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1 S Incorrect spelling The Inglish book.

Palabra mal escrita S.

2 W.O. Wrong word order Always I go to Huanchaco in June.

Orden incorrecto de las palabras W.O.

3 W.T. Wrong tense Angela visits New York last year.

Tiempo incorrecto S-V

4 W.W. Wrong word I made my homework.

Palabra incorrecta W.W.

5 W.P. Wrong preposition The movie is in 6:30 p.m.

Preposición incorrecta W.P.

6 W.F. Wrong form My sister can plays tennis.

Forma incorrecta W.F.

7 S-V Subject and verb do not agree You is from New York.
No hay coherencia entre sujeto y verbo S-V

8 S/P Wrong singular or plural form I have two brother.

No hay concordancia entre singular y plural S/P

9 ?M Meaning is not clear I like to me much house.

El significado no está claro ?M

10 P Wrong punctuation Whats your e-mail address._

Puntuación incorrecta P P

11 ^ Add or insert a missing word Mr. Rivera is ^ singer.

Agregar o insertar palabra(s)que falta(n)

12 Ø Not applicable / Not necessary I go to the Huanchaco by car.

No aplica / No es necesario ø

13 // Start a new paragraph or sentence To separate two very different ideas in a

Comenzar un nuevo párrafo u oración paragraph or a sentence

14 Cap. Capitalization use my family is big. They live in china.

Mayúsculas Cap. Cap.

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