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Describe some surveying applications in: (a) Construction (b) Mining (c) Agriculture

a. is to stake out reference points and markers that will guide the construction of new
structures such as roads or buildings. These markers are usually staked out according to a
suitable coordinate system selected for the project. This surveying can be applied to
layout engineering and construction works. Also, some surveying applications to
construction surveying are study, inspection, control, also charting of the development
choice correspondingly. This is application involves gathering of information then
launching of survey control scheme which can pe later used on the construction’s
“control” of location and elevation of all advancement. Its outcomes will be valuable for
designing, specifying of the project details, as well as the approximation of the
development’s rate.

Prp17 Engineering. (2012, October 03). Construction Survey. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from

b. In this current generation mining surveying is now known for excavating of mine
channels then corridors, observing the ground movement, terrestrial supervision and
formulating legal mine strategies, and determining the volume of a rock. Together with
the mining surveyors, it includes the development building several mines. These mines
may be open cut or underground. There are several methods created for mining
surveying: airborne laser scanning in which has the ability to to obtain millions of points
each square kilometer, terrestrial laser scanning is appropriate on measuring practice for
observing activities and distortions, portable laser scanning was known for its measuring
on mining tunnels and tasks, for example, store capacity extents otherwise progressive
tracking, and more.

Van Wegen, W. (2020, August 22). Surveying in the Mining Sector. Retrieved August 21, 2020,

c. agricultural survey is focused on the approximations of variables of interest regarding the

overall survey area. There are different considered and agriculture surveying: populace
tangled with agriculture, estimations of the expenses in development, numeral and kinds
of farming processes applied on the site and more. Also, it includes agricultural census
which the estimation of every factor for the overview region is gotten from the
estimations of the variable in all detailing units, that are generally the property.
List 10 uses for surveying other than property and construction surveying.
10 uses for surveying per areas
Topographic surveying- used to pinpoint areas on earth's surface through determining plane
distances, changes in levels or placement as well as directions.
Optical tooling- these are surveying practices which is known to manufacturing planes and
further businesses to formulate an exact dimensional design.
Control surveying- this allows to know horizontal and vertical locations of positions to which
accompanying investigations are accustomed.
Mine surveying- it is utilized for measurements, counts additionally planning which fill the need
of learning and recording data at all phases from prospecting to abuse and using mineral stores
both by surface and underground working.
Alignment surveying- utilized as a standard for finding geographical highlights, and cross-areas
along a proposed course.
Areal Surveying- is a technique of gathering geomatics as well as further images through
aircrafts, UAVs, inflatables and other aerial systems.
As-Built surveying- it is used to present the property’s progress on a certain period.
Satellite surveying- it is used for distant detecting utilize satellite imagery that is administered
via viable geographic information system software.
Solar surveying- precise perceptions of the sun at numerous galactic observatories of the world
to gather information on all signs of solar activity.
Hydrographic surveying- a strategy to get information important for planning nautical outlines,
which show water profundities, route channels, and structures

Kanagarathnam, A. (2016, November 28). Application of surveying. Retrieved August 22, 2020,

Give two examples of (a) direct and (b) indirect measurements.

Direct Measurement
This is established by means of a structure or an instrument which allows to immediately
determine the elevation, distance, or further measurements needed on certain feature of an object.
With direct measurement, it allows people to determine the definite size or dimension of an
object but measuring needs careful measurement to avoid miscalculations. An example of direct
measurements are (1) determining one’s height with the use of measuring tape and (2) knowing
the definite room temperature using a thermometer.
Indirect Measurement
With indirect measurements, one’s measurement of an object will be converted to another unit or
using formula for it to match a certain characteristic. For example, (1) measuring one’s height
and distance of its shadow from the observer through using a Pythagorean theorem and (2)
determining dimensions through optical means.

MTI Instruments. (n.d.). Everything You Need To Know About Measurement. Retrieved August
20, 2020, from

Define the term systematic error and give two surveying examples of a systematic error.
Systematic error is reliable, it is a repeatable mistake connected to a defective apparatus and
from a damaged plan. It mostly began after committing mistakes from using the measuring tools
with incorrect calibrations or may be used inaccurately. First example is offset error where it
occurs whenever an equipment is not set properly to zero before weighing an object. Second,
scale factor errors are the mistakes which are related with its accurate measurements.
Define the term random error and give two surveying examples of a random error
In terms of random error, this does not have any pattern to look out for which are mostly
unavoidable. An example for this error is the partial beam filling which are not entirely set by the
radar resolution and also a parallax error in which the measurement of an object is inaccurate due
to its angle positioning.

Glen, S. (2020, July 08). Systematic Error / Random Error: Definition and Examples. Retrieved
August 20, 2020, from

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