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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS: Term  To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX TOPIC: Biological Sciences

2 Weeks 1-5 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about
XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Living things live in different Science involves Participate in guided Introduction: Habitat Game
places where their needs are observing, asking investigations to explore 4.1,4.3, 5.3
met (ACSSU211) questions about, and and answer To recap the students’ knowledge that all living things need food, water, and Index Cards
describing changes in, questions (ACSIS025)
objects and
shelter (basic needs) the class is going to play a fun game. The students will be
events (ACSHE021) in groups of 4, each person will get an index card with a name of either a
habitat or one of the 3 basic needs. The 4 students stand in a circle and put their
arms on the shoulders of the person in front of them. On the count of three the
students must try and sit on the person behind them knees while the person in
front of them sits on their knees. It will be tricky at first, but the students will
get the hang of it! This represents the idea that all 3 components work together
and are needed in a habitat to make it a liveable place for plants/animals.

Lesson Body: Venn Diagram

To evaluate the students’ knowledge on habitats and living things in their
habitats. The children are given a venn diagram, they can choose 2 out of the 3
habitats to include in this venn diagram and need to draw 4 living things/non-
living that are only found in each habitat and 3 living things/non-living things
that are found in both habitats. Students can make the decision on what habitats Venn Diagram
they would like to do. Students need to label if the object they have drawn is What living/non-living things
living or non-living are found in the bush beach or
Plant Check in! What are their needs?
The children are going to revisit the plants that they grew back in lesson 2. What makes something living?
Looking back on the prediction they made they are going to measure the height
that their plant has gotten to now and complete a worksheet. In this worksheet
the children need to include either a photo (using the iPad) or a drawing of what
their prediction was and then what the plant looks like now. The children will
also need to write a reflection on whether their prediction was accurate or not. Was my prediction correct?
In CM how tall is your plant
Mathematics Link: This worksheet links to mathematics as the students are after 3 weeks?
measuring how tall the plant has grown using a ruler and recording the data.
Plants from lesson 2
Conclusion: Discussion/Reflection ticket! iPad
Bring the students back to the mat where they can discuss the predictions and Worksheet
the end products of their plant. The children will also complete a reflection task
where they need to write a sentence about their favourite activity from the unit
and the most interesting thing they learnt!

Enabling: Guide these students through the venn diagram activity, rather than
give them the answers pose questions like ‘do you think a bunny would be
found in a backyard and in the bush?’ Reflection Ticket
Extending: Challenge these students by creating one big venn diagram of all 3
habitats. See if they can think of one living or non-living thing that is found all What was the best part of the
3 habitats. unit?
What did you find the most
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identify at least 4 living/non-living objects found in
two different habitats
 Identify at least 3 living/non-living objects that are
found in both habitats

ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding)

To evaluate students’ science understanding from the past 5
lessons the educator will conduct an oral assessment. This will
include questions relevant to what they have learnt in the unit,
the answers will be recorded, and the assessment will go in
their science journals

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