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Medical Arts and Sciences: A Scientific Journal of the College of

Medical Evangelists
Volume 2 | Number 4 Article 5


A Resume of Intravenous Procaine Therapy

Fred B. Moor
College of Medical Evangelists

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Moor, Fred B. (1948) "A Resume of Intravenous Procaine Therapy," Medical Arts and Sciences: A Scientific Journal of the College of
Medical Evangelists: Vol. 2: No. 4, Article 5.
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The most surpnsmg development among may be recovered in ten to twelve hours from
new uses for old drugs is the intravenous in- the urine as ·para-aminobenzoic acid, para-
jection of procaine for a variety of clinical aminohippuric acid, para-aminobenzoyl gly-
conditions. This drug was synthesized by Ein- curonate, diethylaminoethanol, and traces of
horn in 1905. In 1909 Bier produced anes- procaine. Graubard et al.b found that twenty
thesia in the extremities by injecting procaine minutes after the' intravenous injection of 20
intravenously distal to a tourniquet. On ac- mg. of procaine per kilogram of body weight
count of the occasional fatal outcome from in the rabbit, only traces could be found in
. the use of procaine for local anesthesia, how- the blood stream of the animal. On the basis
ever, it has, until recently, been considered of this study these authors evolved a dosage
unsafe to inject the drug into the venous method based on body weight for the human
. circulation. Now that it has been shown that as follows:
procaine can, with comparative safety, be ad- 4 mg/kilogram of body weight
ministered intravenously, its clinical use is = I procaine unit
expanding rapidly. in 20 minutes.
CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY It was recommended that this be given in a
Procaine hydrochloride is para-aminoben- 0.1 per cent solution, so that I mil contained
zyl-diehylaminoethanol hydrochloride: 1 mg. of the drug. From clinical experience,
the authors found this dosage to give optimal
results with a minimum of toxic reactions.
Mautz showed that the local application of
procaine to the heart reduced the irritability
of the myocardium so that a considerably
Procaine hydrochloride occurs as colorless stronger stimulus was needed to produce ven-
crystals which are soluble in 0.6 part of water tricular fib9llation. Burstein et aI.c demon-
and 30 parts of alcohol. It is stable to tempera- strated that ventricular fibrillation could be
tures as high as I 00 C. produced in the experimental animal by the
Goldberg, Koster, and Warsaw have shown intravenous injection of epinephrine during
that when procaine is injected, it is hydrolyzed cyclopropane anesthesia. It was possible to
in the liver by an esterase into para-amino- prevent the occurrence of fibrillation, if the
benzoic acid and diethylaminoethanol. The injection of epinephrine was preceded by an
para-aminobenzoic acid is then acetylated. In intravenous injection of procaine.
1919, Eggleston and Hatcher demonstrated One of the surprising effects of the intra-
that nearly 95 per cent of injected procaine venous administration of procaine is the clear-
ing up of urticaria! skin manifestations in
• From the Department or Therapeutia, Colleae or Medical E\'IUl-
plista. serum sickness and other allergic conditions.

130 Moor-Intravenous Procaine Therapy

Graubard et al.c believe that p~ocaine has a procaine during local anesthesia may have
twofold action in traumatized and inflamed been due to its combination with epinephrine
tissues: (1) direct action on irritated nerve rather than to the procaine alone, since epine-
fibers; (2) indirect action of diethylamino- phrine increases the toxicity of procaine about
ethanol on the endothelium of blood vessels threefold. With the too rapid intravenous in-
and capillary walls to lessen fluid loss from the jection of the 1 per cent solution of procaine
blood to the tissues. The latter idea is based hydrochloride convulsions may occasionally
on the structural similarity of diethylamino- occur, but these are controlled by stopping the
ethanol to benadryl which has well-known flow or by the intravenous injection of a bar--
antihistamine activity. Most investigators biturate.
agree that procaine is concentrated in trauma- Since the burden of the destruction of pro-
tized or inflamed tissues because of the exuda- caine in the body falls upon the liver, one
tion which occurs there. might expect evidence of damage to this organ.
The concentration employed and the ad- Jacoby et al. however, have recently demon-
ministration of procaine has varied consider- strated that repeated massive doses of procaine
ably with different investigators and with the hydrochloride adininistered to rats and dogs
purposes for which the drug has been given. in acute and subacute experiments produce
This will become apparent when the clinical no hi~tologic evidence of damage in the liver,
application of intravenously administered pro- the spleen, the heart, or the kidney. Liver
caine is discussed. function tests done on human beings after the ·
The subjective manifestations of intrave- administration of procaine intravenously gave
nous procaine injection in the conscious pa- no indication of impaired hepatic function.
tient are usually not unpleasant. In five to Richards has shown that starvation and a
seven minutes after the injection is started deficiency of vitamin C markedly increase the
there is a sensation of warmth over the entire toxicity of procaine. He postulated that vita-
body. There is comfortable relaxation as pain min C may be part of an enzyme system con-
is relieved. There is _some dryness of the mouth cerned with the destruction of procaine. He
and a metallic taste. There is likely to be suggested the administration of large doses of
transient lightheadedness. The operator may vitamin C and glucose before the use of pro-
observe flushing of the face and neck, tearing caine in poorly nourished patients.
of the eyes, and dilatation of the pupils. More A few, but by no means all, of the investi-
severe responses are marked dizziness, appre- gators who have done the pioneer work on
hension, sensation of trembling, sleepiness be- the intravenous use of procaine recommend
yond comfortable relaxation, and momentary · a preliminary skin test to determine the sensi-
loss of consciousness. tivity of the patient to the drug. It is suggested
that 1 cc. of the 0.1 per cent solution be in-
jected intradermally. If the patient is sensi-
The minimal lethal dose of procaine hydro- tive, the reaction is apparent in about ten
chloride for the rabbit is 40 to 60 mg. per minutes. Another wise precaution is the pre-
kilogram of body weight, 40 to 45 mg. per liminary administration of a therapeutic dose
kilogram for the guinea pig, and 45 to 75 mg. of a barbiturate. When procaine is to be in-
per kilogram for the dog. The minimal lethal jected intravenously, an injectable barbiturate
dose for man is unknown. It has been sug- should be·available for immediate intravenous.
gested that many of the deaths attributed to administration.
Medical Arts and Sciences 131

CLINICAL APPLICATION caine hydrochloride in a large number of

Procaine has been used successfully by the patients with acute cardiac arrhythmias dur-
intravenous route for the relief of various pru- ing intrathoracic surgery. The drug was given
ritic conditions. Lundy, in 1940, used 20 cc. in dosages ranging from 30 to 70 mg. in 1 per
of 0.1 per cent procaine intravenously for the cent solution injected rapidly by vein with
treatment of pruritis in jaundiced patients. uniformly good results.
State and Wangensteen encountered delayed Bittrich and Powers have recently reported
serum sickness following the injection of crys- their experience in 17 cases with intravenous
tallized bovine albumin as a blood substitute. procaine in thoracic surgery. They employed
In order to relieve the severe joint pain which a continuous intravenous drip of I per cent
their patients suffered, they gave I gm. of procaine hydrochloride at the rate of 65 to
procaine hydrochloride in 500 cc. of physio- I 00 drops per minute during the operative
logical saline solution during a period of two procedure. In spite of the procaine, 5 of the
hours. To their surprise, all the manifestations 17 patients developed cardiac arrhythmias. It
of serum sickness subsided almost immedi- was the authors' impression that their patients
ately. Appelbaum et al. observed rapid dis- tolerated thoracic surgery better and made
appearance of the urticaria} rash and the joint easier recoveries with the use of intravenous
symptoms of serum sickness, resulting from a procaine.
prophylactic dose of tetanus antitoxin, follow- Graubard et aI.c reported the intravenous
ing the intravenous injection of I gm. of pro- injection of procaine hydrochloride in a dos-
caine hydrochloride in 500 cc. of physiological age of 4 mg. ~r kilogram of body weight in
saline solution. Dressler and Dwork have re- 0.1 per cent solution in the treatment of
ported the almost immediate subsidence of the osteoarthritis. The results were exceedingly
arthralgia and the urticaria} rash produced by good with the relief 'of pain with increased
penicillin in a sensitive patient. Their dosage mobility for prolonged periods of time.
of procaine was I gm. in 500 cc. of physio- Gordon found the use of intravenously ad-
logical saline by the intravenous route. ministered procaine of great value for the
Graubard et al.•·c employed a 0.1 per cent control of pain in 10 patients during the dress-
solution of procaine hydrochloride in a dosage ing of severe burns. He gave a liter of 0.1 per
of 4 mg. per kilogram of body weight with cent solution of procaine hydrochloride over
gratifying results in the treatm~nt of traumatic a period of one and a half hours. Pain was
conditions. This dosage should not be ad- relieved without the simultaneous use of
ministered in less than twenty minutes. morphine.
Among the conditions successfully treated McLachlin found the intravenous use of
were sprains, fractures, and traumatic arthritis. procaine hydrochloride superior to morphine
The intravenous injection of procaine has for the control of postoperative pain. In a
proved to be of definite value for the pre- series of ten cases he injected 1.0 gm. of pro-
vention of cardiac irritability during thoracic caine hydrochloride in 500 cc. of physiological
surgery. Mautz, as mentioned previously, in saline solution in one to one and a half hours.
1936 called attention to the reduction in car- This was repeated as needed in some of the
diac irritability produced by the epicardial patients. The surgical convalescence of these
and intravenous administration of procaine. patients was unusually comfortable. Allen,
Burstein•, and Burstein and Alexander,b and Crossman et al.b have actually performed
later reported the intravenous use of pro- major surgical procedures using a continuous
132 Moor-Intravenous Procaine Therapy

intravenous infusion of I per cent procaine died carefully so that this useful new method
hydrochloride given at rates up to 20 cc. per may not be discredited by accidents and un-
minute. They did not, however, recommend necessary danger to patients.
this method for general use.
Allen • in 1945 reported the use of intra- REFERENCES
venous procaine for the production of anes-
Allen, F. M.: (a) Intravenous obstetrical anesthesia, Am.
thesia in 12 obstetrical cases at the City Hos- J. Surg. 70:285 (Dec.) 1945.
pital, Welfare Island, New York. For this pur- - - , Crossman, L . W., and Lyons, L. V.: (b) Intra-
pose, a I per cent solution of procaine hydro- venous procaine analgesia, Anesth. and Analg. 25: 1 Oan.-
Feb.) 1946.
chloride was given at the rate of 0.5 to 13 cc.
Appelbaum, E.; Abraham, A., and Sinton, W.: A case of
per minute depending upon the degree of serum sickness treated with procaine inttavenously, J. A.
analgesia or anesthesia reqqired. M. A. 151: (Aug. 17) 1946.
Johnson and Gilbert, also of the City Hos- Bier, A.: Ueber eine neue Methods der lokalen Anas-
thesie, Miinchen med. Wchnschr. 1:589, 1909.
pital, Welfare Island, reported 20 obstetrical
Bittrich, N . M., and Powen, W. F.: Intravenous procaine
cases in which · I per cent procaine hydro- in thoracic surgery, Anesth. and Analg. 27:181 Ouly-Aug.)
chloride was used intravenously as the anal- 1948.
gesic and anesthetic agent. The only compli- Burstein, C. L.: (a) Treatment of acute arrhythmias dur-
ing anesthesia by intravenous procaine, Anesthesiology
cation occurring in the 32 cases covered in 7: 115 (Mar.) 1946.
these two reports was the occurrence of mild - - , and Alexander, F. A. D.: (b) Anesthesia for
convulsions, which were easily controlled and thoracic surgery. Management in an Army general hospital
overseas, Anesthesiology 8:56 Oan.) 1947.
apparently harmless. The authors, although
--Marangoni, B. A.; DeGraff, A. C., and Roven-
they admitted that their series was small, be- stine, E. A.: (c) Laboratory studies on the prophylaxis and
lieved that the method was simple and safe treatment of ventricular fibrillation induced by epine-
phrine during cyclopropane anesthesia, Anesthesiology 1:
for both mother and child. 167 (Sept.) 1940.
Dressler, S., and Dwork, R. E.: Reactions to penicillin:
SUMMARY procaine hydr<Khloride intravenously in the treatment of
reactions similar to serum sickness, J. A. M. A. 155:84!>
1. The intravenous injection of procaine (Mar. 22) 1947.
hydrochloride for a variety of clinical condi- Eggleston, C., and Hatcher, R. A.: Pharmacology of local
tions constitutes a surprising new chapter in anesthetics, J. Pharmacol. 8' Exper. Therap. 15:455, 1919.

therapeutics. Goldberg, A.; Koster, H., and Warsaw, R.: Fate of pro-
caine in the human body after subarachnoid injection.
2. With adequate precautions as to dosage Arch. Surg. 46:49 Oan.) 1945.
and rate of administration, procaine can be Gordon, R. A.: Intravenous novocaine for analgesia in
burns: Preliminary report, Canad. Med. Ass. J. 49:478.
safely given by the intravenous route in con- 1945.
centrations of 0.1 to I per cent. Graubard, D. J., and Ritter, H. H.: (a) Intravenous
3. It has been used successfully for serum procaine in the treatment of trauma, Am. J. Surg. 74:76!>
(Nov.) 1947.
sickness, the pruritis of jaundice, trauma of - , Robertazzi, R. W., and Peterson, M. C.: (b)
soft tissues, bones and joints, in the preven- Microdetermination of blood levels of procaine hydro-
chloride after intravenous injection, Anesthesiology 8:256
tion and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias (May) 1947. (c) Intravenous procaine: a _preliminary re-
during intrathoracic surgery, for the relief of port, N. W. State J. Med. 47:2187 (Oct. 15) 1947.
pain in osteoarthritis, for the control of pain Jaooby, J. J.; Coon, J . M.; Woolf, M. P.; Salerno, P. R.,
and Livingstone, H.M.: Effect of procaine on liver func-
during the dressing of bums, for postopera- tion, an ex~mental and clinical study, Anesthesiology
tive pain, and for obstetrical analgesia and 9:481 (Seit.) 1948.

anesthesia. Johnson, K., and Gilbert, C.R. A.: Intravenous procaine

for obstetrical anesthesia, Anesth. and Analg. 25:155 Ouly-
4. Procaine hydrochloride should be ban- Aug.) 1946.
Medical Arts and Sciences 133

Lundy, J. S.: Clinical anesthesia. Philadelphia, W. B. tection in cardiac surgery, J. Thoracic Surg. 5:612 (Aug.)
Saunders Co. 1942, pp. 392 and 583. 1936.

McLachlin, J. A.: The intravenous use of novocaine as Richards, R. K.: Effects of vitamin C deficiency and
a substitute for morphine in postoperative care, Canad. starvation upon the toxicity of procaine, Anesth. and
Analg. 26:22 (Jan.·Feb.) 1947.
Med. Ass. J. 52:383 (Apr.) 1945.
State, D ., and Wangensteen, 0. H.: Procaine intrave·
Mautz, F. R.: Reduction of cardiac irritability by the nously in treatment of delayed serum sickness, J. A. M. A.
epicardial and systemic administration of drugs as a pro· 130:990 (Apr. U) 1946.



With increasing boldness and skill surgeons thus preventing fibrillations which would or-
are probing into hitherto inaccessible areas, dinarily occur under the conditions of the
altering and remodeling tissues of some of experiment. In many instances procaine re-
our most vital organs and effecting surgical established a normal rhythm even after fibril-
cures for conditions which a decade ago were lation had been induced.
accepted as unfortunate but incurable mala- The recent war produced a large number
dies. Among the most recent beneficiaries of of cases in which operative procedures were
such surgical intrepidity are those successfully carried out on the heart. These provided an
undergoing surgery of the heart and great excellent clinical test of the above mentioned
vessels. As a result of such surgery many chil- principles. Burstein reports 14 cases in which
dren, once in hopeless invalidism because of dysrhythmias were corrected during surgery
some congenital cardiovascular defect, now by intravenous injection of 1 per cent pro-
lead normal lives, with a greatly extended life caine. These occurred in a series of 121 opera-
expectancy. tions in which shell fragments or other foreign
Surgery on the heart and paracardial struc- bodies were removed from the pericardium,
tures or traction on the hilus of the lung may myocardium, or from within or in close re-
initiate serious arrhythmias which can result lation to the great vessels.
in death if not promptly contr.olled. Proce- Disturbances of rhythm and shifting of the
dures involving the pericardium are particu- pacemaker may result either from direct
larly apt to be followed by severe derange- stimulation of cardiac muscle or reflexly
ments of rhythm. Thus anesthesiology is faced through the well-known vago-vagal mechan-
with another challenge. ism. In the laboratory, cardiac arrhythmias
Various investigators, Mautz (1936), Shen can be produced almost at will in animals
and Simon ( 1938), and Burstein and Maran- under cyclopropane anesthesia by injections
goni ( 1940), have shown that irritability of of epinephrine in doses which are no more
the myocardium and conduction system of than double the amount which may be ex-
the heart may be reduced by topical applica- pected to be secreted during an average emo-
tion or intravascular injection of procaine, tional strain. Vago-vagal reflexes may be initi-
ated by stimulation of the perica{dium or by
• From the Department or Anesthesiology, College or Medical
traction on the hilus. These impulses which

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