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Tapdasan, April Mae I.


Part I
Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. Explain the Input-->Process-->Output model in operations management.

In starting a business, one should know the input – process – output model because it is
a step in making a product or even designing a product. Operations management transmutes
inputs (labor, capital, equipment, land, buildings, materials and information) into outputs (goods
and services) that offer added value to customers. Operations must ensure the right resources
for the operation’s needs. And if it has been managed properly, then all operations managers are
responsible for processes. They will inter linked the activities or steps to consume resources to
meet the goal or output. Operation is responsible for the customer’s needs delivering required
products and services to them.

2. How do you apply the principle of accountability in your own academic life? Explain
Enrolling myself in this degree, I am already accountable to my decision. The
responsibility that this degree brings makes me work harder because I believe in this life, nothing
is easy. We need to work harder to achieve something we really want. I am eager to do every
assignment, seat work, exam because I know I am answerable to it. I am accountable for any
failures and even my successes for accountability is the difference between failure and success.

3. Discuss the importance of quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost in operations.
The five-operation performance objective is important to any business organization
because it is somehow their basis for its improvement. The organization should maintain or
improve the quality of their products in order for the customers to stay and of course attract some
customers in the process. Speed to minimize the waiting time of customers. Thus, doing that
increase the availability of company’s goods and services. How customers can rely to an
organization for their goods or services and as when promised. Flexible enough to change an
organization to match customer’s requirements. And lastly, to lower cost but has good quality of
products. That is the importance of the five-operation performance objective. It is always for the
betterment of the company and of course the customers. Without the five-operation performance
objective, the organization would be chaotic.

4. Assume that you have a clothing business (ready to wear or RTW). Based on the product life
cycle, suggest your own specific strategies in each of the stages. Tip: Kindly use the Internet to
research further on RTW. You can check on Zara, Mango, Guess, Bench and Golden ABC
(Penshoppe, Oxygen, Memo).
In this time, during pandemic, I will use every resource I have. So, my first strategy or my
introduction stage I will be posting my products online since it is very convenient for me and for
my customers and of course for safety purposes. I’d like to cater first how many customers are
interested in my business and I also like to get more suggestions from them. And when my
business booms, I’d like to build my own shop and of course I’d like to locate it where it’s very
accessible to everyone. When I have my own building for my business I’d still continue to post
Tapdasan, April Mae I. OM – TQM

online about the products. When it matures, I’d like to extend my business to different places in
the world. In dealing with declines, I’d still be positive and find a way to solve the problem as soon
as our team can. And I am very sure that I am always open for any suggestions coming from the
lowest rank up to the highest rank because I believe people do have something to share to
improve the business.

5. How can processes in the operations be designed?

Processes are designed initially by breaking them down into their individual activities.
Mapping symbols are used to represent certain types of activities. Down the sequence of activities
in a process is then indicated by the sequence of symbols representing activities of variability has
also a significant effect on the performance of the process. In order to achieve a good process
design, effective process strategy is required, which deals with a singular line items required to
manufacture the end product. Effective process strategy deals with raw material procurement,
customer participation, technology investment, etc.

6. Explain the stages of design in the context of your imaginary clothing business.
We all know that designs satisfy customers. Good products communicate the purpose of
the products or service to the market and bring financial rewards to the business. it enhances the
competitiveness of your organization. In my clothing business, the ideas come from outside the
organization by listening to customers, employees, and some competitors’ activity. I also do
research for the advantages and disadvantages of my products to control and improve them. And
of course, before I place my products to everyone, I need to be selective as to how concepts
progressing to the next design. Simplicity is always been my virtue. So, as much as possible, I
reduce complex design. Although people have different body size, the different garment that
manufacture will only produce it in a limited of sizes. In the stage of design evaluation and
improvement, I try to eliminate any costs that do not contribute to the value and performance of
the product. My team members would then propose ways to improve the secondary functions by
combining or revising or eliminating them and all ideas would then be checked for feasibility,
acceptability, vulnerability, and the contribution to the value and purpose of your product and
service. And in the last stage, if there are functions that are quite repetitive redundant or not so
important so I need to remove it.

7. How does location factor affect the design of operations supply network?
Location is one of the factors or affects the profitability of an organization. A change in
location may be prompted by customer demand shifting. When an organization has to cope with
changing demand a number of capacity decisions need to be taken. So, this includes choosing
the optimum capacity for your location or site or balance the various capacity levels of your
operations in your network, and with the timing of the changes in the capacity of each part of
Operation. A strategic level the organization are involved in designing the shape and the form of
the supply network. Network design starts with setting a networks strategic objective and this
helps the operation to decide how it wants to influence the overall shape of its network, the
location of its operation. There is no operation that exist in isolation. In every operation, it is part
of the larger and interconnected network of other operations.
Tapdasan, April Mae I. OM – TQM

8. How can layout affect the operations safety and efficiency?

A good layout will depend on the strategic objectives of the business operation but there
are some general objectives which are relevant to operations. The importance include the length
and clarity of customer material or information flow, inherent safety to the staff and to customers,
the comfort of the staff, the accessibility to the staff and customers and the ability to coordinate
management decisions, the use of space and the long-term flexibility. The layout design should
be carefully chosen and order to adhere to some standards and to address any associated risk
such as the health and safety of the employees and to address the objectives of the company
when it comes to cost flexibility quality speed dependability flexibility and cost.

9. How does technology improve organizational efficiency?

As we all know, technology takes a big part on improvements to every organization.
Technology helps keep or secure the important files in the organization. Technology also affects
the ability to connect or communicate with the customers in an easy way. For it is important to
have interactions within your clients or customer to build relationships. When customers use
technology to interact with a business, the business benefits because better communication
creates a stronger public image. And a technology that has a capacity to research new
opportunities for the organization will help it step ahead from their competitors

10. Explain the concept of ergonomics and how it will impact productivity and employee
The idea of ergonomics and the way it'll effect productiveness and worker satisfaction.
Ergonomics involved with improving performance, through disposing of the limitations that exist
in locations that save the personnel from acting to the high-quality of their abilities. This ultimately
helps people work more effectively, efficiently, and productively at their jobs. Some of the
elements that have an effect on worker overall performance in any business enterprise are
worker's capacity to apprehend his/her described roles, knowledge, and abilities important to
carry out the activity, remarks from control concerning the fame of the worker's overall
performance, proper running situation and gadget to carry out the activity effectively. Ergonomics
upgrades to the work environments that are mainly used to create a more secure and greater
wholesome work surroundings, and that an organization may also revel in different advantages
which include accelerated productivity, accelerated work quality, decreased turnover, decreased
absenteeism, and accelerated morale.

11. Differentiate planning from control. Cite examples.

Planning and controlling operations are critical functions within most
organizations. Planning set up goals, missions, and steps for organization to meet market
demands. Control ensures that the organization can adapt and change the plans and processes
smoothly. Planning decides the control process and controlling provides sound basis
for planning. For example, planning for the future budget of an organization. So, they formalized
their plans and make series of reports used for organization’s plan for the future. So, in control,
they evaluate whether an organization’s plans were implemented effectively and often leads to
recommendations for the future. To minimize future problems.
Tapdasan, April Mae I. OM – TQM

12. In reference to the Deming Cycle, how can you apply it in your current status as a
student/working student.
As an Accountancy student, it’s very hard to manage my time especially when we are
bombarded with a lot of things to do plus orals and exams are mostly every day. So, what I always
do is I always have this mini calendar on my study table and I also have this special notebook or
planner for reminders or exams or assignments. As much as possible, I always complete my
planned tasks because I also want to rest, and I always include rest in my plans. I’m a person
who is sometimes lazy to study. But whenever I think of our tuition, I get motivated. I don’t want
to add burden to my family. I just want to pursue my dreams and give them good grades to pay
off their sacrifices. I always walk the talk.

13. How can a company reduce cost and at the same time can still produce products and services
that have good quality and are still reliable?
We are always programed to believe that if a product is expensive, then it must be a good
quality. If it is low cost, it must be low quality. But quality is more than just making a product. In
reducing cost, and at the same time produce good quality of products and services. An
organization should produce more than its competitors and be able to accept a lower profit per
unit thus the maximum quality goods will have a lower cost by driving other goods from the market.
The production of higher quality goods can also reduce quality costs.

14. How does the quality improvement or cost of optimization change as organizations become
more efficient?
We all know that human beings at a successful company are always searching at what
can be advanced upon with a purpose to carry out better. They are locating approaches to work
smarter, now no longer harder, to be extra efficient and profitable. The most successful
corporations are continually innovating and growing new methods to supply excellence to their
customers. The more good quality an organization has, the more profit will be gain. They get the
trust of their customers and attract others as well. And with that, organization becomes more
efficient to their customers or even their suppliers.

15. In the principle of variance or differences of operations management, what certain measures
do you apply when the objective doesn't meet your outcomes?
Failure to meet quality standards can damage a company’s image, reputation or lead to
external criticism. So, in order to prevent this, one should be very extra careful to every decision
that one makes. Just like life, there will be failures. And when I encounter mistakes or failures in
the organization, I will discover and fix the problem/s on time because it reduces costs. Quality
costs include prevention. I will also set up a communication plan for knowledge and new idea
sharing. People will be more willing to participate if they know they are being heard. Finally, I will
understand what controls can be put in place to sustain the gain. Optimization, lean, continuous
improvement programs are not just one-time projects, but a continuous cycle for improving your
quality management system. I believe that even a small change in the efficiency of the
organization could save money.

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