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Stress analysis of Crane Hook of different dimensions

and different materials

Prajwal Singh, Oshi Jain, Prashant Yadav, Nikhil, Subodh Kr. Sharma*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, India


Abstract. A crane hook or a lifting hook is used for picking up the load with the help of
devices such as a hoist or chain or wire ropes. It is subjected to bending stresses which makes it
highly prone to failure. To prevent structural failure of a crane hook, we must study the stresses
induced due to loading and unloading as well as stress concentration pattern.
This review paper looks at the findings established in previous publications to determine the
most optimum cross section and material combination.

Keywords: Crane hook, Lifting hook, Bending stress, Structural failure


A crane hook or simply a hook is used for lifting the load with the help of a device
such as a hoist or chain or wire rope. They help lift heavy loads at construction sites
as well as in workshops and industries. It is subjected to bending stresses which
makes it highly prone to failure. It is equipped with a latch which is a safety
mechanism put in place to avoid detachment from the lifting chain or rope to which
the freight is attached. Crack development in crane hooks, especially at the areas of
high stress concentrations, is the leading cause of fracture. It leads to severe accidents
in the workplace, most of which are fatal. There are two types of fractures-ductile
fracture, the crack spreads continuously which can be detected easily. And brittle
fracture, which has sudden propagation of the crack sudden failure. This is very
difficult to detect. So, ductile is preferred over brittle fracture. We do the stress
analysis of these hooks to determine the areas with high stress (i.e. failure points), and
those with low stresses- these are potential points for material removal, weight
reduction and reduced costs.

Literature Reviews
M. Shaban et al. [1], modeled a crane hook on ABAQUS software to study the stress
concentration of the hook under full load conditions. This allows us to determine the
real time pattern of stress pattern in a 3D model. To verify its accuracy, an acrylic
model of the hook, making use of the shadow optical method (also known as Caustic
method), is set up. Then the shape of the hook is modified, after determining the
stress concentration, to prolong the work life along with reducing the rate of failure.

To reduce failure, it is essential to identify the extent and site of stress. The FEA
method is used to validate results. The authors draw the conclusion that if the area of
the inner side of the crane hook, the site of maximum stress, is broadened then the
stress concentration and thereby failure can be reduced. In addition to this, E.
Narvydas et al. [2], used FEA to determine circumferential stress concentration
factors in the shallow notches of a trapezoidal cross-section hook. These factors are
used to evaluate the structural strength as well as the durability. The FEA results were
then used to form equations that can be used to derive formulas for quick calculations
to determine stress concentration of structures and machine elements. Most hooks use
ductile materials because ductile failure is easier to catch then brittle failure. Keeping
this in mind, the authors studied the strain-based criteria of failure, taking into account
the stress tri-axiality.
Rashmi Uddanwadiker [3], used finite element method to study stress analysis of a
crane hook. She used Photo elasticity to validate the results obtained. Photo elasticity
test works on the birefringence property of light. The study of stress concentration in
the hook under loading conditions was carried out in two steps- first, as mentioned
above, FEM stress analysis followed by validation via photo elastic experiment.
Secondly, by assuming hook to be a curved beam and verifying by using FEM. The
last step was comparing the analytical calculations with the ANSYS result. The
results were found to have a meagre percentage error (= 8.26%). Shape was modified
to increase the strength of the crane hook based on the stress pattern obtained.
Further, Spasoje Trifkovic et al. [4], analyzed the state of stress in the hook by
making use of both exact as well as the approximate methods. They calculated the
stresses in various fragments of the hook, first, by assuming it to be a straight beam
and after that a curved beam.
While, Singh et al. [5], made a solid model and then used finite element analysis of a
crane beam. They used PRO/E WILDFIRE 2.0 and ALTAIR HYPER MESH using
OPTISTRUCT 8.0 SOLVER Software to evaluate the difference of stress and
displacement in various sections of the beam. Weight Reduction, limiting stresses and
cost cuts were some of the objectives achieved by using Finite Element Analysis. One
of the chief conclusions was that maximum stress is found around the fixing
positions. Bhagyaraj et al. [6], described their work on Crane hook design and did
analysis using Finite Element method. Considering the weight reduction and heavy
load dealing of hooks in this paper, the Lead alloy is used to build a resistant block
hook, which has high strength as compared to presently used alloy materials.
Solidworks has been used for part design and assembly. Further an analysis of the
hook was done on Solidworks simulation. Results of Von-Mises stress, Factor of
safety, strain, and deformation are discussed based on their maximum and minimum
values. According to Bhagyaraj et al. Von-Mises stress are very less as compared to
yield strength of the material used. The hooks made up of these type of high strength
alloys can reduce the size of hooks withstanding the heavy loading conditions.
Reddy et al. [7], have discussed load carrying capacity of different cross sections of
hooks in their study. They have studied I-section and T-section with combination of
different materials, so that the material used to manufacture a crane hook should have
ductile fracture property instead of brittle fracture to avoid sudden and serious
accidents. The crane hooks are subjected to bending and axial stresses, so the design
of the hook has done considering the loads, cross sectional area and curvatures used in
application of hooks at industries. The Finite Element method results using analysis

software were compared with theoretically calculated values of stresses induced and
deformation in the hook model. The studied showed that stresses induced in T-section
are less than that of I-section with same materials. The method for optimization of
material and the various cross-sectional areas of crane hooks for better results were
carried to fulfill the industrial requirements. Meanwhile, Krishna and Suresh [8],
studied the design and analysis of crane hook using various materials. They predicted
stress concentration areas on the crane hook to prolong the work life and reduce
failure causing stresses. They have also stated about the crane hook safety by
avoiding improper and unskilled manual handling. Continuous working can also
result in an increase of stresses in crane hook. The basic model is designed which was
imported for Finite Element structural analysis. The results obtained for stress were
compared for different materials. Further the total deformation was compared for
selection of material.
Bergaley and Purohit [9], performed a structural analysis of the hook using FEM.
They purchased a crane hook to perform finite element analysis. To locate yield point
and the area with maximum stresses, the hook was tested on UTM machine. The
model with that dimensions and material property was made using CAE software and
analyzed for stresses induced. The modifications were done using FEM at cross
section with minimum stress induced. Adding on to this, A. Gopichand [10],
discussed Taguchi optimization method for design parameters. The radius of
curvature of hook, cross section and material of some crane hook as design
parameters. The need of design optimization is very necessary to avail the better
results of load lifting without casing failure. Singh and Rohilla [11], have presented
their work on optimization and fatigue analysis of a crane hook using FEM. In their
study, they have used solidworks for modelling of a hook which had a trapezoidal
cross section. After that they have analyzed the model on ANSYS workbench. The
results obtained for different cross section of crane hook as per loading capacity on
the basis of mass, Von-Mises stress and total displacement. In addition to this they
also performed fatigue analysis for best response to load bearing capability of the
Devaraj [12], has discussed about design offer crane hook of different material and
stress analysis was done using ANSYS workbench. The design of crane hook using
different materials has been done to calculate Von-Mises stress distribution and total
deformation under loading conditions at ambient temperature. This paper also shows
the factors for material selection on the basis of continuous loading and unloading
which causes fatigue failure and tells about the crack propagation in ductile fracture is
slow and easily detectable. Based on the results of analysis, maximum value of Von-
Mises stress and maximum total deformation were individually compared and
modifications were done where the stress concentration was found to be maximum in
the model, to get best suited results for material of hook which can with stand higher
loading capacity. Further, Ratnakumar et al. [13] also studied the variation in stresses
found in crane hooks for different cross sections searches circular and square. Also,
they used different radii of curvature. Stresses induced against loads were calculated
using curved beam theory and experiment done on UTM (Universal testing machine).
By using curved beam theory solutions were obtained for circumferential stress and
radial stress in curved beams. Further tests were made on UTM so that experimental
values can be calculated. Theoretical stresses calculated using finite element method,
for that modelling of crane hook with various cross section and curvature radii. FEA

is done for different models to obtain different stress distribution results. The
experimental stresses obtained were compared with theoretical stresses obtained by
finite element method and graphs were studied. The experimental stresses were found
greater than theoretical stresses obtained through FEA because of the certain
assumptions used in numeric solution.
Benkar and Wankhade [14] studied the stress pattern of the hook under loading
conditions. ANSYS 14 workbench was used to prepare a solid model of the hook. The
real-time stress distribution pattern in the 3D model of the crane hook is obtained.
Then, they performed finite element analyses on various models of a hook- circular,
triangular, trapezoidal, and rectangular cross-sections. Meanwhile, Sahu and Yadav
[15] worked on bigger crane hooks carrying a comparatively larger load. Existing
drawings were used to prepare the CAD model followed by implementing the
modified cross-section of the hook using the static structural analysis workbench of
CATIA V5. These results helped in determining stresses and deflections in that
model. To evaluate the optimum dimensions, a wide range of models of varying
dimensions of the hook were tested and then the best of them was picked. The
selection was based on a strict criterion and only those that satisfied all the factors
such load-carrying capacity, stress-induced, and deflection. In another paper, Sahu et
al. [16], worked on crane hook of the trapezoidal section. Modelling was done on in
CATIAV5R20.Finite element method was used to identify the area of maximum
stress concentration. After this, they applied design of experiment (DOE) by changing
the length of the parallel sides of the trapezoidal cross section and studying it effect
on energy stored in the hook, displacement, stress and mass.
Mehendale et al. [17] wrote their research paper on design and stress analysis of an
EOT crane hook of different cross sections. They used three different cross sections-
rectangular, circular and trapezoidal, for analysis of a varying load (in tones). Since
the failure of the hook depends on three primary factors namely, material, dimension,
and overload. They used curved beam formula for calculating stresses produce in
different areas. The results obtained were validated on computer aided software.
Apart of this Kumhar et al. [18] worked on design and analysis of crank hook of
trapezoidal cross section using FEA. Analysis of trapezoidal cross section is done
using Winkler Bach formula for curved beams. This formula is helpful in evaluating
and setting standards of safety of crane. They also used software like FEM, Creo
parametric etc. to verify the results. The theoretical results obtained were checked
using Von-mises stress theory. Post this, they were compared with ANSYS.
Kurt et al. [19] did finite element analysis of a tower crane. These cranes are mostly
used in the construction sites and in the manufacturing industries for carrying of the
heavy loads. It is a fixed crane which has to be mounted on-site. The tower crane can
carry up to thousand kilograms with varying different internal and external loads due
to dead weight, wind load and the dynamic loads. After the calculation of these loads
the result obtained was analyzed with the help of FEM. In this research paper, the
load combinations (such as horizontal load) resulting from vertical as well as inertia
loads applied on the main beam can lead to sag which is why their values are
compared with permissible stress values too using both analytical and FEM method.
Rajurkar et al. [20] established magnitude of stresses involved in the crane hook by
several methods including analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Curved
beam formula was used for analytical analysis and CAD models were used for
numerical analysis. Meanwhile, FEM and photo elasticity methods were used for

analysis of stress concentration on different cross section of the hooks. Photo-

elasticity allows us to see changes in the optical properties of a material under
mechanical deformation, this helps in determining the stress distribution in any given

Identifying the structural strength of the crane hook is of paramount importance in
determining its load bearing capacity. After reviewing the previous papers, the
authors of this paper have come to the conclusion that establishing the best material,
geometry and dimensions for particular loading conditions needs a lot more research
and investigation. Far too few papers have been published to state anything
definitively. We can tentatively conclude that a wrought iron hook of trapezoidal
cross section is the most optimum. However, it is safe to say that the Finite Element
Method has come up as an indispensable tool for design and analysis of these


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