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De La Salle Supervised
Gov. Atila Balgos Ave., Banica, Roxas City
5800 Capiz, Philippines

JL De Guzman Busia, RN

Anatomy of the Eyes and Ears

Eyes- the organ of vision
External structure
1. Eyelids- upper and lower; 2 movable structure; compose of smooth and striated muscle;
protect the foreign body and limit light from entering the eye.
2. Eyelashes
3. Conjunctiva- thin transparent membrane; divided into 2 portion: palpebral and bulbar
4. Lacrimal apparatus- lubricates the eyes.
5. Extraocular muscles- 6 muscles controls six different directions of the eyes.
Internal structure
1. Sclera- dense protective white covering that supports the internal structure.
2. Cornea- permits the entrance of light. Well supplied with nerve endings.
3. Lens- avascular- no blood vessels; function to reflect bend light.
4. Choroid layer. Vascular necessary for nourishment of the inner aspect of the eyes.
5. Retina- innermost layer; receive visual stimuli and send it to the brain; consists of rods
and pons these specialized nerve cells are often called as photoreceptors.

Rods- black and white vision; dim light

Cones- bright light

6. Optic Disc- where the optic nerve enters the eye ball.
7. Iris- circular disc, muscle containing that determine eye color.
8. Pupil- controls the amount of light entering the eye.

Visual- refers to what person sees with one eye

Accommodation- functional reflex allowing the eyes to focus on near object.

Glaucoma- seeing halos around light.

20/20- normal distant visual acuity.

Myopia- impaired for vision

14/14- normal near distant acuity

Cover test- needs to assist strabismus

Cataract- opacity of the lens

Strabismus- abnormal alignment of one or both eye

Ptosis- drooping of the upper eyelid caused by muscle paralysis and weakness

Diplopia- double vision

Ears- the sense organ of hearing and equilibrium.

3 distinct Parts
1. External 2. Middle 3. Inner
External ear
1. Auricle/ pinna 2. External auditory canal
External ear canal- secrete cerumen, a wax like substance that keeps the tympanic memebrane
Tympanic membrane/ eardrum- the membrane of the ear that vibrate to sound
Middle ear- or the tympanic cavity, a small air filled chamber on the temporal bone.
Eustachian tube- connects the middle ear to the nasopharnyx

Inner ear- or labyrinth; made up of bony and membranous labyrinth

Labyrinth- a complex system of interconnecting cavities; concerned with hearing and
equilibrium( inner ear, internal)
The transmission of sound waves through the external and middle ear is conductive hearing
and transmission of sound waves in the inner ear is refered to as perceptive/ sensorineural
Presbycussis- a gradual hearing loss, common after the age of 40; begins with the loss of ability
to hear a high frequency sounds.

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