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Day 13 - Chest & Abs View online

32 min · Abs, Chest

We won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated by purpose

Alternate Heel Touchers Double Side Jackknifes Incline Push-ups

0:30 0:30 0:30

rest rest rest

4 sets 24 reps 35 sec rest 6 sets 12 reps 20 sec rest 3 sets 12 reps 35 sec rest
3 per side / lado :)

Side Plank Rotations Single-Arm Wall Push Ups Standing Cross-body Crunches

0:30 0:30
rest rest

5 sets 30 secs 15 sec rest 6 sets 12 reps 25 sec rest 3 sets 30 secs 15 sec rest

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Alternate Heel Touchers / Lying Oblique Reach

Primary muscle group(s):



Lie on an exercise mat, with your back flat, knees bent and your feet flat on the floor
slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

Fully exend your arms down the side of your body, palms facing in. This is the start

Exhaling, crunch your torso forward and to the right until you can touch your right heel
with your right hand. Hold for a count of one.

return to the starting position smooth motion, inhaling as you do so.

Repeat the movement, this time to your left side.

When you have completed the movement on both sides, you have done one


Double Side Jackknifes

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Obliques

Glutes & Hip Flexors

Bring yourself to the ground and lie on your left side. Be sure to stack your feet.

Place your left hand on your side while raising your right arm above your head so that
the elbow is pointing towards the sky.

Focusing all of the tension and contraction in the obliques, bring your feet up while you
raise your upper body. Lead with the right elbow.

Hold the contraction and slowly return to the starting position. Do not allow your feet or
shoulder to touch the ground.


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Incline Push-ups / Pushups

Primary muscle group(s):


Abs, Shoulders, Triceps

Set up a bench or stable elevated surface. Begin with both hands on the bench at
shoulder-width or just outside of shoulder-width.

Place your feet straight behind you while you tighten your abs and engage the hips.
Your hips should not dip or elevate too high during the movement.

Slowly lower yourself towards the bench. Once your upper arms are parallel with the
floor, pause, and return to the starting position.

Side Plank Rotations / Elbow Twists

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Obliques

Lie on your side on an exercise mat.

Fully extend your legs with one resting on top of the other.

Place the hand from your top arm lightly on the side of your head.

Bend the arm at floor level to 90 degrees. Your upper arm should be bent at the elbow,
while your forearm is at 90 degrees. This is the start position.

Lift your body off the ground and balance on your forearm and the side of your foot,
while keeping your body in a straight line.

Contract your abdominal muscles and relax your shoulders.

Twist your body so that your elbow lowers towards the ground.

Once the elbow is pointing to the ground, reverse the movement util you are back in the
starting position.

This completes one rep.

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Single-Arm Wall Push Ups / Push-Ups

Primary muscle group(s):



Stand in front of a wall, extend your arms out to measure the correct distance. Brace
your core and place one hand against the wall.

Keeping a tight core, slowly lower your chest towards the wall.

Pause once your working arm forms a 90 degree angle. Contract the chest muscle and
push yourself back up to the starting position.

Repeat using the opposite arm.

Standing Cross-body Crunches

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Obliques

Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Standing up straight, bring your hands behind your head so that your elbows are
pointed to the sides.

Twisting your body, bring your left elbow down and across your body. At the same
time, raise your right knee up and across to meet the left elbow.

Return to the starting position.

Repeat on the other side and continue alternating.

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Lucia Lopez · Marbella

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