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(MS DOS Commands and MS Windows Basic

Rabe, Kim C


September 19, 2017


At the end of this exercise, students must be able to:

a) Understand the basic concepts of operating systems.

b) Use the Windows operating system.
c) Perform basic tasks specific to Windows operating system.
d) Identify the system and hardware specifications of the computer.
e) Execute MS DOS commands to perform specific tasks.


Windows is the most common operating system used for PCs. It is essential that you
familiarize yourself with the basic functionality of this OS.

It is necessary that you are aware of the hardware components of your computer. While the
operating system usually takes care of the complexity of managing the hardware components
of your computer system, knowledge on hardware specifications helps when you have to:

1) Install an operating system

2) Upgrade your computer system
3) Diagnose and repair problems in your computer system

On the other hand, many of you may not have spent very much time at the Windows
Command Line. Some of you may think it’s obsolete. Command line interfaces are still
with us and are likely to remain for quite some time.

This lab activity will help you become more familiar with the Windows operating system
environment. It will also help you learn and understand MS DOS commands needed to
perform specific tasks using the Command Line Interface.




1. Copying/ pasting a file [select a file, right click> copy; go to the directory to paste into,
right click > paste]

2. Creating a new file [hint: right click > new > file type]

3. Creating a new folder [hint: right click > new > folder]

4. Deleting a file [hint: select a file, right click > delete]

5. Finding how to find Windows help [hint: click on Windows Start button, and then on
Help and Support, explore what kind of help is available]



1. Right click on the Computer and then click on Properties. Note down the specifications
of the PC you are working on.

2. On the properties window, click on Device Manager. Note down all information about
hardware devices.



1. Boot your system into Windows and go to a command prompt. Create a new directory
[or folder] by typing the following command. MD is the command, C: is the drive, and
new is the name of the folder. The backslash [\] indicates that the new folder will be
created in the root directory of the c: drive.

md c:\new

Nearly all commands use the same kind of syntax, the command name followed by one
or more arguments. You can get information about how to use the command by using the
command name followed by /? [for example md /?].

Use the md command to create these directories also:

c:\new\data c:\new\programs c:\new\utility

c:\new\data\stuff c:\new\data\letters

2. Use the cd [change directory] command to move within the directories you have created.
Check out the /? Information about the cd command.

What does the cd .. and cd \ options do.

3. Now you will create some ASCII text files and save them in the c:\new\utility directory.

Start by typing the following: Edit c:\new\utility\hello.txt

The contents of the file can be anything you want. When finished, save the file by
holding down the ALT and f keys at the same time. This activates the file menu. Press
the X key to select Exit and Y to save the file you just edited..

Create two more text files in the same directory. Call them goodbye.txt and dejavu.txt.

You can view your files by using the type command.

type c:\new\utility\dejavu.txt

4. Type cls [clear screen] to remove the clutter of old commands from your screen any time
you want to.

5. View the contents of the c:\new directory by typing the following:

Dir c:\new

Use the /s switch when you want to view subdirectories. If things just scroll by on the
screen, you can see one screen at a time by adding | more to the end of the command.

6. Next you will copy hello.txt to the c:\new\data\stuff directory by typing:

Copy c:\new\utility\hello.txt c:\new\data\stuff\hello.txt

Copy the other text files you created into the c:\new\data\stuff directory.

Use the dir command to make sure it happened.

7. Now use the xcopy command to copy the contents of the stuff directory to the letters
directory. Check for syntax help to do this with a single command.

What did you type?

c:\new\utility\hello.txt c:\new\data\stuff\hello.txt

8. In this step you will use the fc [file compare] command to compare one of the copies to
its original file. Type the following:

fc c:\new\utility\hello.txt c:\new\data\stuff\hello.txt

What result did you get?

C:\Windows\System32>fc c:\new\utility\hello.txt c:\new\data\stuff\hello.txt

Comparing files C:\NEW\UTILITY\hello.txt and C:\NEW\DATA\STUFF\HELLO.TXT
FC: no differences encountered
9. Use the move command to move a file from the stuff directory to the data directory by

move c:\new\data\stuff\hello.txt c:\new\data

10. Use the rd command to remove the utility directory by typing:

rd c:\new\utility

What happened when you typed this?

C:\Windows\System32>rd c:\new\utility
The directory is not empty

What must be true in order for the rd command to work?

Directory must be empty

Note: Just write down your observations and leave the directory unchanged for

11. Delete the letters directory using the rd /s command.

rd c:\new\data\letters /s

Be careful when using this command. It deletes ALL contents in the directory.

12. Change the name of the hello.txt file by using the ren[ame] command. Type:

ren c:\new\utility\hello.txt aloha.txt

13. Delete the file you moved into the data directory. Type:

del c:\new\data\hello.txt

14. Protect your file so that nobody can edit it. Type:

Attrib c:\new\utility\goodbye.txt +r

This makes the file “read only” so it cannot be altered by setting an attribute.
15. Submit a copy of your directory tree to make sure you did the lab correctly. To get a
copy of your directory tree, do the following:

Make sure you are at the root directory of what you just created (c;\new).

Type cls (this prevents junks to be included in the printout)

Type tree /f (this shows the directory tree with the files included)

Now click on the icon in the top left corner of the window. Choose edit / select all /
<enter> .

Open a Notepad and paste the information.

Save your file as: lastname_section.txt

Upload your file into our e-learning portal.

16. Once your activity has been submitted, remove your folder by typing

rd c:\new /s


1. What is the Operating System being used (complete details)?

Host Name: T409-36

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.10240 N/A Build 10240
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Member Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner: Comlab
Registered Organization:
Product ID: 00331-20090-98098-AA070
Original Install Date: 11/6/2016, 9:06:48 AM
System Boot Time: 9/19/2017, 10:56:04 AM
System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
System Model: OptiPlex 390
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~3300 Mhz
BIOS Version: Dell Inc. A05, 2/9/2012
Windows Directory: C:\Windows
System Directory: C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Input Locale: en-us;English (United States)
Time Zone: (UTC+08:00) Taipei
Total Physical Memory: 3,993 MB
Available Physical Memory: 1,422 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 4,889 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 1,156 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 3,733 MB
Page File Location(s): C:\pagefile.sys
Logon Server: \\WIN-7HABNM2A90N
Hotfix(s): 4 Hotfix(s) Installed.
[01]: KB3102495
[02]: KB3125217
[03]: KB3161102
[04]: KB3201860
Network Card(s): 2 NIC(s) Installed.
[01]: VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter
Connection Name: VirtualBox Host-Only Network
DHCP Enabled: No
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::a843:6c3b:cb40:1114
[02]: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Connection Name: Ethernet 2
DHCP Enabled: Yes
DHCP Server:
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::75df:afbf:fb7:4a41
Hyper-V Requirements: VM Monitor Mode Extensions: Yes
Virtualization Enabled In Firmware: Yes
Second Level Address Translation: Yes
Data Execution Prevention Available: Yes

2. What Service Pack is installed?

Windows 10 pro

3. What is the computer’s full name?

T409-36 ( Kim Rabe)

4. What is the CPU name and the clock speed of the CPU?
T409-36 Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~3300 Mhz

5. What is the amount of RAM present?


6. Does the computer have a Bluetooth radio? If yes, provide the complete details?

Yes, but the details are prohibited


7. Does the computer have a network adapter? If yes provide the complete details.

Yes, the complete details cannot be seen


8. Write the DOS command to display a wide listing of the contents of the root directory of the
C: drive.

C:\>set systemroot

9. White the DOS command to display a directory listing of the contents of the root directory of
the C: drive one page at a time.

C:\>set systemroot
Systemroot=C: WINNT

10. Write the DOS command to display all the files that begin with the letter "M" in the root
directory of drive C:.


11. Write the DOS command to display all files on drive C whose filenames begin with the letter
A and whose extensions begin with the letter C.


12. Write the DOS command to display the files on drive C: that have the .DOC filename

13. Write the DOS command to make a sub-directory named NEWDIR.

md c:\NEWDIR

14. Write the DOS command to rename all the files on drive A which have the .HTML filename
extension to have the .HTM filename extension.


15. Write the DOS command to change the command prompt to C:\>


16. Write the DOS command to copy a file named MYFILE1 and name the new copy MYFILE2.


17. Write the DOS command to erase a file named MYFILE1 which is stored in the sub-
directory named MYFILES located at the root of drive C.


18. Write the DOS command to return you to the root of drive C if your current directory is


19. Write the DOS command to erase all the files on drive F:

Rd F:/s

20. Write the DOS command to delete a subdirectory named FEU-EAC which is located at the
root of drive C.
rd c:\new\data\FEY-EAC.txt

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