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Health Benefit of Coffee

We all know the proverb “Enough is medicine, too much is harmful” that means you should take every
thing equally. Every thing in our world combines with good and bad. So, you shouldn’t do anything
excessively. Drinking too much coffee can also harmful to our health. We already mentioned the side
effect of drinking coffee. As I said before, everything entwines with good and bad. Therefore, drinking
coffee also has health benefits if you drink the coffee moderately. Now, I will express the benefits. At
first, coffee not only tastes good and gives you a serious jolt of energy, but it also has plenty of amazing,
body-boosting benefits. Which, in all honestly, is a major bonus considering the fact that most people
are simply pleased to have something to help them get through their morning meetings. Whether you
want to sip on coffee for its benefits that could potentially help you live longer and speed up your
metabolism—or you love it for its ability to help fight off cellulite and help with balding—there are
endless reasons to love your morning brew.

Studies also show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases like
cardiovascular disease (including heart attack, heart failure, and stroke), uterine and liver cancer and so

Here are some benefits of coffee:

Coffee Could Help Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

A 2005 review published in JAMA suggests that those who enjoy drinking coffee every morning have a
much lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So, pour yourself a cup—just make sure you nix the
cream and sugar.

Coffee Could Help Improve Your Coordination

Being coordinated is a true blessing, and if you could use some help in that department, you're not alone.
A 2010 review in the journal Nutrition found the caffeine in coffee can actually enhance neuromuscular
coordination, making your brain send messages to your muscles faster. That helps with a lot of things,
tripping on random cracks in the sidewalk included.

Coffee Can Make Your Eyes Less Puffy

You don't just need to drink coffee to reap the benefits. By placing your used, cooled-down coffee
grounds on your under eye area for 15 to 20 minutes, you can give yourself the gift of looking a little
less tired, all thanks to caffeine constricting the blood vessels beneath your skin, which reduces swelling
and makes you look more, well, alive.
Coffee Could Help Reverse Liver Damage from Drinking

If you've hurt your liver from years of drinking, coffee could be the superhero you've been hoping for. In
a 2016 review published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, researchers found drinking two
cups of coffee a day had a 44 percent lower risk of ending up with liver cirrhosis.

Coffee Could Help You Live Long

Drinking coffee alone won't necessarily make you live longer. But researchers in a 2017 study published
in Annals of Internal Medicine did find those who drink coffee appear to live longer than those who
don't. In fact, one cup a day was associated with a 12 percent decreased risk while two or three cups had
an 18 percent decreased risk.

Coffee Could Help Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease—a disorder of the blood vessels that leads to heart attacks, says the NIH—causes more
than 600,000 deaths in the U.S. every year. Luckily, coffee could help reduce the risk. A 2017 study
published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests drinking your favorite brew might reduce your
risk of dying from the disease.

Coffee Could Help Get Rid of Headaches

While you've probably experienced a headache as a caffeine withdrawal (which are the worst, by the
way), coffee can also help relieve them. According to the National Headache Foundation, caffeine
contains properties that narrow the blood vessels and restrict blood flow, which in turn helps relieve the
throbbing pain you're experiencing in your noggin. In fact, when you add an actual pain reliever into the
mix, you can increase the pain-relieving effect by 40 percent.

Coffee Can Help Reduce Depression

If drinking a cup or two of coffee tends to make you feel good mentally, there's a reason for that: A 2013
study published in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry found drinking coffee actually acts as a
mild antidepressant by boosting feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain. After examining 44,000 men
and 74,000 women, they found a few cups of brew reduced the risk of suicide by 50 percent.

Coffee Can Help Tighten Your Skin

As we age, we start to get a little droopy—but all sorts of face masks are popping up on the market to
help with the problem, and a lot of them contain coffee. Instead of buying one, make your own at home
by mixing coffee grounds and coconut oil for a soothing mask that contains caffeine to help improve the
appearance of your skin.

Coffee Can Help Get Rid of Dry Skin

Dry skin, be gone! By mixing up some coffee grounds and coconut oil and scrubbing any dry areas on
your body, you'll get rid any embarrassing flaky skin that not even your favorite moisturizer has been
able to tackle thanks to the gritty texture.

Coffee Can Help Make Your Skin Silky Smooth

Thanks to the grittiness of coffee grounds, you can make your skin softer than ever. Just combine some
with coconut oil and scrub your entire body in the shower. Once you rinse off, you'll feel silky smooth.

Coffee Can Make Hair Shiny

In need of a little shine? By pouring cold brewed coffee over your hair in the shower and working it in a
little before rinsing it out, you'll have shiny hair that looks like it belongs in a shampoo commercial.

Coffee Could Make You Feel More Awake

It's probably coffee's most well-known benefit—and also one of its best! A 2010 review in the journal
Nutrition found the caffeine in coffee can help make even the most tired brain feel more awake by
blocking the chemical adenosine, which makes you sleepy. Basically, tiredness doesn't even stand a

If you tolerate coffee well, then the sweet spot appears to be somewhere in the 3-4 cups per day range.
Like with most things in nutrition, we are all unique as individuals, so go with whatever seems to work
the best for you. Overall, there’s every reason to suggest that a daily coffee has several positive health

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