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Day 20 - Arms View online

38 min · Triceps, Chest

"Be thankful for all the troubles you don't have"

One Arm Side Push Ups Single-Arm Front Water Bottle Raises Wall Push-Ups

0:30 0:30 0:30

rest rest rest

10 sets 12 reps 15 sec rest 5 sets 24 reps 20 sec rest 5 sets 12 reps 20 sec rest
5 sets per arm / 5 series por brazo

Water Bottle Single-Arm Tricep Standing Water Bottle Bicep Curls Wall Angles
Kickbacks/Kick Backs

0:30 0:30
rest rest

5 sets 12 reps 20 sec rest 5 sets 12 reps 20 sec rest 5 sets 35 secs 20 sec rest

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One Arm Side Push Ups

Primary muscle group(s):

Chest, Triceps


Lay on your left side on a yoga/exercise mat or towel with your right arm bent and its
palm flat on the ground in front of your left shoulder.

Wrap your left arm around your rib cage and bend your knees slightly.

Push with your right arm and allow your body to raise off the ground as you push.

Once your right arm is almost fully extended, hold for a second before slowly lowering
yourself back down to the floor.

Repeat for the designated number of reps before performing the same movement with
your left arm.

Single-Arm Front Water Bottle Raises

Primary muscle group(s):


Stand straight holding a water bottle in each hand with an overhand grip.

Hold the water bottles in front of your thighs with your palms of the facing your thighs.
Keep your arms fully extended. This is the start position.

Raise the left water bottle out and upwards, while keeping a slight bend in your elbow.
Your palms must always face down for this exercise.

Continue raising the water bottle until your arm is a little above parallel to the floor.
Exhale as you are raising the water bottle.

Pause for a count of one.

Inhale and slowly lower the water bottle to the start position.

As you lower the left water bottle, begin to lift the right water bottle, duplicating the

When both water bottles have been raised and lowered in a cycle, that is one repetition.


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Wall Push-Ups / Pushups / Standing Press Ups

Primary muscle group(s):

Chest, Triceps


Stand in front of a wall, extend your arms out to measure the correct distance. Brace
your core and place your hands against the wall.

Keeping a tight core, slowly lower your chest towards the wall.

Pause once your upper arms form a 90 degree angle. Contract the chest muscles and
push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat.

Water Bottle Single-Arm Tricep Kickbacks/Kick Backs

Primary muscle group(s):


Upper Back & Lower Traps

Holding a pair of water bottles with an overhand grip, stand tall with your chest up and
core braced. Bend at the hips while keeping your back completely flat.

Once your upper body is parallel with the floor, bring your upper arms to your sides.
Begin by pushing the water bottles back and behind you.

Pause at the top of the movement and feel the contraction in your triceps. Slowly lower
the water bottles and begin again.

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Standing Water Bottle Bicep Curls

Primary muscle group(s):



Holding a water bottle in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Let your arms hang by your side with your palms facing in to the side of your body.

Keep your elbows close to your sides.

Curl the water bottles up towards your shoulders. Do not swing your hips to get the
weight moving.

Continue raising the water bottles until they are level with your shoulders with your
palms facing in. Your forearm should be in a vertical position.

Squeeze or flex your bicep and hold for a count of one.

Slowly lower the water bottles to the starting position.

Wall Angles

Primary muscle group(s):

Quadriceps, Shoulders

Abs, Hamstrings

Stand against a wall with your feet at shoulder-width. Walk your feet out about 2 or 3
steps. There will be a bend in your knees.

Keep your core tight as you raise your hands up and next to your ears. Place your
shoulders and arms against the wall.

Push your arms above you, maintaining contact with the wall. Slowly, lower your arms
and immediately begin again.

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Lucia Lopez · Marbella

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