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Business Finance

Chapter 1 – Fundamentals of Arithmetic Operations

Rules for rounding off numbers:
1. When the digit to be dropped begins with 0,1,2,3,4 or a digit less than 5, the preceding
digit to be retained is unchanged.
Example: 43,216.0814
 Rounded off to the nearest ones = 43,216
 Rounded off to the nearest hundredths = 43,200
 Rounded off to the nearest thousands = 43,000
 Rounded off to the nearest hundredths = 43,216.08
2. When the digit to be dropped begins with 5 and up, the last digit to be retained is
increased by 1.
Example: 9,689,354
 Rounded off to the nearest ones = 9,689
 Rounded off to the nearest tens = 9,690
 Rounded off to the nearest hundreds = 9,700
CHAPTER 2 – Fundamentals of Algebra in Business

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