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1119/1 2 SULIT

Section A: Directed Writing

[35 marks]
[Time suggested: 45 minutes]

Recently, you visited a wet market with some relatives from out of town. The condition of
the market left you dissatisfied. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Town Council to
complain about the unsatisfactory condition.

Use the notes below to write your letter:

l Dirty hawkers
l Expensive goods
l Over-crowded with non-food stalls
l Too many foreign vendors
l Pick-pockets
l Parking - cars double park
l Suggest one other complaint on unsatisfactory condition

l Enforcement officers - check legal vendors
l Check price of goods
l Fine vendors who do not keep their area clean

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

• lay out the letter correctly (addresses, date, salutation, title, closing)
• state the purpose of the letter
• use all the notes given
• suggest two other ways to improve the condition of the wet market

For your letter, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points, and up to
20 marks for the quality of your writing.

1119/1 SULIT

1119/1 3 SULIT

Section B : Continuous Writing

[50 marks]
[Time suggested : One hour]

Write a composition of about 350 words on one of the following topics.

1. You were on a journey back to your hometown during a festive season that you celebrated.
Describe an interesting character that you met on that journey.

2. Write a story on things that you do to make you feel better when you are feeling down. In
your story, explain on why you do so.

3. Teenager’s life nowadays is greatly influenced by social media. Do you agree? Give reasons
to support your view.

4. Write about your experience as a volunteer helping a charity home. End your story with :
“…I shed tears of joy seeing the fruit of my labour”

5. “No pain, no gain”.

Describe how you overcome difficult moment in your life in order to achieve success.


1119/1 SULIT

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