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嚴瑞祥, 音樂學學者, 吉他與魯特琴演奏家, 美國亞歷桑那州立大學音樂藝術博士.

除音乐史教學外, 嚴瑞祥致力於吉他音乐与早期拨弦乐器演奏研究, 常舉行音樂講座, 獨

奏會, 各類室內樂演出, 参与音樂節之策劃及音樂比賽之評審, 他的网路吉他音乐史课程
与网路鲁特琴教学都是中文世界的唯一, 于美國Soundset公司合作錄製的CD專輯
Guitarra Exotica 現代吉他音樂的異國主義是他对世界音乐与吉他研究的成果, 2000年受
邀擔任美國GFA吉他大賽評審, 2004年擔任2004 台灣吉他音樂節暨大賽總監, 也受邀于
台湾, 中国大陆, 菲律宾等吉他音乐节演出教学.

Ruey Yen was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from
Arizona State University under the tutelage of Frank Koonce. He has taken master classes
with Manuel Barrueco, David Russell and Roberto Aussel.
Dr. Yen has directed Culture and Arts Department at Open University of Kaohsiung for more
than a decade. He was the Director of "2004 Taiwan International Guitar Competition and
Festival ".
Currently teaching at Huanggang Normal University, Dr. Yen has developed a series of
online courses which earned him national acclaim as a musicologist and Early plucked
instrumentist. His debut album entitled "Guitarra Exotica" with flautist Shelly O’Donin and
tenor Joel M. Rinsema is the fruitful result of his interest in world music culture.

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