory in

practice by visiting the Planet, I would also be amazed by sightseeing the Olympus mons, one of

the creates Volcano craters around the Planet, (Aguilar, 2013).  The third and final place

that I would visit in space is Planet Satan. First and foremost, I would be very interested in

seeing the many rings of Satan at proximity because that is one of the features that makes the

Planet so unique to other planets in the solar system. Considering Satan's size, I believe that the

rings would be massive and cover a long distance, therefore a sight worth seeing.


Aguilar, D. A., Pulliam, C., & Daniels, P. (2013). Space encyclopedia: A tour of our solar

system and beyond. National Geographic Books.

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