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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS: Term  To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX TOPIC Year 5 Bee Adaptations

3, week 4 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about
XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Living things have structural features and adaptations INTEGRATI TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES RESOURCES/KEY
that help them to survive in their environment ON (Year 1 & (Disclaimer- This is lesson 1 of 2) QUESTIONS
(ACSSU043) 2 only)

Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES

Human Skills
Biological (ACSHE081) (ACSIS218) Introduction: The Very Greedy Bee by
Sciences  Teacher brings students to the mat and reads the children’s Steve Smallman
literature ‘The Very Greedy Bee’ by Steve Smallman. Key Questions:
LESSON OBJECTIVES What did you notice
about the bee?
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
What does the bee do
 Name an adaptation of a bumble bee  Teacher creates a KWL chart on the whiteboard. The with the pollen?
 Name a habitat where the bumble bee will survive in teacher asks students what do they already know about bee
and why adaptations? KWL Chart pre-written
 Students are in their small table groups, where they will
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC) select one person to scribe and one person to share. They
Sheets of paper with
Exit Ticket: are given a sheet of paper with the questions on them for
questions on them
 Students are given an exit ticket to complete at the end students to brainstorm together.
of class  The chosen group member from each group is to stand up Key Questions:
 The questions they will be answering are: and present to the class their answers. what sort of habitats do
- Name an adaptation of a bumble bee  Teacher begins a whole class discussion bees live in?
- Name a habitat where the bumble bee will why they live in these
survive in and why Conclusion: habitats?
 This assessment helps the teacher has a grasp of  As a whole class, students are to come up with a definition why do they not live in
students understanding of the topic as well as their of the word adaptation certain habitats like the
prior knowledge  Teacher reveals the scientific definition, showing students Antarctic?
 The teacher is able to use these exit tickets as a guide what they had the same as the scientific definition and what
to whether the content needs to be gone over again if was missing
students do not have a good understanding and for  The teacher will go through with students the KWL chart
future planning. and finding out what students want to know by filling out Whiteboard and
the W column whiteboard markers
 Exit ticket: Students are to complete the exit ticket before Paper with scientific
they leave the class. definition on it

Students who struggle are already put on the same table, so that the
teacher is able to sit at that table and help these students and Exit tickets
prompt them when working through the questions. Key Questions:
Name an adaptation of a
Extend: bumble bee
If students participate in group discussions the teacher asks them Name a habitat where
further and more in depth questioning for these students to further the bumble bee will
develop their knowledge and understanding . survive in and why


5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS: Term  To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX TOPIC Year 5 Bee Adaptations

3, week 5 Formative assessment
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Living things have structural features and adaptations INTEGRATI TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES RESOURCES/KEY
that help them to survive in their environment ON (Year 1 & (Disclaimer- This is lesson 2 of 3) QUESTIONS
(ACSSU043) 2 only)

Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES

Human Skills
Biological (ACSHE081) (ACSIS091) Introduction: Toy bee and fake flower
Sciences (ACSIS086)  Teacher brings in some items from home (a toy bee and a
fake flower) Key Questions:
 The teacher holds a class discussion about what they think What do these two
these two objects have in common and how they might be objects have in common?
related to each other. Do you think the flower
 Teacher proceeds to tell students about bees collecting has an impact on the
pollen from flowers and their adaptations to help them do bee’s survival?
 Students are to move into their small table groups where Different materials for
they will choose 1 group member to come and collect their
students to use for
materials for their project.
 Students are to create a bumble bee that has the adaptation
Sticky tape, glue, masking
of being able to collect pollen from a flower
tape, rulers
 Once students have had time to create their bumble bee,
each group will be given an already made flower with
“pollen” that can be collected, each group will have a go at
seeing if they have used the right materials to be able to Picture of a flower and
collect pollen. yellow pom pom balls in
 Students will observe to see results and record using iPads the middle used for pollen
in a table ready to see the results in a couple of weeks

 Students will pack up and the teacher will hand students 2
sticky notes. One for what worked well, the other what iPads
didn’t work.
 Students will leave these on their desks ready to discuss
next lesson

LEARNER DIVERSITY Sticky notes, spare pencils

Students who struggle are already put on the same table, so that
the teacher is able to sit at that table and help these students and
prompt them when working through the experiment.

Students are pushed to write more in-depth answers on the sticky
notes about what worked and what didn’t work during the
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Work collaboratively with group members
 Identify 2 materials that worked well in the group
 Identify at least 1 material or idea that didn’t work in
the group project
Sticky Notes:
 Students are given two sticky notes before the end of
the class to write what they thought worked well
during the group project and what didn’t work so well.
 This allows the teacher to see if student is able to self-
reflect and identify certain material/ideas that worked
well as well as identify when material/ideas didn’t
work as well as others.
 The teacher will use these to go through in a class
discussion in the next lesson


5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS: Term  To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make TOPIC Year 5 Bee Adaptations
3, week 6 Formative assessment
representations of developing conceptual understandings

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Living things have structural features and adaptations INTEGRATI TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES RESOURCES/KEY
that help them to survive in their environment ON (Year 1 & QUESTIONS
(ACSSU043) 2 only)

Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES

Human Skills
Biological (ACSHE083) (ACSIS093) Introduction: Sticky notes from previous
Sciences  Teacher has student’s sticky notes up on the board in two lesson
columns, one all the sticky notes of what worked well in Whiteboard and
the experiment and one with all the sticky notes of what whiteboard markers
didn’t work well. Key Questions:
 Teacher has a class discussion as to why certain materials Why did certain materials
worked better than others work better than others?
 Teacher also brings in some diagrams of the structure of a
bumble bee to show students the adaptations and the pollen
collection area
 Students move back to tables where teacher hands out a
Diagrams of the structure
sheet of A4 paper where students are to draw, label and
of a bumble bee
explain what adaptation they have and what its used for

 Students finish off with a class kahoot about bumble bee A4 pieces of paper
adaptations they have learnt about in class already

Students who struggle are already put on the same table, so that iPads
the teacher is able to sit at that table and help these students and
prompt them when working through the diagram.

Students are pushed to write more in-depth answers on the
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Design a diagram with pictures and labels
 Explain what adaptation the animal has and what it is
used for

Bee Diagram:
 Students are to design a diagram of the structure of a
bee, by drawing, labelling, explaining what adaptations
the bee have and what it is used for.
 The teacher is able to collect these diagrams off
students, is able to informally assess students’
knowledge of the content being taught and if they have
a good understanding of the topic
 The teacher is able to use these diagrams to help with
future planning


5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS: Term  To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make TOPIC Year 5 Bee Adaptations
3, week 7 connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Living things have structural features and adaptations INTEGRATI TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES RESOURCES/KEY
that help them to survive in their environment ON (Year 1 & (Disclaimer- This is lesson 2 of 2) QUESTIONS
(ACSSU043) 2 only)

Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES

Human Skills
Biological (ACSHE081) (ACSIS087) Introduction:
Sciences (ACSIS093)  Teacher tells students that they are going to reflect on what
they did a couple of weeks ago with the group project. This
is a student planned group project.
 Students are given time to plan their bumble bee together
and discuss what was spoken about what materials worked Spare paper, pens,
best and why and what ones didn’t coloured pencils
 Students are able to use their iPads to research what
materials work better than others as well as tips and ideas
for constructing the best version of a bee they can. iPads if needed
 Students are to work in the same table groups as when they
did the previous project.
 Students are given a habitat from the teacher, each group is
to recreate their bumble bee after trial and error, well
thought out planning and teamwork from the previous Similar and different
lesson a couple of weeks ago. materials to create the
bumble bee
This allows students to work collaboratively together and critical Sticky tape, glue, masking
and creative thinking tape, rulers
Habitats in a shoe box
 Groups are to choose one group member to explain to the that the teacher made
class what they did different to create the adaptations of a previously
bumble bee and why.
 Students are then given the opportunity for their bumble
bee to collect pollen from a flower, students will observe to
see if results were different from last time, record using
iPads in a table to compare results from then and now.

 Students are sitting down on the mat; the teacher asks
students to think-pair-share about why certain adaptations Picture of a flower and
are important to bees and why habitat plays a massive part
yellow pom pom balls in
to animal’s structural adaptations
the middle used for pollen
Why are certain
Students who struggle are already put on the same table, so that adaptations important to
the teacher is able to sit at that table and help these students and bees?
prompt them on where they can find ideas from. Why do habitat play a
massive part to animals
Extend: structural adaptations?
Students are challenged to create their bumble bee with precision
and a well thought out plan with lots of explaining why they are
using certain materials.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Work collaboratively with group members
 Communicate ideas and explain why during a class
 Present a well thought out plan to show what variables
needed to be changed and observe if your results were
different from last time
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills)
 Students are to plan and design a bee and its adaptation
as well as being able to survive in its environment.
 Students are to work together as well as
communicating their ideas and explaining why to the
class during presentation time.
 Students are also to attach the well thought out plan to
show the teacher what variables needed to be changed
and observe the results to see if they were different
from the last time.
 This group project allows the teacher to observe and
assess the science inquiry skills.
 The teacher will check off the objectives in a checklist
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS: Term  To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and TOPIC Year 5 Bee Adaptations
3, week 8 represent what they know about XXXXX
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
adaptations that help them to survive in their ON (Year 1 &
environment (ACSSU043) 2 only)
Science Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Understanding Human Skills
Biological (ACSHE081) (ACSIS093) Introduction:
Sciences  Teacher shows students Youtube clip of bees collecting

 Teacher explains to students they are creating a poster
in today’s lesson Show students a poster the
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: teacher has already made
 Design a poster about bumble bee adaptations Body:
including pictures, labels and sentences.
 Students are to individually design a poster on an A3
 Explain poster to the class sheet of paper about bumble bees explaining their A3 sheets of paper, pencils,
 Each student is to contribute to the KWL chart adaptations and how their habitat plays a part in their rulers, scissors, glue and tape
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding)  Students are to use pictures, labels and sentences on
Poster: their poster.
 Students are to design a poster about bumble bee
adaptations including pictures, labels and sentences. Conclusion:
 Students are to also explain their poster to the class,  Students are to sit on the mat with their poster
this allows the teacher to see students  Teacher chooses some volunteers to present their poster
understanding of the topic and also for future to the class
planning on how well the teacher presented the  Teacher brings back the KWL chart that students wrote
content to students. on at the start of the topic KWL
KWL Chart:  The students are to put their hand up and contribute to
 Teacher is observing students understanding of the the KWL chart in the L column Key Questions:
topic by listening to students answers on what they  Students place their poster on the spare desk as they
have learnt during the topic under the L column on What have you learnt on this
leave the classroom

Students who struggle are already put on the same table, so that
the teacher is able to sit at that table and help these students and
prompt them on what they need to include and what they are

Students are challenged to create their bumble bee poster with
great detail and a well thought out plan with lots of explaining.

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