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Blood typing

• Blood typing is a method to tell what type of blood
you have. Blood typing is done so you can safely
donate your blood or receive a blood transfusion. It
is also done to see if you have a substance called Rh
factor on the surface of your red blood cells.

BIO101 General Zoology cces2019

BLOOD TYPING: ABO blood group
Agglutinogen is a substance (antigen)
that stimulates the animal body to
form agglutinin (antibody)
(Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing,
and Allied Health, 2003)
Blood group antigens are present on glycolipid and
glycoprotein molecules of the red cell membrane.

Agglutinins (antibodies) are part of

the circulating plasma proteins known
as immunoglobulins (

BIO101 General Zoology cces2019

BLOOD TYPING: ABO blood group

- coagulation; clumping
- result of antigen-antibody

Anti-A serum: blue

Anti-B serum: yellow

BIO101 General Zoology cces2019


Blood type compatibility between

donor and recipient is important
before blood transfusion is done.

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• Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the

surface of red blood cells.
• Rh positive: if your blood has the protein; most common
• Rh negative: if your blood lacks the protein
• Pregnancy issue: Rh negative mother, Rh positive father, Rh
positive fetus (Rh incompatibility).

BIO101 General Zoology cces2019

Erythroblastosis fetalis:
Rh factor

HDN – hemolytic
disease of the

Antibodies from an Rh negative mother may enter the

blood stream of her unborn Rh positive infant, damaging
the red blood cells (RBCs). The infant responds by
increasing RBC production and sending out immature
RBCs that still have nuclei. This photograph shows normal
RBCs, damaged RBCs, and immature RBCs that still
contain nuclei.
BIO101 General Zoology cces2019

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