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Objective type Questions with Answer Key


1. ________conditions exist when the thickness dimension (usually the z-direction) is much
smaller than the length and width dimensions of a solid.

a) Plane strain conditions b) Plane stress conditions

c) Plane tension conditions d) Plane pressure conditions
Ans : b
2. A state of ______ will exist in a solid when the thickness dimension is much larger than
other two dimensions.
a) Plane strain conditions b) Plane stress conditions
c) Plane tension conditions d) Plane pressure conditions
Ans : a
3. Dam structure with _____________ assumption
a) Plane strain conditions b) Plane stress conditions
c) Plane tension conditions d) Plane pressure conditions
Ans : a
The strain energy is a form of energy that is stored in the solid due to the ________.

a) rigid deformation b) unbending deformation

c) inflexible deformation d) elastic deformation
Ans : d
5. Displacement is a linear function, strain and stress are constant within an element is called
a) Linear triangle b) Axisymmetric element
c) Constant strain triangle element d) Unsymmetrical element
Ans : c
6. This triangular element, _________ per node chooses linear displacement functions for u
and v and hence gives constant strain terms over the entire element.

a) 4 nodes and 6 DOF b) 3 nodes and 2 DOF

c) 4 nodes and 6 DOF d) 2 nodes and 3 DOF
Ans : b
7. These are the elements having no internal nodes
a) Lagrange elements b) Serendipity elements
b) Symmetric c) Unsymmetrical element
Ans : b
8. These are the elements having internal nodes which can be condensed out at the
element level before assembling.
a) Lagrange elements b) Serendipity elements
b) Symmetric c) Unsymmetrical element
Ans : a
9. The standard method of inverting a matrix (the stiffness matrix) to yield the unknown
nodal values of the field variable.
a) CRAMER’S method b) Gaussian elimination method
c) Direct method d) Penalty Method

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Ans : b
10. Any element with a second order or non-liner interpolation function called as
a) Lower order element b) Polynomial order element
c) Higher order element d) Liner order element
Ans : c
11. A material with same mechanical properties in three mutually perpendicular directions.
a) Orthotropic material c) Non- linearity material
b) Smart material d) Isotropic material
Ans : d
12. Where the geometry of the problem changes significantly so that a linear analysis is no
longer acceptable. This might be due to large displacements or stress stiffening.

a) Material non-linearity b) Geometric non-linearity c) Hybrid non-

linearity d) Thermal non-linearity
Ans : b
13. Where the material behaviour is not governed by a linear stress-strain relationship ( in
stress problems), such as those material considered in plasticity and creep problems.

a) Material non-linearity b) Geometric non-linearity c) Hybrid non-

linearity d) Thermal non-linearity
Ans : a
14. The matrix, which contains the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio details in stress
problems and thermal conductivities in thermal problems.

a) Stiffness Matrix b) Material property matrix c) Strain energy matrix

d) Inverting a matrix
Ans : b
15. A material with symmetric mechanical properties in two perpendicular directions
a) Non- linearity material b) Orthotropic materials
c) Isotropic material d) Smart material
Ans :b
16. The matrix, which relates force to displacement in stress problems and applied heat to
temperature problems.
a) Stiffness Matrix b) Material property matrix
c) Strain energy matrix d) inverting a matrix
Ans : a
17. The strain produced in an element due to a change in temperature.
a) lateral strain b) Shear strain c) Heat flux d) Thermal strain
Ans : d
18. A method of predicting when a material can be considered to have failed.
a) FMEA method b) DFMA method c) Von-Mises failure criterion d)
Hybrid method
Ans : c

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19. What is stiffness?
a) Stiffness ( K )  F ( force)  D( displacement) b) Stiffness ( K )  F ( force) D( displacement)
c) Stiffness ( K )  F ( force)  D( displacement)
d) Stiffness ( K )  D( displacement ) F ( force)
Ans : b
20. Consider four rods of identical geometry but different materials say
Aluminium, Steel,copper and cast iron. Which one is more stiffer?
a) Aluminium b) Steel
c) copper d) cast iron
Ans : b
21. Consider a freely lying pen on table. Lift the pen and hold it in your hand softly. As per
the definition of stress, force has been applied also there is area or volume of the object. What
do you feel, will there be any stress,strain and tension in the pen?
a) Stress b) Strain
c) No stress d) Tension
Ans : c
22. The matrix equation of the heat transfer problem is____(Q- Thermal load, T-Nodal
temperature, KT-Conductance matrix)
a) KT T Q b) KT T Q

c) KT T   Q d) KT Q  T

Ans : c
23. The Fourier law of heat conduction states that the magnitude of the heat flux (heat flow
per unit time) is proportional to the temperature gradient:(where k, the thermal conductivity, is
a material property, A is the area of cross section normal to the x-axis, qx is the heat flux in the
dx dT
a) q x kA b) q x kA
dT dx
dT dx
c) q x kA d) q x kA
dx dT
Ans : b
24. convective heat transfer given by the following equation_(where h is the convection
coefficient, T∞ is the temperature of the surrounding fluid, and T is the surface temperature of
the solid).
a) Qh  h(T T ) b) Qh  h(T / T )
c) Qh  h(T T ) d) Qh  h(T / T )
Ans : c
25. Element conductance matrix.
AE  1 1 kA 1 1 
a)   b)  
L  1 1  L  1

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Prof.Dr.M. Subramanian /ME402 Finite Element Analysis / SNS College of Technology MCQ-2

kA  1 1 kE  1 1
c)   d)  
 

L  1 1  L  1 1 
Ans : c

26. Convective heat transfer across the periphery is given by

hPL 2 1  hPL  2 1
a) kh    b) kh   
6  1 2 6 1 2
hPL 1 2  hPL  1 2
c) kh  d) kh  
6  2 1

6 2
1 
  
Ans : b
27. ______heat transfer is due to molecular movement of fluid such as air or water, when
the fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat, carrying with it.
a) Convection b) Conduction
c) Heat flux d) Radiation
Ans : a
28. ______ is the transfer of energy via electromagnetic waves.
a) Convection b) Conduction
c) Heat flux d) Radiation
Ans : d
29. ANSYS uses
a) frontal solution b) 'Cramer's rule
c) banded matrix solution d) Cholesky decomposition
Ans : c
30. Consistent loads are based on
(a) stress equilibrium (b) displacement continuity
(c) energy equivalence (d) force balance
Ans : c
31. Within elastic limit, results due to a combination of loads is same as linear superposition
of results by each of those loads
(a) always true (b) always false
(c) sometimes true (d) needs repeated analysis
Ans : a
32. As a default option, mesh is refined in ANSYS using
(a) g-method (b) h-method
(c) p-method (d) r-method
Ans : b
33. Loads command in ANSYS includes
(a) loads only (b) loads & stresses
(c) loads or displacements (d) loads & displacements
Ans : d
34. Real constants in ANSYS indicate
(a) material properties (b) section properties
(c) thermal properties (d) nodal loads

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Prof.Dr.M. Subramanian /ME402 Finite Element Analysis / SNS College of Technology MCQ-2

Ans : b
35. "Attributes" in ANSYS refer to
(a) section & material properties (b) section properties
(c) material properties (d) applied loads
Ans : a

36. Basic shapes of area I volume in ANSYS modelling are called

(a) Basics (b) Primitives
( c) Primaries (d) Areas and volumes
Ans : b
37. Most FEM software reduce computer memory requirement by storing
(a) half of symmetric stiffness matrix (b) half of banded matrix
(c) stiffness matrix as a column vector (d) complete stiffness matrix
Ans : b
38. Most FEM software use
(a) displacement method (b) force method
(c) stress method (d) hybrid method
Ans : a
39. Stresses in most FEM software are given
(a) N/mm (b) Pascal
(c) units based on input data (d) user specified units
Ans : c
40. ANSYS accepts section properties set based on______.
(a) element size (b) element type
(c) type of load (d) type of material
Ans : b

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