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TA 101

Laboratory and Homework


Anupam Saxena
Mechanical Engineering
IIT Kanpur
Laboratory Assignment 1

Q1. Any Engineering drawing is accompanied with ‘printed data’ that summarizes the drawing
(e.g., the name and details of the developer— you in this case) and describes details including the
dimensions, names of views, scale and others. Note that running handwriting is NOT
PERMITTED. Any details given (besides the drawing) have to be PRINTED. Practice
freehand ‘printing’ of single stroke Gothic Lettering, and the numbers as mentioned below.
Arrows signify the ‘strokes’ your pencil needs to follow when working with vertical, horizontal,
slanted and oval features. Overwriting is NOT ALLOWED.

Q2. Draw an ellipse with the parallelogram method. The horizontal is of length 20mm and the
other side making an angle of 60o with the horizontal is of size 15mm.

Q3. Draw an ellipse with the conjugate diameter method. The larger diameter is at 15o with the
horizontal and is of length 20mm while the other conjugate diameter makes an angle of 60o with
the first and is of size 15mm. Both diameters bisect each other at their centers.

Q4. The semimajor (a) and semiminor (b) diameters of an ellipse are 10mm and 8mm
respectively. Draw an ellipse using the intersecting arc method.

Q5. A rhombus is of side 10 mm. One of its sides makes an angle of 30 0 with the horizontal.
Draw an ellipse using the 4-center method.

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