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Let’s Try This (Activity 3.

Assign the correct gestational age to the description and then place in order from
beginning to ending of fetal life.
_______1. Heart has septum and valves. Facial features are definitely discernable.
_______2. Average weight is 1,600 g; assumes delivery position; iron stores
beginning building.
_______3. Additional subcutaneous fat is deposited; lanugo starts to diminish.
_______4. Average weight is 1,200 g; lung alveoli are almost mature; surfactant can
be found in amniotic fluid.
_______5. Formation of lanugo; liver and pancreas are functioning; fetus
demonstrates swallowing reflex.
_______6. Spontaneous fetal movement experienced by the mother; beginning of
vernix caseosa.
_______7. Nail beds forming on toes and fingers; tooth buds present; heart sounds
audible by Doppler instrument.
_______8. Average weight is 550 g; eyes are open; pupils reactive to light.
If you answered all eight questions correctly, wow! You’ve sailed to
fetal development milestone!
If you answered five or six questions correctly, great job! You have
smooth seas ahead!
If you answered fewer than five questions correctly, don’t go overboard!
Forge ahead after a quick review!

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