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Easy No-Fail Whole Wheat Bread

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

4.9 from 196 reviews

Author: Alison Andrews Prep Time: 30 mins Cook Time: 40 mins Yield: 16


Easy 5-ingredient whole wheat bread. You just don’t get easier than this no-fail recipe. Hearty, wholesome, nourishing and delicious!


4 cups (520g) Whole Wheat Flour*

1 Packet (11g) Instant Yeast (~1 Tbsp)*
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tsp Maple Syrup*
2 cups (480ml) Warm Water


1 Add the flour to a mixing bowl with the yeast and salt and mix together.
2 Dissolve the maple syrup in the warm water and then add to the dry ingredients.
3 Mix – don’t knead – until you have a sticky well combined dough.
4 Transfer to a greased 9×5 loaf pan. You can also line the bottom with parchment paper if you think there will be any chance of it
5 Cover and leave to rise for 20 minutes.
6 While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C).
7 After 20 minutes when the dough has risen, bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
8 Absolutely BEST when fresh, but will keep for a day or two in a closed container. After which you can make the most delicious


*Weigh your flour for the most accurate results.

*Not all instant yeast packages are 11g, lately I have been getting packages that are 10g, and they work perfectly, so you don’t
have to be that precise with the measurement of instant yeast. If you have a package of instant yeast that is a larger size, 11g
is around 1 Tbsp of instant yeast.

*Maple syrup can be replaced by another sweetener such as agave nectar or other syrup.

*If your dough hasn’t quite risen as high as mine in the picture at the 20 minute mark then leave it a couple more minutes,
sometimes it takes a couple of minutes longer to get to the perfect height, but don’t leave it too long or it will rise too high and
then you’ll get a muffin top loaf!

*Prep time includes the 20 minutes spent rising.

Method: Bake
Cuisine: Vegan

Category: Appetizer, Side


Serving Size: 1 Slice (of 16) Calories: 116 Sugar: 0.8g Sodium: 74mg Fat: 0.8g
Saturated Fat: 0.1g Carbohydrates: 24.5g Fiber: 3.6g Protein: 4.5g

Keywords: whole wheat bread


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