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Writing “Unit 6”

Name : Jahrison Guerra Date: 2019/12/11

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for your email.I’m very pleased that you have written to me for advice.

This kind of situation is very common in companies when somebody leaves.I remember this
happened when. I was working in a office in Quito. One summer two of the people in my team
left the office at the same time. We had to do all of their work and it took three months to
replace them! Anyway, here are some that might help you.

First of all,try not to get too stressed about the situation. I think you should discuss the
problem with your colleagues.Maybe they will have some ideas about how to make the
situation a bit easier? Secondly, when you have got too much work to do, I think it is a good
idea to try to prioritise your work carefully. For example, are there some less urgentjobs that
you could do later?

Next, Ithink you should speak to your boss about this problema. He might not realice how
much work he has given you and maybe he can find some other people to help you with it.
Finally, I’d try to do something relaxing after work,such as going to the gym or swimming. It is
important to relax when you aren’t at work and to get plenty of sleep.

I hope this helps you and please feel free to come and talk to me in my office.

Best wishes

Dear kento

Thaks for your message and I am glad that you’ve written to me to askfor some ideas.

I remember when i was learning TURKISH,I felt embarrassed aboutspeaking, I could remember
lots of words and I kmew gramar rules, but speaking was difficult. I now feel a lot more relaxed
about speaking, so here are some ideas that I’ve taken from my own experience.

First of all,don’t worry about making mistakes. Other people will still understand you and they
probably won?t notice your mistakes.

Secondly, remember that the only way to learn to speak a second laguage is by speaking.Use
every chance you ger to speak.

For example, It’s a good idea to use only English in class and not speak to other students in
Turkish. You should also try practising new vocabulary and gramar we learn in class by
repeating it at home.

Next, you should think about extra speaking practice outside the classroom. You can join a
conversation group, such as th chat groups in the study centre.They are free to join.Finally, you
can also practise speaking online. For instance , are lots of websites whre you can find speaking
partners from all around the world.

I hope this helps you and please feel free to talk to me after class next week.

Best wishes,

Hi sebastian

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