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Claudia Patricia Lopez Perez.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist.

UNAD University
Bilingual Spanish / English

Villavicencio, July 11, 2020.

William Smith
General Manager
CHE BEHAVIORAL – Healt Services
Bronx, NY.

Respected Sir.

I have read the job offer to access the position of clinical psychologist with a
bilingual Spanish / English license, presented by you through the employment
page and reviewing its content, I meet the
requirements and the expectations to be evaluated by you and consider my
name for that position.

I enclose my Curriculum Vitae where my studies and my professional experience

in the area of psychology in Spanish and English speaking countries coincide,
where you can verify that my profile meets the requirements requested by you
and my profession is aligned with your mission of being specialized in serving
adult and geriatric residents in acute short-term rehabilitation, work as the perfect
balance of flexibility and efficiency.

In the hope of being part of such a significant company, I am still awaiting any
concerns and awaiting your decision, which you can communicate to me through
the means stipulated in my resume.

Cordial greeting,

Claudia Patricia López Pérez.

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