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The theory related to the above discussion is ‘ethical egoism’.

Ethical egoism is an action

considered to be morally right and that maximizes one’s self-interest. According to Thomas
Hobbes a British philosopher; stated that majority or all of our actions are prompted by self-
desires (self- interest). According to a journal on ‘effects of egoism on pro-environment
behavior’, egoistic individuals believes that it is too difficult as well as pointless to do much
about environment issues, they would also be less willingness to pay high taxes which would
involve in the environmental protections. They also would not care on the way they dispose
plastic waste, but instead focus on getting rid of plastic waste and making their own property
clean, beautiful and waste free. In Fiji where the rubbish collection service is not provided
people just dump rubbish near mangroves, causing waste to create garbage patch in the ocean.
Industries know plastic products are bad for the environment but they still produce to make

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