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Area: GSDH WARD Inclusive Dates:
Patient: Ms. Cora Loy Attending Physician: Dr. Zoo Students Name: Kusain, Jaya Normina R.
Age and Sex: 69/Female Diagnosis: Constipation Year and Section: BSN3
Chief Complaint: Constipation x6 days Group: 1-B
Subjective Cues: Ng Dx: Goal: Independent:
- Patient states relief 1. Check on the usual pattern of 1. It is very crucial to carefully know Goal met. Patient
“maglisud ko ug tae unom ka Decrease in normal from discomfort of elimination, including frequency and what is “normal” for each patient. verbalized relief from
adlaw na ug grabe kaayo frequency of defecation constipation consistency of stool. The normal frequency of stool discomfort of
akong singot” as verbalized by accompanied by difficult passage ranges from twice daily to constipation.
patient. passage of stool. once every third or fourth day. Dry
and hard feces are common
Short Term Goal characteristics of constipation.
Objective Cues: Inference/ Background After 4 hours of nursing
Knowledge: intervention;
-Infrequent passage of stool 2. There is a big factor when
-abdominal distention Constipation is common - Patient identifies 2. Take account of a possible laxative patient becomes dependent on
-Profuse sweating especially among older measures that prevent and enema use, type, and laxatives and enemas. Abuse of
patients. The obvious culprits or treat constipation. frequency.Check out usual dietary laxatives and enemas causes the
include a low fiber diet, - Patient or caregiver habits, eating habits, eating schedule, muscles and nerves of the colon to
repeatedly ignoring the urge verbalizes measures and liquid intake. function inadequately in producing
to go, not drinking enough that will prevent an urge to defecate. In the long
water, or a lack of exercise. recurrence of run, the colon becomes atonic,
Also, the use of medications, constipation. distended, and does not respond
especially opioid analgesics, normally to the presence of stool.
and overuse of enemas and Long Term Goal Irregular mealtime, type of food,
laxatives, can cause After 8 hours of nursing and interruption of usual schedule
constipation. Certain intervention; can lead to constipation.
psychological disorders like
stress and depression can - Patient maintains
also cause such condition. passage of soft, formed 3. Sufficient fluid is needed to keep
stool at a frequency 3. Encourage the patient to take in the fecal mass soft. But take note
Reference: perceived as “normal” fluid 2000 to 3000 mL/day, if not of some patients or older patients by the patient. contraindicated medically. having cardiovascular limitations
tipation/ requiring less fluid intake.

4. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and

makes defecation easier because it
4. Assist patient to take at least 20 g of passes through the intestine
dietary fiber (e.g., raw fruits, fresh essentially unchanged.
vegetable, whole grains) per day.
5. Movement promotes peristalsis.
Abdominal exercises strengthen
abdominal muscles that facilitate
5. Urge patient for some physical
activity and exercise. Consider
isometric abdominal and gluteal
1. The use of laxatives or enemas is
indicated for short-term
Dependent: management of constipation.

1. Administer pharmacological agent

as ordered.

1. These steps lead to establishing

regular bowel habits.
1. Explain to the caregiver the
importance of the following:
-A balanced diet
-Sufficient fluid intake
-A regular period for elimination and
an adequate time for defection

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