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Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speaking Productions

Ingles B1+

Ana Yency Ortega.
Código- 1089482433



Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

27 de Julio Del 2020
La Unión Nariño
Then record a video where we can see your face answering the following questions:
Stage 1: Video 1 “Let’s talk about the video”
I give answers to the questions suggested for this activity
Your name
mi name is
Ana Yency Ortega
✓ At the beginning of the video they talk about some situations, name at least two of those
-Listening to an English teacher speaking British, slowly and clearly
Then you're listening to a native English speaking from Scotland speaking to a Scottish
✓ In the minute 3:31 other language is spoken, what language was that?
Portuguese spoken
✓ Which are the 2 rules for the 5th step?

Do something every day

Do something different every day to hear different sources and different voices
✓ What is the lesson plan that they propose? What kind of lesson plan would you propose?

Put a papael on the Wall

✓ How to stick to your plan?

Look at the paper on the wall with an English text every day
✓ Having in mind the video, where can you obtain material to practice English?

In a google search engine in Oxford online

Stage 2: Video 2 “The movie” Having in mind the movie that you work on Task 2, you
are going to record a video answering the following questions:
✓ Movie’s name.
✓ Nombre de la película.

✓ The plot. (Beginning, knot, ending)

Beginning: The story begins when an underwater treasure hunter tries to locate a jewel
called the heart of the sea, among the remains of the Titanic, when they rescued the safe,
what they found was the drawing of a naked young woman wearing a choker on her neck
with the Diamond.
Wanting to find information about the findings, they make a television advertisement that
allowed communication with Rose Dawson Calvert, the woman in the drawing. After 84
years he decided to tell the story of what she lived on the Titanic and her experience.
Jack Dawson manages to win two passages for himself and his friend through a bet in a
card game. Thus managing to board before the departure of the ship.
Rose, is one of the passengers who arrives at the boat with her mother, Ruth and her
boyfriend, Cal Hockley. Among the crowd eager to observe the ship, Rose finds herself
overwhelmed by returning to America, which she considered a prison.
The next day Jack and Rose have their first meeting, when he saves her life on deck, as she
tried to commit suicide, tired of the life she led by pressure from her mother and society,
the marriage engagement with her boyfriend, which was necessary to avoid being ruined
and answer for the debts of his late father. In gratitude to Jack for saving her life, Cal gives
him a bonus and invites him to have dinner with them.
Knot: The next day Jack meets Rose and saves her life because she wanted to commit
suicide, since she was tired of always being educated and staying in high society, especially
now that she had to marry someone she did not love because her mother always He told her
what to do and not to be ruined and pay all the debts that her father had left them, and not to
lose her great life which she no longer wanted so much, after all he made her reconsider
and saved him life and in gratitude invite him to a dinner in a luxurious area of the ship
where she kept, then he came to dinner and distinguished himself with all the important
people on the ship. After the big meal he invited her to the cellars, where he stayed and they
ended up dancing, drinking and having a lot of fun without realizing that they were being
watched. Since Rose's fiancé had an accomplice who followed her and Jack's every
Roses's fiancé discovered hers trickery and they had very problems for it then her mom
forbade her to see to Jack again when Jack search him and leaved, late Rose listens to her
mother telling her friends about the wedding but she doesn't want to do it then she decides
to reveal herself and search her true love. Jack was a fantastic painter so she want tobe
painted naked for him while the fiance's butler was looking for her when he founds them,
they run all over the cruise ship and they hide in a luxurious car and there they give
themselves to each other. The next day when Jack and Rose were together, they kissed and
exactly in this moment the cruise ship crashed with a iceberg in the Atlantic ocean and it
started to sink when Rose went to tell her mother, she accuses him of steal her necklace and
the police arrested to Jack. Rose and her mother get on the boat but Rose returns to the ship
and she goes to search to Jack because she knews that he was innocent.
Ending: The boat was sinking more and more, but Rose managed to save Jack and get out
before the boat was completely flooded. Angry, Cal who was her fiancé tries to kill them
and they manage to flee from there at the end Cal finds a girl and thanks to her he manages
to get on a boat while they fight for their lives while the boat sinks more and more and ends
up on the bottom of the sea, then when he saw that the water was so cold and so as not to
freeze to death Jack looked for and found a board but there wasn't room for both of them so
he got Rose on board while they waited for a boat to come back. After several minutes a
boat appeared and Rose called Jack but he was already dead because of the cold.
✓ What did you learn about the movie?
You learn to value life and family moments as we should not wait for something to happen
to learn to appreciate them
✓ How did the movie make you feel?
This story makes me feel that it does not matter a level playing field, if each person fights
for what we want
✓ How does the movie relate to the academic program you are studying?
In my points of view, I am convinced that in order to carry out such a task, you must have a
great knowledge of various subjects and / or subjects, which require great preparation and
study, the same thing happens in our English subject.
✓ Another ending for the movie could be…
The titanic collided with an iceberg, managing to decrease the speed they had and minimize
damage to the ship's armor. They had to remain in the arctic while the rescue came.
When they reached the port, Rose and Jack eloped, married, and lived a quiet life with their
Note; The answers to the suggested questions in
Stage 1: Video 1 “Let’s talk about the video” y Stage 2: Video 2 “The movie” Having
in mind the movie that you work on Task 2, you are going to record a video answering
the following questions:

I solved them in a single video

I share link of the gradation task 4 Speaking Production

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