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Scrumban AGILE vs CHEATSHEET - Scrum
to kanban in 7 stages

1 2 3 4
Visualise the work Stop early binding Impose WIP limits Swap push for pull
If you’re
assigning work
to specific team
members as part
of Backlog
Refinement or
Sprint Planning…
then stop!

Let’s start with two easy steps: (a) Get a Add buffer columns between
board; (b) Make the board reflect the way Work in Process process stages: each process
your team works right now. limits are enablers stage can now pull from the
for the kanban pull system. previous stage.

5 6 7
Start ordering Stop estimating Trigger planning
Bring Instead of planning
prioritisation every two weeks,
to the board the planning
with a meeting is triggered
dedicated by the work itself.
Time to stop estimating! That’s right: no more
Story Points, no more Planning Poker.
When the there
are no tasks
under this line -
the reorder point
- it’s time for a
A message for Scrum teams: planning meeting!

Stages 1 to 5 are 100% Scrum Guide Compliant!

© 2020 Development That Pays | Issue 3.0 (quattro stagioni) - Cutting-edge strategies for profitable software development
© 2017 Development That Pays | Issue 0.4 (american hot) Cutting-edge strategies for profitable software development

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