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ELearning manual for Trainers

(Prepared and Compiled by Patrick Mwaro)
 Type the link on your
browser. Or just click on the link
 Enter user name and password as shown on the window bellow( user name and password
was sent to your email accounts)
 Click Log in button

 After Log in, the following window will be displayed

Important features on the window bellow

 Dashboard- This shows course overview window.
 Course overview- This shows the subjects which trainers teach or facilitate online.
Teaching and facilitating a course (also known as subject)
 Click on a course or subject you want to teach or facilitate (e.g. operating system). The
window below will be displayed.
Adding materials
 Click on turn on editing at the upper right Conner. The window below will be displayed.

The following are important materials which can be added

The following are important activities and resources which can be added:
 Announcements
 Forums
 Files
 Assignments
 Chat
 Lesson

Adding announcements
Announcement is any important information the trainer want pass to the trainees. Announcement
is a type of forum.
 Click on the small arrow to the right of Edit in one line with announcements
 Click on edit settings. The following window will be displayed
 In forum name, type the name of announcement
 In description message box, delete the statement “general news and announcements” and
type the announcement you want to pass to the trainees
 After typing, scroll down and click on save and return to course or save and display

Adding forums
The forum module is an activity where students and teachers can exchange ideas by posting
 Click on add activity or resource. The window below will displayed
 Click on forum. The window bellow will appear.

 Type the forum name

 Type the description of the forum. This is actual discussion between the Trainer and
 Scroll down and click on save and return to course or save and display
Adding Files
 A file is a document which contains topic notes. It can be attached as a PDF or a word
 Click on add activity or resource. The window bellow will appear

 Click on file. The following window will appear

 Type the name of assignment

 In the description box, type the assignment. Or attach a document containing the
assignment in select files. You can also drug and drop the file in the box
 Scroll down and click on save and return to course or save and display
Adding assignments
Assignments allow students to submit work to their trainers for grading. The work may be text
typed online or uploaded files of any type the teacher's device can read. Students may submit as
individuals or in groups
 Click on add activity or resource. On the window which opens, click on assignment

 The following window will be displayed

 Type the name of assignment

 In description box, type the assignment.
 Scroll down and click on save and return to course or save and display.
Adding a chat
 A chat is a real time interaction with trainees.
 A chat can be created to act as a classroom where trainers and trainees can interact by
exchanging ideas, discussions and asking questions.
 Click on activity or resource. The following window will appear

 Click on Chat and the following window will appear.

 Type name of this chat room

 In description, type the chat message, the chat message can be discussion, questions and
answers etc.
 Scroll down and click on either save and return to course or save and display
Adding a lesson
A lesson is a well-structured instruction which enables trainers to transfer knowledge to trainees.
 Click on activity or resource. The following window will be displayed.

 Click on lesson. The following window will appear

 Type the name of the lesson. The name of the lesson is the name of the topic to be taught.
 Description is the content of the lesson. i.e. what to be taught in the lesson
 Scroll down and click on save and return to the course or save and display

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