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The data below shows the result collected from the sample of ‘sambal garing’ for
experiment crude protein determination test form.

Test Data
Sample Data Replicate 1 Replicate 2
Sample weight, A (g) 2.0307 2.0216
Amount HCl used, Vsample (ml) 4.7 5.4
Amount HCl used, Vblank (ml) 0.2 0.2
Normality HCl, Nacid (N) 0.2122 0.2122

Test Result
Test Data Replicate 1 Replicate 2
%N 0.4619 % 0.5374%
% Protein 2.8869% 3.3588%
Mean of protein 3.1229
Standard Deviation 0.3337


Proteins have a significant role to play in the development and maintenance of the
human body and, along with carbohydrates and lipids, the energy that provides
nutrients in the diet. In addition, proteins also have a wide variety of other functions
in the body, such as enzymatic activity and transport of nutrients and other
biochemical compounds through cell membranes (Hanne k, 2018) . The proteins vary
depending on the size, number and sequence of amino acids that make up the
polypeptide backbone. As a result, they have distinct molecular structures,
biochemical characteristics and physio chemical properties. For a variety of different
purposes, proteins are essential components of food.

This experiment are using three methods which is digestion, distillation and
titration to overcome the result. For digestion method, the sample is weighed into a
digestion flask then it will be digested by heating it in the presence of sulfuric acid.
Hence, the sample used is ‘sambal garing’ which is the sambal already dried or called
dried chili and the content of the sambal have anchovies and beans. After the
digestion has been completed, the digestion flask is connected to a receiving flask by
a tube. The ammonia gas that is formed is librated from the solution and moves out of
the digestion flask and into the receiving flask. Next, the nitrogen content will be
estimated by titration of the ammonium borate with standard sulfuric acid or
hydrochloric acid.
Figure 1: composition of chilli

For this experiment, the dried sambal was compare to dried chilli. As the result
shows at figure 1, the value standard deviation of crude protein for red chilli was 0.02
compared to our result that got 0.337 standard deviation of crude protein and the
mean that our group got is 3.1229%. It seem similarity because the sample that used
are chilli and a little difference may be cause of different type of method. One rational
explanation may be that the concentration of some of the hydrochloric acid in the
sample was reduced as a result of the hydrolysis process prior to the analysis and that
the protein concentration measured from this analysis was likely underestimated.

Based on the result obtained, the amount of kjeltabs and sulfuric acid is probably
more or less than it should be. It is because to put the solution, it depends on how
much the value of fat that got of sambal garing sample. In order to achieve all the
result, it might be several errors that can be affect the result. One is the risk of food
adulteration, as high protein content also increases the economic value of a
commodity. Other than that, when do the digestion the gas of the solution still form
and the sample still not changed to clear blue or green colour. lastly, for titration the
colour of the solution should changed from light blue to light gray, if the colour
changed to light pink the amount of hydrochloric acid is more than it should be.

Refrence ako :
1. Hanne k, 2018. Protein determination.
2. Kevin ghandi & G Talati, 2014. composition of different chili. Web:

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