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COURSE DESCRIPTION: Thermodynamics is concerned with the relationship

between heat and mechanical energy; and the conversion of either of these into the
other giving emphasis on the concept of energy that changes the freedom of molecules.


COURSE TITLE : Thermoynamics

Teacher : Yolanda P. Beguia
Prerequisite : High School Physics
Credit/No. of units : 4 units
Consultation Time : 8:00-9:30 MW
Google Classroom code :
Week No :1
Number of Hours : 4 ( 1 hour synchronous/3 hours asynchronous)


1. Properties of Systems
2. Ideal Walls and Thermal Equilibrium
3. Zeroth Law of thermodynamics

1. Compare, contrast and reconcile the macroscopic and microscopic points of view in describing
properties of systems
2. Explain the terms adiabatic wall, diathermic wall, and thermal equilibrium
3. State the Zeroth Law of thermodynamics and cite its importance
4. Define precisely the concept of temperature
When we hear the word temperature, what comes to our mind is it is a sensation. We know that a body is
hot or cold by touching it, but temperature and heat are not the same phenomenon. Temperature is the
measure of the intensity of degree of hotness in a body which means that it is determined by getting the
average speed of body’s molecules, while heat is the measure of the quantity of heat present in a body.
In this module, you will be introduced to thermal phenomena. Since the temperature will be the key
concept in the study of thermal properties, effects and processes, it is therefore necessary to have a
precise definition of the concept of temperature.
In physics, we try to solve problems by identifying the system. For example, a bottle of water. We can
consider water as a system and everything around it including the bottle as the environment. In
thermodynamics, the system is the macroscopic region under study, with a quantity of matter of fixed
identity. It is defined by boundaries which controls the transfer between system and the surroundings.

When we discuss a system, we generally use the two points of view: the macroscopic and the microscopic
view. But, in a thermodynamic system, the relationships among properties of substances consider a fix
mass and homogenous composition only. A thermodynamic system is in a given state or thermodynamic
equilibrium state. It possesses some of the macroscopic variables of known quantity such as pressure,
volume, and temperature. These are called state variables.
It can be classified as:
Closed system – There is an exchange of energy but not matter. The system of fixed mass across the
boundary of which no mass transfer can take place is called as closed system. However, across the closed
system the energy transfer may take place. An example is fluid being compressed by the piston in cylinder.
Open system – There is an exchange of both matter and energy. The system across the boundary of
which transfer of both mass as well as energy can take place across the boundary is called as open
system. An example is an air compressor.
Isolated system – There is no exchange of matter nor energy. The system in which both the mass as well
as energy content remains constant is called an isolated system. In this system no mass or energy transfer
takes place across the boundary.

Properties of the system: The characteristics by which the physical condition of the system is described are
called as properties of system. Some examples of these characteristics are: temperature, pressure, volume
etc., and are called as properties of system. The system properties are of two types: extensive and
intensive properties.

Extensive properties of system: The properties of the system that depend on the mass or quantity of the
system are called extensive properties. Some examples of extensive properties are: mass, volume,
enthalpy, internal energy, entropy etc.

Intensive properties of the system: These properties do not depend on the quantity of matter of the system.
Some of the examples of intensive properties are: freezing point temperature, boiling point, temperature of
the system, density, specific volume etc.

In describing the properties of the system which are useful in describing its behavior, we can incorporate
the macroscopic and microscopic points of view
The macroscopic description of system involves the specification of a few fundamental measurable
properties of the system such as volume, pressure, temperature, amount of substance etc., without
considering the internal structure of the system. It refers to gross characteristics or largescale properties of
the system and are called macroscopic thermodynamic coordinates (variables or parameters).
In microscopic description of a system assumptions are made about the structure of matter under
investigation. It postulates the existence of molecules, their motion, their energy states, their interactions
etc. Thus a large number of quantities, which refer to small-scale properties of the system, needed to
specify the state of the system. These are called microscopic coordinates (variables or parameters). These
variables cannot be measured in laboratory.
The macroscopic and microscopic points of view though they are entirely different and incompatible, there
is nevertheless, a relation between them and when both points of view are applied to the same system,
they lead to the same conclusion.
The relation between the two points of view lies in the fact that the macroscopic properties are really
averages over a long period of time of a large number of microscopic characteristics.
What is the macroscopic description of pressure and temperature?
In the macroscopic view, we refer to the gross properties of the system. They are characterized by
properties directly associated with human perception and can be measured by ordinary laboratory
operations. A thermodynamic system is one whose state can be described in terms of thermodynamic
variables. The variables defining the state of a thermodynamic system differ from system to system. For
instance, the state of a gas enclosed in a vessel is described by its pressure, volume, temperature and
mass. The state of a metal bar is described by its length, cross-section, tension, temperature, the state of a
liquid film by its area, surface tension etc.
Pressure is a macroscopic variable, since we can feel that pressure increases as we go deeper in a body of
water like a swimming pool because our ears experience an uncomfortable sensation. But, how do we
explain this? Our concept of pressure as explained in our fluid mechanics states that pressure increase
with depth at constant density and acceleration due to gravity, g. And we can recall that pressure is equal
to force per unit area. Thus, a relatively small area experiences large pressure because of a large amount
of force over it.

Temperature can be described from familiar sensation of hotness and coldness of a body. We say
lukewarm, ice-cold, etc. We can qualitatively describe temperature of a body.
In the microscopic approach, the system is viewed as atoms and molecules. Certain quantities such as
speed, energy, masses, angular momentum are described that are not directly associated with our sense
perceptions using the laboratory operations, but in terms of the behavior of atoms and molecules.
These properties are said not to be directly associated with our sense perception and cannot be measured
directly using laboratory operations. A dielectric and a magnetic system need additional variables such as
polarization and magnetization respectively.
From mechanics, when a ball hits the wall, it delivers momentum and P=F/A. This random motion of
molecules is recorded in a manometer, but pressure from a microscopic point of view is the momentum of
the molecules.
For example the macroscopic quantity pressure is the average rate of change of momentum due to all the
molecular collisions made on a unit area of the container of the g
Self assessment 1
A. Since we describe the same situation differently by using macroscopic and microscopic points of
view, how will you show that pressure is related to the average rate at which the molecules deliver
momentum to the walls of the container?

B. You can also perform the following activity to determine the reliability of our sense of touch for
comparing temperature.
Activity 1
Materials needed:
Three small basins
Lukewarm water
Ice-cold water
Tap water at room temperature
Fill the three basins with lukewarm water, ice-cold water, and tap water separately.
Immerse your left hand into the lukewarm water and your right hand into the ice-cold water
for at least 20 -30 seconds.
Remove both hands from the basins and immediately immerse them simultaneously into
the basin with tap water at room temperature.
1. Do your hands feel the same hotness or coldness?
2. If your answer is no, which then feels colder, the left or right hand?
3. Why?
4. What can you conclude about the reliability of our human touch for comparing
5. If the molecular theory is changed or discarded in the future, will the concept of
temperature remain?

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