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14/8/2020 14/8/2020 MIDDLE TEST SECOND E

14/8/2020 MIDDLE TEST SECOND E Byron Uchupanta

14 de Agosto de 2020 a las 08:41

2 puntos
1. What kind of transport do you usually use to travel around the country? Write complete

Su Respuesta:
I usually travel on coach to Riobamba.

2 puntos
2. Compare different kinds of transports using adjectives. Write complete sentences.

Su Respuesta:
The train es more fast than coach.

2 puntos
3. Answer this question: Where did you travel when you were a child? Did you like it?
Why? Write complete sentences.

Su Respuesta:
When I was a child, I traveled to Pujili. I liked to go Pujili, It is because I visited my great

1 punto
4. Choose the correct answer: I like _______________ my grandmother on Holidays.

Su Respuesta:
to visit



3 puntos
5. Write a short paragraph about a place you visited one year ago. (25-45 words)

Su Respuesta:
One years ago I went to Rumiñahui volcano, this is located at National Cotopaxi park. I
traveled to 2 hours on coach went to volcano. In this journey I was with 10 friends. The climb
to the top of the volcano took about 4 hours and was very hard. At the top of the volcano we
had a spectacular view of the Cotopaxi park.

2 puntos 1/3
14/8/2020 14/8/2020 MIDDLE TEST SECOND E
Answer to this questions: What do you usually do in the mornings? What are you doing at this
moment? Write complete sentences.

Su Respuesta:
In the mornings, I usaully do high intensity training and afther that I sometimes go to the

In this moment, I am doing my english test.

1 punto
7. Fill in the gap with the correct answer: I _____ basketball every Tuesday.

Su Respuesta:



1 punto
8. Write one sentence about what you have to do in your daily life.

Su Respuesta:
I have to join to my English class every weekdays in the morning.

1 punto
9. Fill in the gap: My grandfather used to _______ me stories about love and friendship.

Su Respuesta:



1 punto
10. Name five parts of the body.

Su Respuesta:
Fingers 2/3
14/8/2020 14/8/2020 MIDDLE TEST SECOND E


2 puntos
11. Describe what you are wearing at this moment.

Su Respuesta:
I wearing a black shorts with Blue raincoat and grey trainers.

2 puntos
12. Do you like going shopping? What is your favourite shop? Why?

Su Respuesta:
I doesn't mind going to shopping.
My favourite shop is a fast food restaurant, it is because I love eating so much every time. 3/3

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