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guys wrote DOI, science does not create law, it reveals god
science has led Kurt to god
small-g fact
capital-G genesis, welfare state, want guarantees
we created the dust bowl, 1929 insurance
insurance will cost you something
to be put into a more perfect union
ts: 1:25
because you don't know history, you are bound to repeat it
biological history, true origin, can be born only once
or nonsense, can be born again every day
one birth, one path
kurt born more than 21,000 times
if speak from grammatical fourth person, can only be born once
word:Betray: matter is biology, at large
did mom trust the physician to do the right thing?
is the doctor contracted to receive a Christian pilgrim?
in the hospital, have agreed to terms
1933 Christian pilgrims fall into the holy nation
ts: 1:30
is they get kurt to believe that I am Roman
have they changed my mind?
let the cat out of the bag
adjacent land, adhering, confession in open court
fallen angel, fell from heaven, stays on consecrated ground
word:Misprison of Treason
18 USCA 2382
click on United States,
IDPH, DHS, if they do nothing, they shall be guilty of misprison of felony
renum navaro
zygote is the father figure
father's authority is part of the left behind material
word: President
word: Preside
ts: 1:35
they are equity courts, arbitration courts,
if you stand your ground
have your paper in their so they know who they are talking to
word: malpractice, pull in all physician, accountants, attorneys
have we been damaged,
some make a living in the welfare state,
you choose that state
part of a communist society
takes the produce from the producers
picture the maternal afterbirth as the swamp
the e-e laying in the swamp
pre-implantation conceptus
fiduciary capacity, collapses the trust
word: Malpractice
word: Medical malpractice

do a final forensic accounting and close the trust

ts: 1:40
takings clause of the Constitution
Barron v. Baltimore decision
Bill of Rights and just compensation
If I abandon my head, my federal position, no bor, no fifth amendments

fee is the time between small-g and capital-g,

they have not claimed the fee, but has a fee schedule

City of Baltimore, sediment deposited into a stream, by the wharf

change in the stream, avulsion, destroyed ability to make money,

can't get the just compensation if kurt does not have the fifth amendment on his side

have any of complained of medical malpractice

Kurt has in his first letter to IDPH

ts: 1:45
is the original birth record yours? no
how in the world do you expect to change it.
you can't; not lawfully
but in the game, can move, doesn't change anything in reality
moving pieice in Monopoly, doesn't change reality

word: spoiliation
the placenta, you are claiming the mixture
you may get equity
ts: 1:47
Queen annes doctirne says you cant even get equity if it is a mixture
word: spoiliated
the spoiler
if the state does not keep the evidence of the entire placenta
keep the title
you admit to it:
if you save prove it; they can't
because it does not prove their case
we are claiming to be characters on somebody's else book
word: spolium, circumcision for males
ts: 1:50
some noise, President has complete control
movie: Vice
quote from the tutor's Queen Anne trying to convince King Henry move toward Protestant
king will enjoin plenary
our executive capacity, if we do not remember our history
in court, treated as the infant forever
we don't remember
word: plenary - complete, quintessential
loves this word
ts: 1:53:57

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