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code: Students: :
7A there is, there are 7B How much? How many? 7C Shops 7Dclothes plurals
nouns 8APresent Continuous 8B present simple or present continuous 8C talking
s: on the phone 8D Adjectives and adverbs


1. Complete these sentences with there is or there are.

1 . __________many people standing outside the movie theatre.
2 __________ a big group of people looking at things in the museum.
3 There __________ a small cat playing with some toys.
4 __________..three people in the classroom: two students and one teacher.
5 many cars parked near the library?.
6 __________.any English exams that we have to study for next week.
7 Please wait here for a moment__________.something I have to get in my car.
8 I don’t see any busses. Why__________.any buses?

2. Write much or many for each sentence.

1 There isn't ______ water, you'll have to wait for a shower.
2 He's still smoking too ______ cigarettes a day.
3 She doesn't have ______ relatives.
4 I don't have ______ faith in him.
5 There isn't ______ money in my bank account

3. Fill the blanks below to complete the sentences, use the words in brackets.
1 ______________________________(birds/sing)
2 ______________________________(my friend and I /talk)
3 ______________________________(Gaby/make/dinner)
4 ______________________________(Jose/not swim/at the beach)
6 ______________________________ ( the children/play/a game)
7 ______________________________ ( she/fly/to london)
8 ______________________________ ( leslie/hava/breakfast)

Grammar total 20


4. Which word/phrase goes with the verb?.

A customer a report notes a letter

a message a contract a company a meeting
a conference

1 write ______________________________
2 answer ______________________________
3 take ______________________________
4 sign ______________________________
5 work ______________________________
6 go to ______________________________
7 write to ______________________________

5. Complete the sentences with the correct word

Voicemail person choose back message

press try

1 Hello, this is Jose’s__________

2 if you leave a message, Iwill get__________to you
3 I am sorry, but the__________you called is not available.
4 Please leave your__________after the tone.
5 Please__________one of the following three options.
6 For all other enquiries, __________zero
7 Please __________later.

5. Which of these nouns can mean One thing? Which can be singular?

1 jeans ______________________________
2 shoes ______________________________
3 socks ______________________________
4 shorts ______________________________
5 boots ______________________________
6 trousers ______________________________
7 trainers ______________________________

Vocabulary total 21


7 Write the words next to the correct IPA symbols

Thursday strawberry tall word August

birthday person bought divorced skirt

1 ɜː ____________________________________________________________
2 ɔː ____________________________________________________________

Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 51

1 Read the text and tick () A, B, or C.

I'm Tomas and I live in Vienna with my parents and my sisters. I'm the youngest
in my family. I turned 13 last month. My sisters are Martina, 16, and Betta, 19.
Betta's very serious and she always tells me what to do, I guess because she's the
oldest. I go to a nice school not too far from our home and I really enjoy it. I have
a lot of friends there and I enjoy studying. My best subject is Geography,
probably because it's the easiest too! My most difficult subject is Math - I'm
terrible and I don't like my teacher. I love playing sports, especially basketball.
I'm the tallest player on the school team and I usually play really well. It's the
happiest part of my day. My coach says that one day I could play professional
basketball! On the weekend I spend a lot of time with my friends Ralf and Kurt.
We do everything together and they are the most important people in my life,
apart from my family of course!

1.Tomas is older than Martina.


2. Betta is the oldest.


3. Geography is the easiest subject.


4. English is more difficult than Math.


5. Tomas is the tallest on the team.


6. Kurt is more important than Betta.


Reading total 6


Write a story using present simple and present continuous.

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 16

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